So with the Rurouni Kenshin guy getting caught, are there any hints on whos next? 2Chan said if some of them have been on hiatus now in social media that means they are currently being investigated. Anyone know who some of them may be?
So with the Rurouni Kenshin guy getting caught, are there any hints on whos next...
Could it be..?
Akihito Tsukushi.
He's not on hiatus and there's no evidence but I believe it.
>Look up MyAnimeList
>Everyone is calling him a pedophile
Are people really surprised that a manga depicts children in risque situations? I thought that was pretty normal in Japanese media. It's not pornographic or anything, it's the same shit you see in French comics minus the misery.
What happened to the author of Kenshin?
He had Club Penguin on his computer.
Kind of hoping just to see the fallout
It was legal to possess CP in Japan until recently. Lolicon itself is safe.
Everyone was given a year to delete their shit
The Kenshin guy ended up getting arrested because he kept it all
Apparently, 200 more people are being looked into. Its unsure if they are other Mangaka.
2chan claims if some are inactive on social media, they are currently being investigated. This was on Jan 3rd.
People want Oda to get caught next for the lulz
I've noticed 2 lolicon artist who haven't made a post since Jan 9th.
Everyone but Oda.
Even if Oda was that kinda guy, wouldn't he have the power to tell them to fuck off?
hahaha, holy shit
This, could have fooled me
>It was legal to possess CP in Japan until recently.
So there's a market for CP in japan and only recently it's been outlawed? I'm assuming for the Olympics but what the fuck, so children were being exploited and that was fine?
I might be missing something but that sounds incredibly fucked up.
Gosho Aoyama
Just possession. Distribution and creation was very much illegal. However, that started pretty late as well.
I guess those personal alarms for children make more sense now. Jesus Christ that's pretty horrifying.
It's been illegal to make child porn for a long time. But it wasn't outlawed to own it. And of course loli doujins/hentai were a grey line people exploited.
But it's not just child porn that is being cracked down on. Anime and video games are getting higher ratings based on silly things. Like showing a fully mature girls thighs now raises the rating.
At this point One Piece IS Japan's economy, I'm pretty sure Oda has more power than the president. Even if he were to get caught it's not like anything would happen.
The anime and video game stuff is stupid, but the child porn thing is unsettling. I'm kind of shocked I never knew about this until recently, I would have thought the rest of the world wouldn't shut the fuck up about something like this. Maybe I wasn't paying attention?
I know how you feel. I love Hollywood movies, but the more I hear about the darkness going on recently makes it feel like a liberal catholic church.
You are aware that this is JAPAN we're talking about, yes?
I don't think Oda even has time to even watch regular porn
I thought that the CP was about lolicon, I didn't know pornographic material of real children was the norm. Do women in Japan get a medal for getting through life without being raped or something?
Rough Sketch-senpai's mangaka, that and another series of his were both cancelled at the same time.
He's 100% one of them, no other notable examples yet.
Please not Goda
Oda has a wife and children. He isn't mentally deranged. nee?
> I didn't know pornographic material of real children was the norm
I don't think its really considered a "norm". I don't think its was even "acceptable". Granted we might think that, but we're stupid gaijins. I don't think its morally sound even when it was legal.
If I'm correct the law made it illegal to sell child pornography, so it was really just a case where if you had it they just couldn't do anything about it until that became illegal as well.
Pornography in general isn't really acceptable, anything outside of vanilla anyhow. But I can't imagine being a parent in Japan and knowing someone in possession of CP and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
why wouldn't you delete it ?
Might be more of a 'hush hush' sort of thing.
Why is 2ch so good at detective shit?
Yeah, waiting for this shoe to drop.
For a start, they don't post anywhere near as much blatantly false shit as people here.
Japanese efficiency, obsession and actually understanding the source material. The average person on Sup Forums is going off second hand rumors that have been translated. And are more likely to spin the rumor to fit their view rather than just report it straight. Then you have most people on Sup Forums who just make up shit for attention.
Stubborn probably. I'm sure a lot of people think of it as some kind of protest against the law thinking "it was legal before and it's bullshit that it's illegal now so I'm not getting rid of it."
If it's one thing Japan really struggles with it's adapting.
Quiet you.
Gosho is finally starting up the end game in Conan after 20+ years and I don't want him to go to jail.
>If it's one thing Japan really struggles with it's adapting.
In fairness, I think most countries really struggle with that in one way or another.
>If it's one thing Japan really struggles with it's adapting.
The irony of this is palitable. Japan has had to be one of the most adaptive countries in the last 100 years. And went from being a totally isolationist country to basically incorporating as much American and French culture as they could in one generation.
Compare this to a country like America which you can't get the average person to even watch a foreign movie. Let alone incorporate foreign concepts into their culture.
You forgot to mention
>Had hundreds of videos
>Got nervous
>Posted on some lawyer's website, asking if he could get in trouble
>Lawyer said no
>Lawyer turned around and reported him to police
>Japan has had to be one of the most adaptive countries in the last 100 years. And went from being a totally isolationist country to basically incorporating as much American and French culture as they could in one generation.
This is largely true, with a caveat: they went from isolationist to being pretty open to foreign culture and technology, then swung back to nationalism and imperialism, then back again to being fairly open. Both swings towards being open were basically at gunpoint.
>Compare this to a country like America which you can't get the average person to even watch a foreign movie. Let alone incorporate foreign concepts into their culture.
Very true. Some do manage to make their way in to the point where it's no longer really thought of as foreign, but by and large America is extraordinarily resistant to outside ideas or doing things differently to how they've "always" been done.
Being a Rurouni Kenshin fan is suffering
Basically every swing you mentioned could be said it was at gunpoint. The country went overly nationalistic and isolationist because of the control of the military. Not just during the world wars, but also going back 800 years. Many attribute the success of the last swing to America not forcing their ideals on the country. Aside from forcing them to become a democracy and keeping an occupying force there for a while, they tried to stay out of meddling with their culture. And it was the Japanese themselves who started craving western sports, movies, language, etc.
I guess I was thinking about the suicide rate when I brought up adapting, but that's probably irrelevant. When it comes to things like incorporation they're very adaptable and I'm pretty surprised by the things that are popular down there. It just shows how little I actually know about the country and should probably fix that.
>Basically every swing you mentioned could be said it was at gunpoint.
True enough; the swings to openness were at gunpoint from without, the others their military deciding they run the show.
Like most other countries, they're very adaptable about some things, but dig in their heels about others. And in some cases, adapt to a particular thing and refuse to adapt back out of it.
That basically seems to be Asia as a whole. Western companies are constantly getting thrown off because they make a movie or a video game thinking China will just love it. Then it comes out in China and fails. While another movie/game that no one expected explodes over there. This can be seen with Star Wars always struggling there (even when Disney forced a token Asian into the cast). Yet they go bonkers over Transformers with a mostly white cast. Of course, this can be chalked up to Asia not really caring about identity politics.
lol, reminds me of Sup Forums of old. Watsuki still makes me laugh.
The token Asian was an old fat Vietnamese-American woman, no Chinese is going to pay money to see her.
The only thing Asians hate is other Asians. Kind of shows just how ignorant companies like Disney are. "We added an Asian! Why don't Asians like Star Wars!" Japan loves it while China, Thailand and Vietnam don't care. American "lump everyone into a single group" Identity Politics doesn't work guys.
>all asians are the same
That's the major problem with Hollywood to be honest.
Identity politics is largely a debate for another time, but token characters are way more of an American thing than they are any other country. And not just "a token asian to appease the slopes" or "a token black to appease the negroes"; plenty of movies with predominantly/entirely white British or Australian or whatever casts (or at least white protagonist casts) have a token American purely because otherwise Americans won't watch it. For the most part, the rest of the world only cares if the movie's interesting or not, with the ethnicity or nationality of the cast not being that big a deal.
>Yamamoto Souichiro
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it turned out Miura was being investigated.
>Hiatuses becoming more frequent.
>Plays Idolmaster 24/7.
>Adding more and more lolis to Berserk.
It's only a matter of time. Who will pick up the reigns after he's gone?
it's also baffling that they think asians or anybody else will care for a literally who just because they are asian, if they wanted to land the target audience they just have hired a popular chinese actor or actress. Popular in China not "chinese person famous in america nobody cares about in China" like Jackie Chan.
Did Japan love it for Rose though?
Aren't people that rich above the law?
Japan generally loves Star Wars anyway.
None. They raided one website's base of operations and went through the list of their customers and bagged everyone who bought shit after the law got changed. If other people get caught, it'll be completely unrelated to this incident.
Do tell
It's not like Japan's immune to throwing in token Japanese characters to relate to the audience either. Look at Mikasa in Shingeki no Kyojin, or the lead character of practically every /m/ show with a multinational cast.
I have read a lot of japanese game and anime intreviews where they bring this up a lot, having something or someone japanese so people can relate. Some anime or games were predicted to flop based on the fact that the protag or the setting weren't japanese.
I personally don't think japanese audiences are as close minded as editors and producers think, there are a lot of westaboos too.
True, but the point is they don't demand or expect token Japanese characters in foreign films and TV like Americans do.
It does make one think why do all of Oda's friends and acquaintances turn out to be criminal scumbags.
Is Oda really that clueless when it comes to making friends?
Nope. Somebody released the highest money making properties in Japan and One Piece does not make that much money compared to other franchises.
>All of Oda's friends
>Only one person who was dumb enough to ask a lawyer
No, that's the point. Japan just likes Star Wars for the flashy lightsabers and anime level plot. And nostalgia for the first trilogy. Same as America.
>flashy lightsabers and anime level plot
Kind of; Kurosawa films and Space Battleship Yamato are an influence on Star Wars. Not so much that the average American would say it's like an asian movie, but enough that your average Japanese person would notice and get a kick out of it.
So is there any hope of the manga coming back?
I'd say its pretty dead, and even if it did start up they would have to advertise that its a new mangaka. Kenshin with the same artist/author is dead for sure.
Yes but while there's some light influences to Japanese movies, the main characters are pretty Shounen/Naruto level. Especially in the prequels. Which is probably why so many people think Final Fantasy copies Star Wars when its really just copying shounen anime tropes.
>the main characters are pretty Shounen/Naruto level
I wouldn't go *that* far. And the original trilogy does predate shounen as we know it today.
>the prequels
Okay, it does fit there.
>Anyone know who some of them may be?
ideally, Oda.
more realistically (and still hopefully), the new Naruto artist.
we're really good at it too, but there's a lot more bullshit being pushed forward so you have to be critical of every piece of info you're getting.
>At this point its impossible to know if Togashi is being the usual lazy piece of shit or he is getting caught with 32tb of Gon x Killua shota live action shit.
Oh fug
Osamu Tezuka.
Oh wait.
just leave Hideaki Sorachi alone and I'm good
let the man ride off into the sunset
First of all, the majority of Catholics identify as liberal now, same as Jewish people. Second of all, I think he's making a joke that Hollywood has become so bad they're like the Catholic church (sex scandals, cover ups, hierarchy, etc)
Hollywood has been like that for a very long time. Probably just about as long as Hollywood has been a thing.
Sure, the Catholic church has been like that for way longer, but they had a considerable head start.
True, Hollywood has been like that from the start.
It isn't the norm in Japan. People think it is because of stuff like loli manga and etc. It's actually looked down on.
English boards have to deal with information from everyone, including false leads and wild specula from retards. Pure Nippon boards are almost exclusively populated by Nipponkin, so they have a tighter "team".
Watsuki also has a wife and a daughter which is the same age of the girls that appeared on the pornographic videos he owned
It's so sad. He was one of my favorite authors. And, from what I recall, he never sexualized the child characters in Rurouni Kenshin. Honestly, he would have been the last one I'd expect. Well, time to separate the artist from his work once more.
Daisuke Ashihara.
All that shit about being sick was just a cover-up
Hayao "what's wrong with loving a 12 years old" Miyazaki
I mean I figured it wasn't the norm, but the fact that it's legal to own is disturbing. CP is different from loli manga, those are real kids. Somebody has to look at that and really be okay with exploitation of hapless children and not feel any remorse for supporting something like that. That terrifies me.
If they ever found stuff on Miyazaki, they'd just cover it up. Once you reach a certain level of prominence, the countries pride is more important than the person.
There's also the fact that many people in the industry do post there regularly, as opposed to here where on average there's maybe 1 confirmed appearance every couple of years or so.
Most of the time, things aren't illegal until someone thinks to make them illegal, which usually doesn't happen until they notice it's a problem. And Japan is slower than most countries to A) notice, B) acknowledge, C) do something about, and D) do something meaningful and effective about problems.
Japs are just robots in disguise, they don't have feelings
This, just look at Walt Disney. You think anyone will question about the Nazi stuff and Song of the South?
Fuck you
Do you think his wife killed herself?