This is the reason why anime don't get oscar nominations.
This is the reason why anime don't get oscar nominations
It's symbolic you fuck
And nobody give a fuck but ironic weebs and casual normalfags anime watcher.
>A deep and complex metaphor about sexuality and virginity.
Yeah, instead we get black faggotry like moonlight and retarded racism analogies with zootopia
>deep and complex
Some people don't know how to have fun
>any worth at all
Enjoy your jews giving trophies to other jews
>racism analogies with zootopia
>Caring about the Oscar Awards
>Caring about Hollywood in general
Who cares? Fuck off newfag.
At the end of the day anime really is an immoral, vulgar and filthy medium that draws attention through sexuality.
Anime and manga have gotten into world galleries and award ceremonies where giants like Leonardo Da Vinci or Picasso used to be.
No Hollywood film ever did and never will.
Japs don't have minority points as other races, being honorary white people. Also, black + gay has too much privilege compensations points to even compete.
how many times are you going to post this
The West isn't ready to deal with such taboo issues such as ED
>monogamous heterosexual pairs assigned by authority
>clearly shown theme of male dominance over female
>and at the same time necessity of trust and understanding between them
Oscar nominations you say? This show looks like it'll be banned in 1st world.
everyone at Hollywood could die in a fire and I wouldn't even bat an eye
>ever wanting the "good goy" prize
are you dense?
Can you imagine what anime would look like if Japan was culturally enriched and only about 56% Japanese had normal IQ?
I haven't watched it
Nobody cares user.
symbolic of what?
>This is the reason why anime don't get oscar nominations.
So what you're saying is that FranXX and therefore Trigger have truly saved anime?
Oscar nominations are expensive.
of a shitty show
why is this so sexist?
Have you seen the state of the Oscars for the past 5 years? Getting nominated for an academy award should be considered a scandal.
Why would we care about some gay murrifat award?
Agree, anime is for retards
Who are you replying to?
This is a terrible thread.
>Japs don't have minority points as other races
It's pretty funny because by using the nips you can rebuke every single argument progressivists have about race. Probably why they don't like them that much.
Why would anime directors want an oscar? Not even people in Hollywood care about the oscars anymore. Getting an oscar is the academy basically telling you you're not successful enough and need their platform to get noticed. Just look at the Oscars this year. 8 of the 10 movies nominated for best picture are unknown films no one went to see. And they're trying to pick women and minorities as much as they can to deflect from the fact that 99% of the academy is white men.
Also, the two things Hollywood hates the most is foreign films and animation. So of course anime is going to be overlooked the most. The only reason Spirited Away won one year is because Disney and Pixar bribed everyone to get it noticed. And because they didn't have a good move running that year.
>Haven't paid attention to this anime season
>See this thread
>Reverse image search OP pic
>realize what a can of worms I've opened
Well how bout that.
Asians also don't clamor for attention or push the race card. But we all know that it's the so called equal rights groups who keep bringing up the race narrative. The "evil white man" stopped caring about race 30 years ago. But the black caucus and ACLU are the ones who won't shut up about it. The people claiming to be against racism are the ones keeping it alive. Because that's what keeps them relevant. If there was no more talk about racism, Al Sharpton and the like wouldn't get any more attention (aka money).
it's symbolism of me masturbating
When would we need to care about oscar nominations?
It's also funny how most people accused of 'white supremacism' are the ones that agree that east asians have an IQ distribution with higher mean.
Probably something like that Big Mouth shitshow
I still need to watch Neo Yokio for shits and chuckles
Zootopia was good, you brainless mosquito on the end of my ass.
>>No Hollywood film ever did and never will.
Defiinitely not true. But you are right about the gallery thing. Anime and manga has already been taken in by fine art. Hell, someone had an anime made and put into a gallery exclusively within their art installation.
Also, anime would go into the 'foreign ' category , since it's not American and there are only so many slots for that.
Thank fucking god
No worries, we still have VEG
You wouldn't open a bottle of champagne?
The fact that Your Name couldn't even get nominated for one just tells me that anime will never have a place in there for the next few years and why should anyone care?
People still care about Oscars? LOL
>This is the reason why anime don't get oscar nominations.
user. Do you have any idea what kind of crap gets nominated?
>Fifty Shades of Grey
if you are an adult and still havent realized that the oscars is just hollywood sucking its own dick then I feel sorry for you
Nice pic. You used Paint for doing it?
I was planning on watching it too. Perhaps I am just being optimistic. But no matter how shit or schlocky it looks. It still must be a lot better than the crap that qualifies for modern day cartoon network and nickelodeon and stuff, right?
Good, you don't have to fit in everywhere.
>giving a shit about Oscars
What the fuck
>Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures
>instead we get black faggotry like moonlight and retarded racism analogies with zootopia
Have you watched either movie?
Who cares? Oscar winning movies are almost always shitty dramas about how hard it is to be black/gay/Mexican/trans/lesbian/a woman/whatever.
What is this expression supposed to be saying?
THIS is the real reason and you know it.
-Animé ubber alles-
おちんちん だいすけ が
>Hollywood is currently embroiled in a huge set of sexual assault scandals
>their answer to this is to emphasize the scandals by hyping a movie about child rape
It's like Hollywood doesn't have a fucking clue. They think by constantly bringing it up, the public will forget about it or something.
I can't even say how long it's been since i've seen an oscar nominated film, unless Spirited Away counts.
pointless political bullshit
Not enough baby bosses.
The last Oscar I actually agreed with was Gladiator in 2000. I didn't even think Spirited Away should have been nominated at the time it was, because I felt like it having an oscar would taint Miyazaki's legacy. And I was right, since after that every hipster and wanna be movie critic suddenly "discovered" Miyazaki. But the only movie they ever talk about is Spirited Away. Because it's the only one they fucking saw. This is the kind of sheep oscars appeal to. The people who won't watch a movie unless it wins an award or gets 90% on rotten tomatoes.
>muh dik
Anything else besides that lack of reasoning?
Why is this a bad thing? Fuck off normalfag.
why anime don't get oscar nominations
Jews fear the samurai
Anime doesn't get Oscar nominations because it's not a Jew-sanctified medium. Once Western-funded shit becomes the norm in anime, we'll start seeing more Zionistic and Talmudic ideologies creep into anime. Maybe then we'll see anime get Oscar nominations, but at the cost of the medium's integrity.
Is this true?
>why is this so sexist?
Women provide control.
Men provide thrust.
You tell me.
Does that make VEG the reason anime doesn't win Oscars?
The whole thing was evil prey oppresing the good predators that dindu nuffin and are just as civil as prey.
>it's another brainlets use words they don't really understand about a topic they don't understand episode
VEG is the only reason anime has a small chance of winning an oscar, despite all the efforts of studios like trigger to make the whole medium look bad.
Japan cares, they still haven't got the memo about how oscars works
they dont have value anymore, some judges even say that they dont know what some categories mean, they just value a movie in a highly subjective way, and even skip some categories, usually animation. Japan could create the greatest animated movie of all times, and the animation oscar would go to despicable me 6
>giving a shit about the Oscars
First mistake. Don't make it again.
But they aren't wrong?
They'll talk about Howl's Moving Castle too.
>The predators are blacks
Brainlet tier.
The predators were shown as the superior species in every particle way except numbers, and from Judy's pov they were the privileged ones.
Aside from the Annecy Awards, are there any in the West that really matter for animation?
>its another liberal knows he's backing the wrong side but keeps pretending to get angry out of habit episode
But I'm getting all these (you)s
>from Judy's pov they were the privileged ones.
more like big animals were privileged. Remember the elephants and shit.
>The predators were shown as the superior species in every particle way except numbers
That's why we think the movie is stupid.
The Oscars don’t give a shit about animation period. This is from an interview with one of the voters about the 2015 Oscars.
>Voter #5: I only watch the ones that my kid wants to see, so I didn’t see [The] Boxtrolls but I saw Big Hero 6 and I saw [How to Train Your] Dragon [2]. We both connected to Big Hero 6 — I just found it to be more satisfying. The biggest snub for me was Chris Miller and Phil Lord not getting in for [The] Lego [Movie]. When a movie is that successful and culturally hits all the right chords and does that kind of box-office — for that movie not to be in over these two obscure freakin’ Chinese fuckin’ things that nobody ever freakin’ saw [an apparent reference to the Japanese film The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, as well as the Irish film Song of the Sea]? That is my biggest bitch. Most people didn’t even know what they were! How does that happen? That, to me, is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.
>MY VOTE: Big Hero 6
There are more interviews here
Pic related is from The Hollywood Reporter in 2014. It’s not Sup Forums related but it gives you insight of the voters’ thought processes
>The Oscars don’t give a shit about animation period.
Neither does Hollywood as a whole. The irony is their movies are more CGI than real these days. So they're actually making animated movies now. And for a budget 10x what a 2D movie can be made for.
>he cares about the oscars
Who needs it?
>i am an uninformed ball of smegma please feed me more smegma and only smegma
We're truly in a golden age of cinema.
I bet you didn't see either movie.
Not at all its a dumpster fire
This is the reason why anime doesn't get flooded with normalfags.
And its failing because faggots like you still post here.
Your Name was trash tho
Good. Let's keep (((them))) away from anime.
I wonder what is like to live with Kyoanus lickers levels of delusions