Has there EVER been a hype train that has crashed and burned this hard, this quickly?
Has there EVER been a hype train that has crashed and burned this hard, this quickly?
No. I gave Violet some of my energy.
There was a hype train?
Yes. Plenty.
black clover
Fucking Shaft.
Does posting "X will save anime" threads every day count as a hype train?
There was definitely a shitposting train
Yeah, most remakes and VN adaptions.
Black Clover was artificial hype created by crunchyroll as marketing.
Violet Evergarden has legitimate hype from the community and people who saw the first episode and was being praised as the best looking thing to ever exist, KyoAni's magnum opus.
>Crashed and burned
The latest episode was good. Get your eyes checked.
They should shitpost smarter next time, I never thought there was hype in the first place.
VEG only has netflix marketing shills, there's literally no support for it outside manufactured "hype"
I don't get any of the hate or love for this series at all. I'm still hyped and enjoying it, mostly because I avoided all the retarded KYOANI SAVES ANIME HOLY SHIT spamming for the last few years. I'm basically going in with zero expectations, and I'm delightfully surprised. Kyoani is probably my favorite studio, but not even because of much visuals either. And despite all this, this isn't my favorite show from this season, or the one I consider to be the most visually stunning either. Those would be Citrus and Ameagari respectively. But this is still a nice watch, and I feel bad for everyone missing out because of memes.
What a colorful imagination you have.
Man I don't even consider it among the top three this season but shitposters are annoying. For me it's honestly exactly what I've expected. Nothing special but an enjoyable drama that looks good.
It is certainly better than the buttseXX shit
shitpost harder autist
keep louder
The one your parents rode on until you were born.
Come on now, there's no need to get violent, Kyoani friend!
The UBW adaptation
Evangelion 3.33
Damn son
Why must you shitposters insist on putting in side mentality on everything? You should watch and read from everyone, not fall to dumb tribalism like most normalfags. As an user, I am everyone and no one. I can mold any fanbase into what I want so why try to generalize any group in this image board? Jesus fuck I can't remember the last time I discussed anything KyoAni related without it bursting into threats.
Holy shit, user
it's true
>I'm smart unlike everyone else on this Mongolian shitposting board! E-everyone else is just a stupid tribalist! It's bad to generalize groups!
And then there's this faggot.
I need to try harder next time.
Honestly besides kill la kill i can't think of a more overhyped show that crashed and burned so early on.
Not saying KLK crashed and burned early, it was more like it got worse and worse as time went on same with this show but it's so much worse so much faster.
It's been getting hype for nearly 3 years, ever since the book won KyoAni's first Grand Prize for writing so it could be adapted into a show.
user please it's illegal to own niggas like this.
chill, dog. chill holy fuck.
>this is the state kyoani fans are reduced to
Wasn't Kyoukai no Kanata supposed to be the Monogatari killer?
Damn Sup Forums
Back to the Darlingthreads you fucking lunatic give VEG a chance
Back to Sup Forums you fucking plague
Only one of those is me you fool
3rd party here, that was a lame comeback you did there.
>Has there EVER been a hype train that has crashed and burned this hard, this quickly?
Even with Nasu's terrible writing and Takeuchi's sameface art style and the fact that there's a gorillian Sabers, I'd hardly call the Fate hype train "crashed and burned".
user that joke was old two months ago