Fuck this show
This show is just so offensively bad.
This show is just so offensively good.
Shit show, hot robots
Post robutt
This show is just so offensively mediocre.
what the fuck is /m/ some relic of the past?
Fuck, you're right.
More I wanna fuck this robot
Pure dog shit.
I'm enjoying it.
Fuck it indeed /m/.
You have great taste /m/, i would fuck everyone in this the anime too.
>the robots aren't even trains
Total garbage.
Don't worry we hate this show too.
Fuck /m/,
sincerely, anyone with taste.
Yeah /m/, we get that you like purist mechas stories involving realistic military groups, down to earth characters, erc.
Have you somehow NOT realized that the focus of this show isnt the mechas, buf the romance of protags in a absurd situation?
Fuck that robot
>Yeah /m/, we get that you like
Totally wrong. /m/ doesn't like anything. /m/ is a really sad board because according to them the last good mecha was made before /m/ even existed.
Holy shit, robofaggots actually think their opinions matter.
/m/ here. Best looking mecha anime since G-Reco.
Hi /m/. I am /m/.
I love this show.
How does it feel having an entire board that's objectively inferior to tanks?
feels good man
You're right /m/.