>wants to pilot
>shinji, you will die if you get in the robot
>pilots anyways
>begs for more
And people call Hiro a betafag because he can't get it up sometimes.
>wants to pilot
>shinji, you will die if you get in the robot
>pilots anyways
>begs for more
And people call Hiro a betafag because he can't get it up sometimes.
Other urls found in this thread:
We've gotten birds and flowers so far, when do the bees show up?
>Asuka masturbates while thinking about shinji
Bravo Anno
this show is so fucking weird
>you will die if you get in the robot
I'm calling it: 02 dies after the third time she and Hiro pilot together.
ur weird
Not even half-dino babe can handle Hiro's dick
>let's midget bully and name call him and doesn't do anything till the end
Dino girl is gonna get ntr because he's a beta.
>chad Shinji doesn't give a fuck to Rei's life after 2 seconds
I'm sorry is this your first anime
The whole sexual innuendo premise is WAY too fucking stupid for me to take seriously. And I can take almost anything seriously.
And that's a beautiful thing, this show reminds me of why i like animation, glad it's popping off.
>And I can take almost anything seriously.
Once you accept the idea of piloted giant humanoid fighting machines, you've left serious behind for the duration, user.
That reminds me of /r/equesting anyone to do a virgin Shinji vs Chad zero two or/and hiro.
MC is a busy man. No time for useless characters
You're not supposed to take it seriously.
Reminder that oni only talks to hiro in a cute, sweet, loving and calm voice but talks to everybody else sternly and with no emotions
When the whole thing is serious except for one single thing that is completely fucking stupid the result is an unenjoyable garbage.
>mfw halfway to new episode
>mfw preview soon
>one single thing
>robots with kawaii uguu faces
>jargons like 'franxx' and 'klaxosaur'
It's like you've never watch something by gainax or trigger before.
Which part of the show is serious? The naked half dino demon girl? The mecha that look like cute girls? The dinosaurs?
Ey b0ss, gib pusi pl0x
Mitsuru seems a pretty serious guy.
It's basically like 00s mecha + extra sex appeal.
>mfw Sup Forums is ruining my board
Literally all the things you mentioned are fucking cool, though
>robots with kawaii uguu faces
That's the only thing that's going to take getting used to for me.
Tell me, king of autists, how many searches do you have in stock?
Goro was relatively calm when Ichigo kissed Hiro. Maybe he is not sexually attracted to her? I got a feeling that he acts more like a big brother around her.
user's been posting the same thing up and down Sup Forums for the past few hours.
dunno I use to give each one a special filename but I gave up now. too many crossboarders.
He doesn't know what happened in the cockpit. He'll sperg out if they ever tell him about it
Wasn't the robot offline during that? He wouldn't have known.
What episode should we expect the robots to start piloting bigger and cuter robots?
I don't think people could see what was happening inside the cockpit. My understanding is that his expression is more akin to 'damn, what is happening in there, are they okay'
No one is sexually attracted to Ichigo.
Go suck a lemon, fag.
And MC still a faggot. Wow i wonder where did i see that before- oh wait, every single time
He's gay.
I think she's cute but smart men know that Dino's need the D
Redpill me on this anime
Not until we get male form FranXY, so we'll have both stamen and pistil available for the bigger and cuter cockpits.
go watch diebuster, since this show is his version of that in trigger
The Dino's are humans
Heterosexual relationships are the only ones that matter. Women's role is submissive, possibly will be subverted.
Fuck off Sup Forumsfag
fuck off Sup Forums
fuck off Sup Forums
>girls go face down ass up to sync
>dudes pilot by controlling her hips
Why are the Japanese so horny?
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they were descendants of genetically altered humans who had been sent down to do the magma mining.
How is mc a faggot when he actually gets into the robot?
Can't they just scissor or something? Or Butt to butt?
Abe doesn't like that
Honestly, I think it's gonna end up being that they are a futuristic defense mechanism protecting something underground. Probably King Kong with all this APE shit going on
>And people call Hiro a betafag because he can't get it up sometimes.
When you've already had the best girl, why would you go a tier below?
That sounds like a plausible name. Like FranXY -> Frenzy/Sexy FranXX.
They seem like mechanical beings, the tail when transformed into cannon mode has those blue rings that really can't be biological
>protecting something underground
It's a race. Will humans drain off all the rich nourishing high energy magma before the Earth hatches, or will the Klaxxosaurs prevail and see their enormous offspring fly free through the debris of our former world?
>bait threads die
>these are the new threads
You can do better than this Sup Forums.
>Use the finger she sucked to touch Hiro's lip
After 11 years of work, I finally finished the ultimate meme. His name is Cool Keksuits Guy. It's ridiculously amazing and has all kinds of epic jokes. Only I can post this meme because I am the best memer in the world. I am the best. No one is better than me, because, as previously stated, I am the best in the world at meming.
It felt like he was getting cucked. I don't know what is the relationship between the two, but that shot makes no sense if he don't have any feelings for her.
There's also honey on it.
Sounds cool, but how would the pairing be? The male would need to have the 'main' plugsuit, with the screen and everything, considering he would need to become de FranXY like the girls do with the FranXX.
> manga is done by Yabuki
> 02 is voiced by Lala's VA
> Ichigo isn't voiced by Haruna's VA
Missed opportunity right there.
More specifically, in what position would they pilot
I think its a mix of mechanical and biological, since after being blown to bits it rained blue "blood". It didnt even move mechanically besides when firing the cannon. Looked very uncoordinated.
>Lala was voiced by Tomato
Huh. Today I learned.
Nobody wants to voice worst girl twice
Kys reddit
But it's good weird.
More like erectifying.
That's one of the things I come to anime/Japanese culture for
Hiro is a clone of 002’s first love/Darling.
There have been multiple clones or incarnations of the original Hiro spread out across various plantations.
The scene of 002 smiling under the cherry blossoms is not a flash-forward but a flashback to her with the original Hiro.
When first seeing Hiro from the flyer she says “found one” to herself, which isn’t necessarily an accurate translation, but more importantly communicates the idea that she found something that she was specifically looking for. She also wouldn’t say that for any random plantation or stamen she happens to see, only when looking at Hiro, who she hasn’t even met yet.
Hiro was given special permission to stay because command knew 002’s arrival was imminent.
002 is shown to have a very strong romantic/possessive sensibility from her very first interaction with Hiro, with a particularly heavy emotional weight being given to the concept of her “Darling.” No matter how impulsive or lonely we might interpret her to be, asking Hiro to be hers after only a brief encounter seems to run contrary to the theme of life-lasting monogamy and fidelity.
002 is often shown to be catlike/animalistic, and the first thing she does upon meeting Hiro is offer him a gift as an animal might (the fish). In fact, her entire meeting with Hiro was probably an elaborate act to seduce and regain a new incarnation of her Darling.
All of 002’s “whims” mentioned by the APE high council have all been different Darlings (different Hiro clones that were affected by aging, since this Hiro is a “rare sample”). Nana likewise is not surprised by 002’s behavior with Hiro in the dining room, and seems familiar with 002’s use of “Darling” more to describe a concept rather than Hiro as a definite individual.
69 with the joystick in mouth being the method of getting into the male pilot's mind
True. It has potential to be a plot device but it could also be just rule of cool and never mentioned.
002’s demeanor clearly shows that she has romantic/sexual experience before Hiro. The only way to go about this without driving waifu/purityfags off the fucking edge would be to have 002’s romantic experience come only from her “Darling” (the other original Hiro and the other Hiro clones which all died, probably from piloting with her). This would give her reputation as a man-eater further significance in the story. This also adds a very interesting angle to the theme of coupling and fidelity which is being played up.
The childhood friend/amnesia asspull is a red herring to explain why they seem to have some sort of preexisting relationship. It’s actually a story of 002 pursuing Hiro even as he continually dies and is reincarnated, and Hiro choosing to be with 002 even if it means his death (the injured bird at the beginning).
Anemone, whoops, I meant Zero Two, best girl
Weird is fun. That's why I'm here. Abnormals are interesting people, even if I don't really want to meet them.
Thought when she said "found one" that she was talking about a body of water (the lake) and not Hiro. She asks moments before if there was an ocean nearby, didn't she?
Holy shit. Are there more like this?
The FranXX takes the pistil position and the FranXY the stamen one. The male in the XY is doggy styling the female in the XY, while the XY itself is raw dogging the XX, within which the male is getting in touch with his feminine side while relaying commands to the female who is controlling the FranXXXY body.
Interesting, but I don't find it very likely. Command doesn't seem that interested in Hiro until he's shown not to be effected by 02's aging thing. It's easier to explain the 'found one' as a simple play with the scenes, and the amnesia as sensory overload.
Dunno about Hiro but cloning is definitely taking place considering APE calls its council the Lamarck Club and the rival Parasite team has three identical people on it.
>Trigger makes callbacks to older works
It's not like they do this in almost every show they work on or anything. It's nice.
Every fucking Franxx thread you do this. Cut it out you cancerous fuckwit.
An anime with tons of sexual innuendo? I wonder why they make these
How does he feel about Franxx making people in the rest of the world want to breed?
>It's not like they do this in almost every show they work on or anything.
are you serious?
Came into franxx with no idea what it was, literally thought it was bones for the first minute or so.
I don't think Hiro is a clone of her previous darling or that she even had darling like Hiro to begin with, but even if she did that's besides the point because the story is clearly about where she is now, for a reason.
I would like to point though that Zero Two having any previous sexual experience would mean that Hiro is even less on a beta faggot because the girl who told him that he was "amazing" actually had previous experience to compare him to.
That's right. Hiro out-fucked someone on his first try.
Truther pls. Anime has been sexy longer than Abe's been out of college.
What was being transported in the plane, darlings?
>the virgin Asuka vs the Stacy Zero Two
>calling someone reddit while using "kys"
I assumed that the Strelizia was in there, along with Dr. Franxx's little shop of horrors.