RIP in pieces Batoto

So now that Batoto is dead what is your manga site of choice?

Other urls found in this thread:

boku no pico

We all migrate to vatoto ru, and mine Monero in our browser.

The only good choice right now.

barely usable, crap design language that they badly aped from Batoto

Might as well just use kissmanga.

Our Goddes, of course.

>streaming manga

No, Mangadex is really difficult to use.

mangahere for the tsukkomis and the dancing lion thing and the multiple ads and the fucking video ad at the site all the freaking time
But hey the tsukkomis are fun!

Its the same as its always been, Goddess. Batoto was just the goto for scanlators to upload.

there's some manga i want to read, but isn't worth downloading

also, where do you think madokami gets its manga from?

fucking mangahere these days, I want to smack whoever is doing that

Youtube of course.
When I was a kid I actually did use youtube to read naruto until I found actual manga websites and found other series

Uh, is madokami down too!?

It's still in development.


The less prevalent it is the better we'll all be off, so use an allusion or something if you have to namedrop it.

You're not the one to blame, but rather the crazy fucks who thought it was a good idea to make these videos in the first place.

So why did it die again and why is that bad? You can find any manga on the internet.

Because owner is a massive faggot who wanted to focus on committing sudoku.

What hellscape is this?

They died of AIDS and it is bad because some people only uploaded to batototo.

No good place for the people who actual translate (good quality) the manga to upload. Therefore it's bad as there will be less new manga and new manga chapters being translated to the internet, as translators will have lower recognition/motivation...

Hopefully a new good site comes and is able to take its role...

Do you live in a place where you have to worry about your internet going down for extended periods?

I did the exact same thing with both Bleach and Naruto when I was in high school, but that was back in 2005-2007. Crap I feel old.

>Sup Forums is so dead this thread isn’t deleted
Jesus, where did everyone go? Did I miss the memo?

Mangadex will turn out fine eventually, it was definitely rushed but work in progress and all that.

As a contributor, the easiest way to get your releases distributed/read widely was uploading them on Batoto because there were a million bots there farming and spreading them everywhere else.

Time to learn nip I guess.

>Sup Forums is so dead
The other day imageposting was broken, dot text spam was everywhere, and the catalog was flooded with two dozen Franxx threads. Mods are probably taking a break after putting out those fires.

It's getting better and better. I just hope they make all page in one function.

Too late.

I'm registered on Madokami but never really used it except for finding scanned chapters when a manga got DMCA'd. Can't remember if they have a reader

From the post, the founder was one of those obsessive types who never learned how to delegate. He was running Batoto as a one-man operation and it consumed his life 24/7 to personally deal with every bug and issue. He kept up up for years until he was completely burnt out and had to kill the website to save himself.

On the one hand, guy doesn't owe us shit and should do what's best for him. On the other hand, the *smart* thing to do would have been to recruit a team of admins years ago to help him run the site and split the work load down to a sane level. So learn from the contrasting tales of Batoto and Sup Forums. If you're ever doing something that becomes a run away success, get help running it ASAP. Trying to keep it all in your own hands is a sure way to kill it.

Kissmanga and Mangapark.

Fuckers are slow on the updates even after the chapters have already been released on the scanlators' websites, though.

The tsukkomis are nice but I quit that site as soon as they started displaying unblockable ads. I knew It was only going to go downhill from there.

It has, but a shitty one.

Where the trolls live?

Super cute, but doesn't affect me since I jumped onboard in the beginning.

It doesn't have to be easy for idiots like you. It has to be easy for bots to use, so that your usual downstream supplier can keep getting releases.

This but not as a meme. Shit even that kindle crap actually downloads to a reader.

>but isn't worth downloading
But you're still downloading it all, plus a bunch of ads and other bullshit.

Why do all the good ones die?

Or French, they have a very active manga community. Easier to learn, too.

>spoonfeeding in a rec thread

>Literally a supar sekrit club
How gay is that holy shit lmao

How many times will you redone this fuckn thread for finally realising that NO ONE CARE.


> when I was a kid

how old are you? anime/manga content on Youtube's first few years was really primitive.

Better than a private tracker interview. No one questioning my taste in madokami.

No need. Your taste is definitely shit.

Either we're in lack of people scanning official releases or I'm not in the good french private trackers. Ygg is fine but lack a fuck ton of mango.

t.redditor who isnt in the club

youre tears are delicious

The universe is rigged against nice things. What's up with the captcha anyway?

It's not the universe. Destroying nice things makes your crap things more marketable.

>WAAAAH anyone who makes fun of my gay little club is a REDDITOR WAAAAAHA we r legion xd
ur a fag dude hAh

Yeah, I've been uploading to mangadex and I've been happy with the results, barring some crashes still since it's under development. It's currently functioning quite simply and quickly, honestly.

On one hand, I'd like it to be a source most people value and visit.
On the other hand, it's too easy for complete morons and trolls to fuck around with, at the moment. I'd prefer keeping "the masses" from understanding what they can do.

You have to use the image captcha now. V1 (calle calle) has been removed by google. Good news is, you can use keyboard to select them.

>Good news is, you can use keyboard to select them.
I tried that and I got an audio captcha. I'm not sure which is worse.

The SYD anons in the other thread seemed to be putting everything on Mangadex.

Site's still a mess because there's a ton of people uploading old series and they have to do so chapter by chapter, so it'll be some days/weeks before the main page doesn't get new releases drowned in a sea of transfers anymore.

It does have a 'dark' color-scheme available which makes it easy on the eyes though so here's hoping.

Yeah, I'm upset at the loss of legacy captcha. I fuckin' hate image shit.

Not sure how that would happen. Maybe it's because I have appchan x.

It makes me want to hurt people. I don't want to select three more fucking cars when the picture is a fucking field of grass.

Mangadex isn't perfect, but it's good so far. The follow list will probably work better once all the manga that have been chucked in the database are uploaded.

If there's no matching parts, just don't select any.

>oh wait, haha


Sometimes it doesn't let you skip. It decides you need to pick two or three more squares.

There's an ftp server folks are able to mass transit chapters, but I'd rather people not have access to it. You're right, it will take some weeks to have it level out, but series' with true fans have been surprisingly helpful by uploading the latest chapter or 3 in good condition to good manga. My fear is still when people realize just having a shit account means being able to upload all kinds of nonsense.
You're my boy, I'm also usin' the dark.

Only if you log in, which is fucking retarded. Someone make an userstyle please.

it's still a relevant question

I hate having to pick all the cars "no, fucker, there's still the front bumper of a truck in this box you haven't picked yet, you bot shitter fuckface go pick it" no, fuck you image captcha, I don't want to click my mouse cursor all over your shit "puzzle" that can't understand crap. Let me type my calle calle and calle it a day.

Wasn't it supposed to get disabled in April and this is just Hiro taking it down in advance?


Google took it down even faster, it's not really Hiro's fault.

But I still blame Hiro.

actually your message fits as a response to either and/or both of those anons really.

Are you familiar with why cryptocurrencies can hold any value? It's not a fiat system. Each can be used as a single use access token. If Sup Forums had it's own such coin system, they could replaced captcha. And I suppose people with longdong mining rigs could spam until a mod b& their id in the blockchain, but still.

mootcoins when?


Wish they would just turn off registration forever, before too many faggots get in there and it dies like everything else.

mado is one of our most resilient backups. I have a hard time believing that anything in there is going to disappear forever, and that's the important thing.

What if you lost your account information, would you still wish for that?

It will stay off until something much better becomes available, so that it remains redundant.

>Muh crypto currency
A simple account/verification system suffices which Sup Forums already has, it costs 20$ or the equivalent crypto currency.

Besides the value of a coin is completely based on supply & demand, which would mean that it would be completely worthless just as 90% of all those great alt-coins.

Actually, a coin that allowed you to spam Sup Forums would probably hold it's value really well.

Should I re upload the broken chapters at mangadex or wait until they use the FTP backups?

Wait, for at least a day or two.

That's not free, though. If there was a shitty JS client that allowed every damn person to mine just enough 4coins to make 2 or so posts a minute, even on a phone, that'd do it. Blockchain ids would effectively become access credentials, but it would get google's fucky deep learning datamining bullshit services out of the site, and remove the need for captchas.

Just wait. The guys runnin' this and updating it all to get it working are actually having a fun time feeling important. They'll look to fix it all for you. Give a a couple days, at least.

Chances are, some attention-whore will try it anyway. Gotta get their name associated with their favorite manga, lol!

I legit don't get how they are using the H tag. Common sense says it's for actual hentai but the shota tall girl harem and kemokko are labeled as H and parallel paradise isnt?

user, the moment a bitcoin is used by the majority of camwhores, steam, amazon, and apps is the moment it will become more valuable then any real world currency you can name.

Do you people seriously not get how to use the image captcha? If it makes you do the image more than once (keeps saying continue) it’s just using you for image recognition, just hit continue and fail on purpose. If it gives you one that’s wrong like that (field of grass when it says car), hit continue or select something, it will either let you continue and post or fail you. Eventually you’ll get a normal one. Not exactly rocket science.

You've just answered why I hate it, dumbass

Fuck off.

It is beneath me to do so.

But mining isn't free as well. Besides the costs of the hardware, which could be neglected in this it still would cost extra energy which isn't free, at least not where I live.

Besides that I would not be a good captcha replacer at all as any tool would be able to create a bot that would mine and use said coins. 2 or so coins on a (shitty) mobile device would equal a lot more on a mainstream/highish end desktop. I do agree, training Googles AI with those captcha's leaves a sour taste.

Oh I believe that currency will be digital one day, but it wont be any of the existing coins that will wear that responsibility. If only for the reason that none of these coins are government sponsored (yet).

I'll have to go to one of the myriad of manga sites because I don't have autism and the world isn't as difficult for me.

Mangadex once they upload all the older shit and add fixes to the site.

Yeah, while it is a step backwards than before I don't see how it is such a disaster. It's nothing more than a bit of convenience loss.

Why batoto owner not giving them his database? So far only the scanlator itself and user that active upload things on mangadex.

Wait, it'll get fixed.

Man, that is the cuntiest thing I've read in a while. Guy's just sucking his own dick off in public. Who the fuck would want to join something with him at the helm?

I'm glad you see it that way. I apologize for my tone. I wish you tremendous prosperity.