>anime about an all-girls' theater group
Literally who will be the audience for this show?
Revue Starlight
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Literally me
>good designs
That's all it takes to sell me on it.
I don't know, honestly it doesn't look that gay to me.
Hope it's not yet another Romeo and Juliet bullshit.
Theater doesn't need any help being gay.
It's not /u/, it's me.
It looks gay but it also looks boring
Will this be the Utena of our generation?
Probably me.
Forgot pic
Closest thing to a Takurazuka anime though it doesn't there will be crossdressing
>though it doesn't there will be crossdressing
Nigga on the left is crossdressing. She's apparently the designated otokoyaku character even though she's a fucking midget.
As long as it's better than Hinako Note I'm OK with it.
Anything is better than Hinako Note.
Fucking finally
>Literally who will be the audience for this show?
I too also like Takarazuka Revue
This isn't for the takarazuka fans. This is for the cute girls doing cute shit fans. For starters, the designs are generic moeshit and the trailer looks cookie cutter kawaii
This is awful.
This. If the style were different it definitely would be meant for women, since they love Takarazuka Revue and mail their lesbian crush fanletters to the actresses.
As a woman this hits all my spots.
it's for /u/
I liked the songs they released last year
They are good. But this is mere idolshit disguised as something else.
Trying for a lesbian version of yuri on ice eh?
It'll bomb.
>lesbian version of yuri on ice eh?
But that's Uma Musume.
Also I doubt this will bomb, it already has live performances and songs, so the fanbase is already established.
If it's literally a musical, then it'll be huge.
There's no other anime doing that.
It's literally threater + idolshit inserts. I wouldn't count that as a musical.
Moe takarazuka?
Magic-Kyun(otomeshit) was about musical
People who like Sakura Wars
Seems intersting, I'll be checking this out.
Sakura Wars is awesome
Is this supposed to be n/u/-Sakura Taisen?
Why the fuck character design is so generic? The same shit as Toji no Miko (which is also cliche as fuch):
- Short brown haired dorky mc
- Her blue haired feminine childhood friend who never wins
- Black haired cool beauty rival homewrecker
At least the other pairings are looking good.
Hinako's better than Slow Start
No based Ogami here though
Well Im interested.
You did this to me Sup Forums. I used to watch nothing but gritty badass shows, and now I can't give anything the time of day if it's not about cute girls doing cute things.
Yes. The director is Ikuhara's protege.
The last shot looked like there's gonna be drama of some kind
Slow Start is great!
It's a cute girls doing cute things show, and its audience will be people who support cute girls doing cute things shows.
They're both boring but Hinako at least had multiple characters to count on for lewds.
Certainly not dumbass low powerlevel faglords who don't even realize theater & anime go hand in hand these days.
Don't forget Dance with Devils.
That fucking Pomeranian choir though