Buyfag thread
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Read before posting: buyfag.moe
burn, burn, burn!!!
When is March?
Yeah, before the old one archived.
is that a regular fang?
Can't be. Does Astolfo even have teeth?
yep, they ruined it
Yeah but no one like Pochaco
I get that this is based off an illustration, but this figure would have looked 100x better without the shield.
But Kouhai isn't Kouhai without her shield. A spare hand part would be nice though.
I managed to order this one from TOM. He'll get here next week.
Fuck off, faggot.
>sculpt girl
>call it a boy
>my dick
It's what she's known for
This looks cheap for some reason.
tight little ass
Do you need to paint FAGs?
Hair looks bad
Most of them are fine without paint so long as you don't botch nub removal. Stylet and Gourai require some to really look good, but aside from those you're golden with a bit of panel lining and a nice topcoat or light sanding.
yeah I prefer the color pink that Amakuni used for theirs
I like how he's spamming images in attempt to make his thread look relevent.
No, but they look noticeably better if you do.
>pic related went above and beyond.
That shading makes her panties look dirty.
After February.
It's a couple people. I wouldn't be surprised if it was coordinated from discord or some shit.
I'm tempted to get this FAG. Can you talk me out of it?
How do you mainly decide on what to buy?
Only stuff that will match your current style/collection?
Only stuff from characters and shows you like?
Anything that vaguely looks good?
Anything that makes your dick hard?
Looks like there's a Pokemon on her chest.
who the fuck cares?, is posting your only daily activity?.
Do you have to know how to paint?
You need to know how to paint in order to paint.
It's not going to look good without paint and a bit of experience. Also, her mobility and posability are limited and her hands are bad. Stylet's cute and a good girl but not a good starter.
baselard is better
Too many answers to too many questions. Just lurk faggot.
Get a cheap Gundam too to practice on first. Or just get the Cu-Poche.
There's an angry black chicken on her head.
Any amateur can do a passing job.
has a playmo/gunpla thread with a good guide
Someone upload this info to the guide.
Too many questions.
She looks good, but I already pre-ordered (and prefer) Phat's version, and I'm not dealing with Amakuni's exclusive bullshit unless it's for Haru or Tae.
Haru will be at Wonfes right? Right?
>Someone upload this info to the guide.
You do it.
I'm not worried about doing some painting. I already have all the supplies I'd need. And I've already built a gundam before.
Stylet is best girl.
anyone getting this dragon?
looks bad
You don't think hobby japan will put her up on an international site?
>12,420yen after discounts
Koto became suddenly expensive, this shouldn't cost that much-
got a package from USPS shipped to Canada. Current status on Canada Post is "Item has arrived in Canada and was sent for further processing." since yesterday. I guess the waiting game begins.
My AmiAmi homepage doesnt fucking load for like the past week now
The fuck
where can I get this pretty little lady?
What is a can badge for?
They never do, so no. Big in Japan or Nippon Yassan are your best bet. If you find her on an american site, expect to pay much more.
ita bags
Ah well, her pose isn't that good anyway.
It honestly looks bad. The colors are weird.
Looks better than the Phat one. Was it phat? I don't remember anymore.
Release date according to amazon
Got these 2 today.
Kashima nendo was a used - like new from amazon warehouse deals. As I suspected it was unopened with heavy box damage(the clear plastic screen was broken)
this is ram
Fueled by mememoney. By which I mean they'd figured the trapfags, which are both men and women, will dish out for it and post bulge pics. I don't like how long the fang is, eyes don't look expressive enough, and tummy too girly, so I will not be baited.
>Shippuden hair
Almost, but I'm keeping my money.
annie are you okay
You cant stop the FAT girls
yep it's not worth that much considering is made by Koto, maybe if she were made by max factory or goodsmile.
>black figure is named criminal
Damn it, we need to introduce some diversity into Japan.
>smooth criminal.jpg
>still a fucking bikini
Literally all but one of her figures is her in some underwear.
The second one.
she is a slut after all
>tfw the best megumin figure we have is a fucking prize figure
She looks washed out and sickly.
Boobs look delicious but her face looks bad. Then again, the POP line has gone to shit.
To be honest, her boobs look a lot better covered than cast off. That was the only thing that kept me from buying her. I’m far from gay, but I’m also autistic about how I like breasts.
>$200 with lighting
>Needs to be up-front because proxy
Face sculpt looks better than the regular one, and I ordered that despite misgivings, so...
>Haru will be at Wonfes right? Right?
I fucking hope so, my most wanted fig is a cute Haru nendo to keep on my desk, we were lucky enough to get a Kazuma nendo announced so hopefully that luck lasts until Wonfes
Thought I'd content myself with her scales, but that is too too cute.
Well, there's the bellfine figure, but lol no.
She's a slut.
I’m on the fence with her face and the outfit, but fuck it, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Preordered.
Oh God why. That is prize figure tier hair on a premium figure.
No, her nendo is better.
excellent choice
Looks slightly above the level of a prize figure with that lightning and from that angle. The paint looks flat and the base looks really cheap.
People will still eat this shit up though.
What am i looking at here? Was he wearing leggings instead of pantyhose the entire time?
Does Hobby Stock ship international I want this mousepad but it seems impossible to make an account
>no Kasumi figure in her Ninja Gaiden 3 outfit
Kill me.
These figures lying down were specifically made for hotgluing, no? Can't think of any other reason.
I like her Nendo but her hat can go fuck itself
What exactly is this suppose to be? Looks like a nendo dipped in ink.
For once the typical figma face doesn't match the character. I would wait for a decent scale if I were you. I know it's unlikely but Marie is getting that scale from Maxfactory.
Heh. The only thing I can figure out with a google search is sites that sell anime can badges, no explanation for what they do and the amiami link sure doesn't say.
Are they like ... coasters? Do they go on the top of cans after you open them? Are they just called can badges with no use by cans and they're just collectibles you place on your desk and look at (probably what most people would do with them anyway). My curiosity as to their use is peaked.