What is the maddest you have ever been at a anime or manga.
I just finished this and now I'm really pissed off for some reason.
Its the first time I actually got mad at what I was reading.
I kinda feel autistic now.
What is the maddest you have ever been at a anime or manga.
I just finished this and now I'm really pissed off for some reason.
Its the first time I actually got mad at what I was reading.
I kinda feel autistic now.
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Ah my goddess! Magical cock blocking for 20 years.
Unironically Kemono Friends fiasco.
Acceptance is only the first step.
What was it that got you so mad?
now go read sundome
Following Bleach for 15 years only to get the single shittiest ending I have ever seen in any series ever.
I have never seen a series end with so many dropped/forgotten plot points and chekhov gun violations
Just the ending how I saw a tragedy coming but when it just went all out and after reading the last 2 chapters 3 times I just felt like shit for a few hours after unable to think about any thing else.
Never happen to me before with any show/book or manga.
I just started
He would've impregnated Belldandy 20 times over if not for that magic.
It seem that jap don't know, or even, don't want good endings. It's like that. You'll have to deal whit that.
Probably at Sankarea, I can't even remember the reason now but I must advise people to not read it. Or just read it anyway, do whatever you want.
since it got you pretty mad, just so you're prepared sundome ending hits way harder than ibitsu
That's alright I also forgot to say I also love ibitsu like top 5 easily.
I think that's why it hit so hard because I loved the characters.
we all still feel the butthurt user
And the final arc was one of the best arcs the series offered in art and fights and overall plot
>Berserk will be on hiatus until spring of 2029! Please understand and look forward to it!
Everything Kazuto Okada writes pisses me off to no end yet I keep reading.
>I just started.
Poor boy, this ride will be even more crazy.
I read Sundome first so I know what to expect of this guy, still love his works though.
Yesterday wo Utatte just ended and it went fucking nowhere
Claymore anime after being current on the manga seven years ago, I didn't know I could have such rage over a work of fiction.
If you ever find yourself in a debate against someone who doesn't think anime is a marketing ploy to get people to buy mangas/LN, tell them about Masamune's Revenge.
>let's build up to this climax except nothing actually happens
>now buy our shit if you want to know how it ends it's an ongoing series so of course you'll never know anyways
Sankarea was pure gold 'til around the half, when they went to the carribean
Still enjoyable after, 'til the last chapter.
The last chapter is utter shit, it doesn't exist in my headcanon
I dropped that manga twice and didn't bother with the anime and I find it hilarious the anime found something to make people madder at than those two points
>I just started
Keep in mind the last chapters are translated/typeset by 5-year-olds.
For me it was a series of disappointments that stopped me from reading/watching any new ones for a while. Deadman Wonderland anime ending, Mysterious Girlfriend x manga ending, Kono Oneesan wa Fiction desu, and Boku wa Mari no Naka.
>and Boku wa Mari no Naka
Wait, it ended?
Fuck, I need to finish it. The cliffhangers infuriated me.
Just finished reading it, the only thing that made me mad Is that they never fuck? Not even the sensei rapes her which would've made me rage but also love this manga.
2nd half of 20th CB.
And first episode of Ga-rei Zero. It made me so mad, that I never finished it past ep 3.
Let's get it out of the way
she was supposed to be good and pure
It ended in so far as it just kinda stopped, Aku no Hana had the same issue. I like Shuzo Oshimi's work, but the guy's really bad at finales.
I keep going back to his stuff because the guy is really good at psychological thrillers.
I find it really difficult to find an author who doesn't create conflicting feelings in me.
Thanks for the heads up but I more or less expected something like that to happen anyway.
The Ibitsu ending fucked me up way harder. May be because I read sundome like 5 years ago but i remember feeling at peace with the ending. You just know it's coming, Ibitsus last chapter came out of nowhere.
>reading another work of the author's when the previous one made you angry
These are literally the last 2 pages of this series.
>Getting this mad it causes autism
>Evolution is complete
Welcome to the club you're now one of us faggot
They literally already fucked in a shared dream. Why the fuck are you even mad?
What's up with that last page?
Is there a manga that was saved by the ending? Seems most of them botched the landing instead.
It makes me mad how hot she is.
The last chapter is just an open ending. Technically nothing was answered so you can fill in whatever fucking gaps you want. Don't make yourself madder than you need to be. People assumed Spike Dies for fucking years until the writer asked what everyone was fucking talking about.
I also go to Sup Forums.
But I did love it a lot I think its why it made me angry
Didn't she do it with the teacher in ch. 61?
>girl has a crush on twins and has to decide on which of the pair to date
>finally decides for goody twin instead of bad boy twin
>last two pages are her bedding the goody twin and then the bad boy twin in turn
Prison School.
That ending made up for how fucking awful the final two story arcs were.
If Yakumo-san ends the same way I'm gonna prep the 3rd nuke.
Boy, that's stupid. Makes me angry just thinking about it.
>What's themaddest you've been
Probably the School competition arc in Rokuoka anime.
Fuck Rumia's mother for acting like a selfish bitch and only caring about her own life, even the resolution at the end didn't satisfy, would've been much happier had Run is slapped her and told her to fuck off.
The whole thing is a cheap School days knockoff, with the same results. Still it was worth it.
Dropped it somewhere during the party planning/ after the water sports day. Could you give a TL;DR what happened?
This fucking piece of shit getting away with it. Never been so mad.
It's written by a woman isn't it?
Definitely Elfen Lied. Villain gets a sex change after his redemption arc and main heroine reincarnates into a lesbian harem for her love interest's daughter.
>it seems like the MC's split personality is going to be killed off for her emotional wellbeing
>tragic goodbye
>suddenly it's revealed they've gone full Jaeger, both control her body simultaneously instead of trading off like before, emotional wellbeing can get fucked
Gacha Gacha Capsule
>it seems like the MC's love interest's split personalities are going to be killed off because tragic plot by evil AI
>the just downloaded into the MC where presumably they can be recovered later
Alice in Sexland
>it seems like it's just going to be a 7/10 /d/ hentai
>suddenly it's revealed Alice is already dead and Sexland is actually the personal heaven most matching her soul. The Queen is the previous owner who then reincarnates leaving Alice to live in her own personal paradise until the next owner comes along.
I enjoyed that ending. It was a happy ending for the MC, he got the perfect doll for himself. Couldn't care less about the girl, the MC getting what he wanted is all that matters.
I was actually expecting worse from ibitsu, were you on the 'he fucked her corpse' side with sundome or the 'they did it before she died' side? I thought the first so I was prepared for something even more messed up
Risa and Andre get a happy ending
Mari goes overseas, ditching Reiko
Hana gets so anally devestated that Kiyoshi is gonna date Chiyo that she sabotages Kiyoshi's love confession by telling Chiyo everything about Kiyoshi, including that he pissed on her and wore her panties.
Chiyo is willing to accept this, so Hana pulls out her ace in the hole: she reveals that Kiyoshi is wearing her panties even at that very moment. The shock of being revealed causes him to piss all over himself, Hana, and Chiyo.
This traumatizes Chiyo enough to lead her to become a misandrist and become the next chairwomen of the underground student council.
The end.
Wait, wat?
you forgot there will be an epilogue in april that may wrap things up better but probably not
different ibitsu, that one's great too they're both pretty messed up
Not gonna read that after the trainwreck it was, still thanks.
I was on the he masturbated with her body/rubbed it on her while she was still alive side.
Doing it before she dies would invalidate everything they did before and I don't think he'd fuck her corpse.
Really have to read it again. And learn to read moon for his other works.
Classroom of the Elite.
I was enjoying the series then people suddenly started getting mad at around episode 7 that the main heroine stole scenes from other girls. Learned that even Japan and China were mad about the changes. That discussion suddenly dominated everything up until it ended and until now that the main heroine is now totally ridiculed.
It was just a fucking small change.
You are surprised a series with an autistic power fantasy as the main character has nothing but autistic fans?
Keep in mind that Akira suddenly got the opportunity/decided to pick up Me and the Devil Blues after several years of random hiatus. And, apparently, had to axe Prison School causing such a shitty ending. That thing could have gone on for ages, it had the potential.
Let me show you what peak manga blue-balling looks like.
I haven't talked to someone that saw it that way, interesting. other anons have been in agreement they fucked but when they disagree it's on when she passed away, I don't think he did it on purpose but she died midway and that's why her hand eventually stopped moving while he kept pumping
Still mad about this one.
>Let me show you what peak manga blue-balling
Hold my sake.
Tokyopop had the balls to translate the volume 3 preview even though this shit had already been long canceled in Japan.
It never fails to make me mad.
I don't really get it but did it just finish out of nowhere and the author just said "lol figure it out"?
>I don't really get it but I get it exactly
>Tokyopop had the balls to translate the volume 3 preview even though this shit had already been long canceled in Japan.
Holy hell that's some god tier trolling
The ending to To Love Ru Darkness.
Best timeskip ever.
If it makes you feel any better, that's not actually supposed to be the end of the series. Yabuki was just burnt out, but Hasemi intends to drag his ass back to finish it eventually.
Oh I know, it was still just such a deep burn to everyone reading it at the time before they made that announcement.
>sundome ending hits way harder than ibitsu
I disagree, Sundome makes it very obvious exactly how it's going to end quite early so while it's a more depressing ending it ends up being easier to accept than Ibitsu which just shits all over the characters right at the end. I feel like it would have been a better ending without the train thing
Between watching 5cm per second and getting to THAT part and the entirety of Your Lie in April after what's her face gets hospitalized.
Last two volumes of Negima where Akamatsu decided to give the middle finger to all its loyal readers and basically axe it himself and derail all the characters while answering nothing in the process, all while the story was just before its final arc. And then further muddle things up with UQ Holder which is the most shoddily-written shonen I've read in ages, especially coming from the author who wrote the amazing Mahora Festival arc in Negima.
Delete this.
>End of Negima
I haven't thought about that in years, thanks for reminding me and making me angry.
From time to time, I think about Blue Drop. And I get sad.
More mad about Furuichi's story arc in specific than X'amd's ending in general. And I was (still am!) real fucking mad about the ending.
Usagi fucking Drop. The author should seriously be jailed and if she has kids, they should be taken as far away from her as possible.
bleach, for being such hackery.
but actually i don't get mad over anime/manga, i just get mad over people praising stuff like bleach or air gear or even tokyo ghoul.
There was an untold wealth of shit left to be explored and sorted and then bam, here's the end with everything seemingly resolved.
Yeah, manga problems this and license this or whatever, UQ Holder ain't no damn Negima.
Never read sasuga kei
I can't be mad at Rossiu because except for the whole "let's execute Simon" (now that was fucking bullshit), he was a reasonable person and all the preparations that he made and the resources he amassed during the timeskip were the backbone of the Gurren team's final war against the Anti-Spiral.
Now, Ougi can die on a fire. All the black knights should. Who cares if you're being used by a vengeful Britannian prince? Thanks to him you were able to liberate your country and stand toe to toe with the greatest empire on Earth!
Endless 8. I know it's just going to summon the faggots that say i can't appreciate art because doing repetition is so avant garde because no one does it. Well there's a reason no one does it. It's boring and infuriating.
Endless 8 was my favourite part of Haruhi.
Me too I'm curious.
It was hilarious waiting for each new episode thinking "are they gonna do it again"? and then they did and everyone got really mad. And it was nice seeing all the small differences between episodes, and hearing "Kyon-kun, denwa" and being mind blown that they actually animated it all from scratch instead of just using the same thing each time.
So you enjoyed it for meta reasons. I can understand that.
Shou was definitely my favorite character in that manga, probably because she was the only realistic one.
Seiji was the typical super indecisive male lead and Yuki was the mysterious long haired beauty with a ton of personal problems/unrealistic drama.
Seiji absolutely would have been way happier with Shou. Yuki became a doctor and it looked like one of those marriages where they barely pay attention to each other and barely have sex. Seiji lost.