If he's a police officer why does he play with little girls all day instead of arresting criminals?
If he's a police officer why does he play with little girls all day instead of arresting criminals?
outside of america some people care about public relations and not just shooting people
He's a closet pedophile
The little girls are the criminals. He's collecting evidence.
Colors are the criminals.
What kind of crime-ridden hellhole do you live in where people are arrested every day?
top kek
amerilards BTFO
>arresting criminals
This is Japan you know, criminals don't exist because that would be extremely dishonourabu.
He's not from a third world shithole where crime is rampant.
Definitely not a Sup Forums tier thread.
Japs reject diversity comes with the bonus of not being a crime ridden shithole
Wrong, Saito is the criminal, collecting information to defeat the Colors
Japan is too safe for any police officer to spend much time on any "serious" work.
Sure they exist. They just only get peeping toms/gropers and serial/spree killers.
I feel myself becoming a weeb more and more every day.
Wrong board friend.
It's not his fault that he got rid of all the crime in the district and has free time because of this.
he must be from The UK
>In Japan
He should arrest himself at this point
the little girls ARE criminals. he's there to watch them.
You can't arrest little girls user.
I don't think he's a real police officer. What sort of cop splits a little girl's bottom in two?
He's a lowly employee working in a police box. Probably bored out of his damn mind.
Talk with lolis and shoot criminals. Fucking dream job.
>Sup Forums doesnt realise that Saito, is obviously boning the mom.
Any unsolved murder gets labeled a "suicide" and they move on. Japanese police forces have a really bad habit of trying to boost their solved crime rates as high as possible by covering up ones that would be too tricky to solve, I don't trust any statistics that come from them.
He doesn't have criminals to arrest because of Japan's excellent immigration policy.
>neo-Sup Forums thinks Saito is boning the mom and not the colors
>japanese police officer
>playing with little girls all day
What do you need to do to be a police officer in Japan?
The most honored kind
Ever see Tokyo Drift? Just be a cop anywhere else and speak little Japanese
>Any unsolved murder gets labeled a "suicide" and they move on
This is more of a "we don't want to get involved with Yakuza" thing than anything else. Read one story where a guys wife was disfigured and disemboweled, and the man had his arms and one leg cut off then "jumped" from the top of an apartment building to his death. The cops listed it as a murder suicide.
That's what happens when you only look at the japanese and Sup Forumslite side of things
Yes they exist, retard
What exactly constitutes as a crime in Japan? Because only been outlawed recently to be in possession of Child Pornography. So clearly crimes in Japan aren't the same as crimes in Burger Land.
Even the Mafia isn't this terrible, why are the Yakuza such degenerates and why are they allowed to exist?
To be dominated by lolis of course.
Japan's police culture for keeping crime statistics low is pretty well documented and can be found with a google search. I haven't read any thing that links significant yakuza involvement
>why are the Yakuza such degenerates
They're not.
>why are they allowed to exist?
Because the vast majority of them run legitimate businesses.
The vast majority of most criminal organizations have hands in legitimate business you cretin
>Even the Mafia isn't this terrible
you mean from the Mafia movies? real life organized crime is terrible everywhere
The Yakuza are heavily in bed with the ruling LDP The two have been interconnected for decades.
His plan seems to be working.
>burnt skin
>broken jaw
>cuts and swelling on face
>Horrific Bruising on the neck
>cause of death Heart Disease
>No need for a coroner, they said. No crime involved
Anyone have the images of the vans that pick up bums off the street and dump them ontop of mt fuji to freeze to death? I remember one showing the guys foot had fallen off. Then there was something saying that he was relieved by seeing that as he knew death would come soon.
Can Yakuza really be criminals when so much of Japan is run by them?
Guess they are Yakuza Inc. now
Japan is nowhere near the paradise people claim it to be. Bad shit happens and Japanese culture pretty much just allows it to happen unopposed.
Drug abuse.
If you deal in human traffic, illegal drugs, murder, etc odds are you are a criminal.
And if those dealers are part of the Yakuza what then?
Obviously those dealers are part of the Yakuza which controls Japan from the darkness. Crime has a firm definition (doing punishable wrong things) there is no contradiction as all governments worldwide also lie and say false truths to their conveniences.
I wonder if there's such thing as an uncorrupt government.
Governments as organisations are most likely to become corrupted at some point in time. However, small 'governments' such as tribe law and whatnot are normally of benefit to all individuals but when the leader gains to much power, they too also become corrupt...until they get outcasted and a new user takes over...rinse repeat
kind of no. it's a politicians job to obtain as much power as possible, by any means available, if not for themselves then for their constituents. it's up to the system to keep the political system as a whole to keep any one interest group in check.
He's right you know
Governance, not government.
Jesus christ, I thought all of the crime manga I've read was exaggerating this shit.
All the crime there is organised stuff allowed by the police anyway
The larger a government or organization become the more chances there are for corruption. Lets say you are the leader of a country. You are given 6000 tasks that you must do every day. You can delegate these tasks to as many or as few people as you see fit or attempt and fail to do them all yourself. The more you delegate these tasks though the less control you have over how they are being done, and where funds are being spent. It can get to a point where you now need to delegate to people who have to monitor your own delegates to make sure they aren't cheating you or your country. Then you also have to be sure that those people you have delegated that task to aren't taking payments or fudging reports.
The larger the system the more opportunities there are for others to take advantage of it.
It's kind of disturbing to think about what they allow, but at the same time it seems like police around the world turn a blind eye to laws. America blows a hole in everyone and Europe lets migrants rape kids.
Cops fucking blow.
>Saito isn't boning the mom AND the colors
Isn't he just park security
any sources on that or you pulling it out of your ass?
Well, we know who killed him.
What part of that do you need a source for? Increasing the size of a system makes the system more complicated.
Its how a government works. The leader of a country isn't going to select every social worker. They select a handful of people who in turn select people to work under them and so on until you get to the bottom rungs of the government.
that the size of government is correlated with corruption.
While Japan is definitively safer than the US or Western Europe, it's not really "too safe". It's just that Jap cops would rather look the other way, or write a "report" they're gonna trash moments after they stop getting pestered. They rather let things "work themselves out" if they can avoid getting involved.
Actually, most of Japan has that mentality. Don't get involved, let things be.
I want to split this Color's bottom in half.
do the Yakuza enjoy watching cute girls doing cute things?
I'm sure they prostitute them in order to pay off their parents debts.
White colar crime
A country can be huge and be less corrupt than a smaller country. However the government has more chances to become corrupt in relation to the number of people holding seats.
Then you have people within each of these branches that are working for the branch heads who work under you. In terms of an overly simplified restaurant it would look like
Genneral Manager>District Managerx5>RegionalManagerx30>Managerx100>Staffx1000
So this chain has the General Manager at the top. He has 5 District Managers who report to him. Those 5 District Managers have 50 Regional mangers who in turn report to them. The regional managers have a 1k in store managers who manage the staff and on site demands. A government is run in a similar way but on a larger scale.
That's not very cute please don't say that.
That's my point
Low level patrolman like Saito don't deal with them.
Theoretically speaking, what would it feel like to place your hand on Sacchan's naked buttocks? What would it feel like if you were to squeeze them tightly?
I'd let the colors collect my evidence of a nasty sexually violent anal assault, if you catch my griffith.
>A government is run in a similar way but on a larger scale.
are you in middle school? this is not how a democratic government works. I don't even know where to start.
>A country can be huge and be less corrupt than a smaller country. However the government has more chances to become corrupt in relation to the number of people holding seats.
it's the opposite. do you even have an idea of what corruption is other than "bad stuff government does"?
The kingdom of Heaven
You can try it with your own butt, it should be pretty smooth unless you're morbidly obese and/or has acne.
It's a cop's job to play with little girls
Sorry for your autism your parents must have had a hard time raising you.
It should be my job to play with little girls
Suddenly I want to be a cop.
Sacchan has a hairy man-ass?
he's actually not a police officer, they just let him pretend to be one because it's easier.
I'm wondering mainly about the softness and the comfyness.
Not in my country, sadly.
Nah the western world and Japan have totally different laws. Niggers and pakis aren't allowed to rape, kill or even assault people in Japan.
>tfw there are right now literally people getting paid to play with cute girls
I should've just listened to my heart and never gone into STEM.
jesus christ, at least learn about politics before you're old enough to vote.
100 people live in your country and 1% are corrupt, the one person gets nothing because he has no one to help him fuck others over.
Now imagine a country of 323.1 million run by a small percentage of the country 1.7–2.6%, while these people regard themselves as higher beings than the rest of the country. This so called higher class all have the same goal of squeezing the rest of the country for money and they can do so because they have millions of people that want the same thing.