Today is Koshigaya Natsumi's birthday.
Happy Birthday Nattsun!
Today is Koshigaya Natsumi's birthday.
Happy Birthday Nattsun!
Nattsun a cute.
tell her i want to rape her sister
Nattsun, Happy Birthday!
Omedetou! Omedetou!
Cutest aho.
Happy birthday, my child bride
The little one is better...
>Has basketball been played?
Reminder that she's going to marry her onii-chan.
happy birthday you dumbass
sure for her and her sisters are adopted and NBR
Thank-you for providing that husky poster with a nice reaction image!
Onii-chan, please go back to making art.
dumb brocon
Nattsun, otanjoubi!
oyakodon for her birthday
Happy Birthday to Nattsun, the underrated beauty of the biyoriverse.
Renge thread ?
My wife Nattsun is so cute.
Renge thread
Here's your present.
Nattsun is the fluffiest and cutest Biyori.
I don't wish brocons happy birthdays.
I was actually looking for some fap material for today.
And I was wondering which character to pick.
Thanks, OP.
Onii-chan graduating and leaving Nattsun behind in the boonies when?
>the whiny midget and autistic meme loli are more popular than Hotaru and Nattsun
It isn't fair.
Ren-chon is one of the most overrated characters ever. All of the other Biyoris are cuter, more entertaining, or both.
after he puts a bun in that oven
I don't remember much of her other than being that annoying noisy shit.
So you haven't seen the show then, good to know.
>that annoying noisy shit
You mean Komari?
She starts off the most annoying, but becomes the most lovable. If your favorite NNB isn't Nattsun, you have shit taste.
also every time she speaks i picture a 55 year old japanese woman because thats what she sounds like
Onii-chan has a few strands of that long hair that he keeps in a locket along with a picture.
>implying his guitar isn't strung with Nattsun's hair
Those things aren't mutually exclusive you know. That said, human hair isn't strong enough to make quitar strings, unless you mean the strings have some hair strands in them.
The choker makes Nattsun so lewd.
There are no bad Non-Non girls!
Shinkansen is a baaaaaaad girl.
She's not the best, but there is no bad Non-Non girl!
>shit ton of empty space
>your head
Why do nips dislike her VA? I see a ton of negative Japanese comments scrolling across the screen every time they hear her voice. Not this anime in particular but the other roles she's done.
Kill yourself.
whug u meen?
I want to fuck Nattsun sexually.
Happy Birthday Best Girl Nattsun!
Nacchan stoppu! Let me do that for you, masturbation is lonely.
Omedettou genki akai kami shojou
Dagashi-ya already kashied my dagashies
this outfit is just the fucking best
I started working on this webm when I saw the thread. Didn't even notice this.
Season 3 needs Candy store fasion specials. She knows how to make her look classy and sexy, that choker is moisture inducing.
more renge
>exposed shoulders
Who is she trying to seduce?
this is my favorite biyori
Cityfolk who would stick it in her pooper.
name a better episode
Otanjoubi omedetou!!
They're all the best grills
My actual nigga. Repeat episode 8 comes close.
I passed out here have some renge
I want to KISS Nattsun!
Going to work
So nyan pasu
I'll see you
>Candy Store likes chokers
She'd love me then