He's back after 15 years of absence from the manga. Guess his Hatsu.
Hunter x Hunter
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>fucking jobs to 2 kids
what a retard
He was just careless in letting gon and Killua get away.
He wasn't 100 on it because he didn't really want to kill them. Idiots like him usually have one of the strongest abilities in the series. He can cut nen itself apart without activating it
He's an enhancer, so it will be something retarded, like gon's scissors
what's retarded about scissors? it could probably cut hisoka's cum someday
He swings his sword like really fast
Probably nothing special, Togashi doesn’t seem to care about him
would the spiders know about kurapika being on board and go for him after hisoka?
he is a zodiac member.
i wouldn't mind seeing hisoka+kurapika teaming up.
Gon did nothing wrong, he killed an ant that deserved to be killed
How is it jobbing if there wasn't even a fight at all?
Not to mention that trick with the misleading broken wall was actually clever.
If there was ever a motherfucker whose nen would activate after death and fuck shit up is would be his.
Probably something like this: i.imgur.com
>thinking we will ever see his hatsu
Gon's never getting his nen back, his story arc is done and he's only ever gonna show up as a side character.
Meteor City arc.
They'll probably get one last highlight reel each, probably pulling a heist of the royal treasure.
The spiders won't be getting off that boat... outlook is looking poor for Pika and Hisoka too. They have no place in the Dark Continent.
Something that makes his sword cut through chains. Only works on Kurapika or else he dies, something like that.
They never actually fought retard
back to /dbs/
Why would Gon be there again?
You might be on to something, user. I like that theory.
Can extend his sword with Nen, cuts through walls and can kill people from really far away.
Treasure hunting
Togashi already set up another arc for him with Gyro. I look forward to post self-reflection Gon.
Hell if I know, but Gon and Gyro will eventually meet and Gyro's presumed destination is Meteor City.
The Troupe getting wiped out on the boat would also play into this potential arc.
>Phinks, Feitan, Franklin, and Jobbernaga, all in one team
If Hisoka manages to pull a fast one this group and kills them all then I will lose all respect for the spiders
The boat is making a major stop to refuel before going to the DC so they don't have to necessarily go there.
Only Kurapikafags push this meme
Gon has plenty to do. Like finding Gyro or finding Don Freescc; he is the hunter of hunters afterall.
you had one fucking job
it's jobunaga dipshit
hmph.. but Hisoka is serious now
possibility of a new member on the boat at all?
yeah real big victory for chrollo
There is going to be a total battle royal, major plotting, spiders, royal body guards, princes and hunters will die. Shit gonna get realer than reality.
Gin and Pariston will pull some epic tier shit.
Then they will arrive to the island and is going to be TPK. Total party kill.
Gin will get cumberstomped just to show how hopeless the situation is.
All the stories will die in the island.
Hisoka and Chrollo side story? Die on the island.
Gin and Pariston mind games for the hearth of the hunter organization? Die on the island.
Kurapica and his quest for revenge? Die on the island.
The whole princes battle royal? Die on the island.
Also the black whale get sunked killing the rest of the crew.
Then the story go back to Gon and low level adventures similar to old dragon ball when goku was a child without super powers.
>being this autistic
stop manufacturing things to be outraged about and stick to the fucking topic.
suck my balls you fucking nerd
In-series it's been 2 years since they lost Uvo and Paku, so it's possible. It only took them a few months to get Kalluto as Hisoka's replacement.
I can't wait for Spider, Pika, Hisoka showdown.
How can they have any hope vs the zombie clown and a main character?
lol is this bait
But with the exception of that retard nobunaga Hisoka shouldn't be able to completely steam roll a team this solid.
>le ebig win!!1 upboated!
last time I read this (years ago), netero (the hunter boss) was fighting the ants. Is it worth catching up?
They split up all the time, he insn't going to face-roll into their chambers.
Probably read the Election arc then end where the anime ends.
It's all great but you're setting yourself up to get blue balled, we're in build up mode at the moment.
If he shows up looking sad as shit this chapter i'm going to laugh my ass off.
Hisoka is his Hatsu
>look at me fit in boys, reddit suxx amiright :^)
Kill yourself.
whom are you quoting?
fucking troll go back to
>his arc is done
son he still has one more fight lined up with the clown, ya know, the original conflict of the series
I literally dont know who this fucker is.
He probably doesn't even have a hatsu.
Someone has to deal with Gyro after the entire rest of the cast suicides into the DC.
oh god can we not get endless hisocuck vs chrollocuck threads this time around
i hope it's just being able to use his sword really well desu, a convoluted power wouldn't suit him
Is Hunter X Hunter the Chad of anime/manga?
Hisoka will kill him soon.
People keep saying this, but he’s going to get his Raizen.
Nah. Just doing its own thing. No need for chad and virgin comparison. Just enjoy the ride user
>15 years
For real?
>get his Raizen.
>O my demon bloodline part 2
And then Gon becomes 50 tillion times stronger than Meruem was out of nowhere. Truly the YYH ending we all hope never happens to HxH.
Yeah. Hiatuses will do that
t. virgin
I'd gladly watch Hisokafags and Chrollofags flirt with eachother for the next 10 weeks if it means I don't have to relive threads as cancerous as the ones last year.
I own the cel right after this second.
why is he searching for gyro? isnt this guys just a crazy dictator?
>15 years
Meh, there have been plenty of series that run for a decade with consistent updates. You take out Hiatuses and HxH isn't really that long.
post it
How much was it if I may ask?
Togashi implies or flat out says Gyro meets up with gon in the future in the manga. How they meet is said as “a story for another time”
He's an enhancer and a samurai, so he should have a relatively simple hatsu. Something about cutting with his sword, with the strength and/or speed of its attacks increasing if a condition is met.
good to see more phantom troupe
Man what about Franklin? He hasn't been relevant in since 9/11
Who is your favorite Troupe member? Feitanfag here.
reposting the spoilers:
>Kurapika asks the participants whether they want to resume the lesson or not.
>Kurapika and Bill are questioning Shimanu. After being asked if she killed Barigen or not, Shimanu denies it.
>Shimanu argues that it could be Wobble’s nen beast that killed Barigen, but Kurapika explains the difference between Nen beasts and the snake. Nen beasts can be seen by Nen users but not by normal people. This time everyone was able to see the snake, and it’s likely the snake was created through a conjurer’s ability.
>Using Nen means that you take the risk of being seen by normal people but it also increases the power of the attack.
>The parasitic type cannot be seen by normal people, but the one using that power takes a different type of risk. At that moment, Kurapika comes up with a thought. If one person drops out of the succession war, then the contract will be broken and it’s likely that everyone’s Nen beats will vanish.
>They resume the Nen lesson and no one dropped out.
>5th floor:
>Some random guys are forcing people to pay a toll fee. The phantom troupe appear. Phinks, Nobunaga, Feitan, and Franklin are there. They beat up the random guys and order them to find a person who is taller than 190cm.
>Lower Level:
>Machi meets up with Chrollo. She tells him that she will be the one to kill Hisoka, but Chrollo says the one who finds him first is allowed to kill him. Apparently, Hisoka is on the ship too.
>Somewhere on the first floor:
>There are 14 Capsules in a big room. Momoze’s corpse is inside one of the Capsules. The Capsules are connected with a cable to a machine that is in the center of the room.
I liked Shalnark a lot. Kortopi and Machi tied for second
one of the main things togashi focused on for gon/gyro was that they did not meet during the chimera ant story.
why would that detail matter? for now, we don't know.
but there's one major change for gon since then and it's him not being able to use nen.
i don't think he's going to have nen for the gyro story.
Chrollo with Nobunaga and Feitan closely behind.
real spoiler
Was this line in the anime?
yeah fuck off, haven't had the time to read through it
That’s a big head
>Thinks his En or whatever is really good
>Turns out Zeno's is literally 200x the size of his
Machi, Phinks and Kalluto
>Shalnark and Kortopi
You poor bastard.
No they skipped the whole "Gyro is alive" part
Represent. Pakunoda is the actual best Troupe member, though.
No. Just gave his backstory and implied he became a Ant. Only actual reference to him being away from NGL and to another place is when Welfin and his crew set out after dropping off Reina and machine gun bug
yr fuckin tellin me
Pitou is an angel
user... Don’t.
She’s probably getting raped by her own nen in hell
>hisoka killing kortopi while he was taking a shit
absolute monster
wouldn't that be masturbation
Chrollo for the looks, Feitan for the edge,Phinks for the comedic value of alternating between a slavsuit and a pharaoh outfit.
>didn't even get the chance to wipe
Kortopi deserved better
What's it like to be a Hisocuck?