Is this photoshop?
Is this photoshop?
no, this is Sup Forums
Well, which anime is it from?
No that's not photoshop and actually that episode is illegal in my state.
This episode was actually banned in several countries.
A thread died for this
Again, what anime?
Gas the kikes
The scene where she hangs the somalians off of the Tokyo tower was a bit much
Still no anime name, holy Christ.
Tomodachi wa Mahou
Okay, what is characters' name?
Ben Garris-chan
No, shinkansen hates filthy gaijin
Hitrera Adolfu-chan
tokio taowa
That episode where they opened a gas chamber on the town was kinda fucked up
Boku no fuck off newfag.
El Gran Padre
Agreed, can't believe they got Sam Raimi to write an episode of an anime.
a deals a deal
Sam Hyde
If only the anime you are all describing would actually exist...
Just google it bro
Pretty insensitive of studio Silver Link.
will you kindly fuck off
Boku no Shinkansen
teen genocide best day of my life
what about this?
Stop being retarded.
Personally the pregnancy was a little too much for me.
Fuck off and lurk more, "Matthew".
hi matthew
I think yaoi is pretty good. You should check it out.
Back to /gsg/ with you.
>druggy faggot pony avatar for your queer newfag browser
The image search is showing you gay shit because that's what you are
This is almost too funny to be true.
This thread reminds me of why I love you guys so much
Never change Sup Forums
> newfag browser
Only a newfag abandons the browser he's always used because he fell for Sup Forums memes and muh privacy.
> faggot pony avatar
Had it not been for the laws of this board, I'd post a smug Rarity.
Begone, ponyfucker. Or should I say Matthew
Wow kill yourself
>the state of Sup Forums
Its a JPEG dumbass.
You guys are pretty angry. You need some magic of friendship in your sad lives.
Fucking broney kill yourself.
>awful DE
I bet you run Ubuntu too, fucking disgusting, get out.
> awful DE
That's standalone openbox.
> I bet you run Ubuntu too, fucking disgusting, get out.
Gentoo. Does that make any difference though?
>>muh privacy
>he doesn't care about his privacy
Fuck off.