Kefla has an IQ in the 40s
Dragon Ball Super
New bread found
tfw no more vados ;__;
>mr popo said it was gokus fault they're getting erased.
kek was that just a translation error or toyo thing?
hes getting clowned in the manga.
also 18 not cooking triggers me.
i like gine!
Jiren is a boring character.
No rude with lime monkeys pls.
Still higher than anyone watching DBS
and water is wet.
i would actually raff with raff man if jirens wish was to get a girlfriend.
>tfw you will never feel kefla's tail
im sure gine's is nicer
>stick figures
>no tails
at least they got cauliflas hair right. cabba,kale, renzo (manga and anime) are pretty shit.
Super threads stopped being interestings when Gohan was eliminated.
Someone have last episode rating?
>tail job
be still, my beating penis
chapter 31 is pretty hilarious.
krillin has to cook in the manga while 18 washes shoes in the anime.
Do you sleep?
>ywn grab a saiyan by the tail from behind
great way to get yourself killed
>Mr. Hope of the Universe
Damn reddit, today you were alright.
>you'll never feel Kale's tail shaking whenever you hug her
they dont have tails. U7 saiyan grills are better
They should have them.
agreed they shouldn't be sticks either.
everything implemented in the story is just to make it easier to animate or draw cheaply.
fucking raff man and toei need to get audited by japanese irs.
>Get over here, user.
what do
artist here is a true hero.
Threesome with her and Kale or nothing.
forget my senzu beans..
>plus fish mouth sayian girl in the manga.
>Mr Hope of the Universe
I don't agree with any of those people, including the funimation dude. Goku Black should sound like Goku with Zamasu's vocabulary mannerisims. Not because of respect for the original or anything. I prefer it just because that's better.
Kale deserves love too.
die since if I don't go Cauli will kill me and if I do go Kale's gonna kill me
Cutecult assemble!
Post your favourite Caulifla pictures!
Post more lime saiyan
Lime monkeys need love.
well U6 saiyans should be better, but theyre not and here we are
There's a reason why U6 saiyans don't have tail or Toriyama don't care anymore about that? I think it's weird considering that Yamoshi will have tail.
Or will he?
[insert toiepero joke here]
>now they're all sticks because animators and tory are lazy as fuck.
easier cheaper to put out.
Saiyans used to have red hair.
That's supposed to be brown.
After over 20 years we finally get to see Videl's bare feet in an official piece of media.
>fast guy for a guy with plvl under 100,000
why was he so fast? does he secret a mucus on his skin that makes him aerodynamic?
It's cause he's blue
>cuts her hair to shit style
his mom used to beat him if he didnt get the grocery home in time. im not kidding. also jeice used to play for a little league team
delete your life
But red is the colour that makes you go faster, such is the way of things.
oh god did toriyama say that?
>raffing as he cheats on his taxes.
Fucking hacks.
recoome also used to be a ballerina
also not kidding
I know someone who could beat Jiren
>criticizes bitchy fans who complain while not knowing anything
>simultaneously proves he doesn't know what he's talking about
What did he mean by this?
>tfw you'll never put her womb to good use
Can anyone help me find some character development?
shota goku is fine how he is. dont turn him into another gohan or trunks
chad toriyama doesnt give a fuck.
i would have him be a goku clone looks wise at least instead of that stupid gine hair.
>he never got laid
Would they get along?
>this is begitas final form
>we never got the island arc filler.
Why does this artist's shit never show up on saucenao?
he's 8 you demented vermin
>Cell won't be in Super because spots are hard to animate
You think Toriyama even cares about that? The reason Cell isn't in Super is because he forgot about cell
only posted here?
Just imagine Tao as a Red Ribbon cyborg, he would be the Hit of U7.
They're both 14, it's Age 780.
Nope. He's obviously getting UI in the next few episodes. Fucktard hater
nice try veggecuck
>toriyama hated shading hair
>makes super sayian hair
>doesn't have to draw anymore
>here toyo shade in all the hair.
what a jew.
>this deviant pervert thinks that somehow makes it better
How OP is Time Stop Super Saiyan 3 Broken Mask Time Patrol Bardock?
I'm not saying it's better, but I am saying they're the same age as when Bulma's parents had Tights.
>dont even care about yamcha
>all the video game, manga, and anime studio all clown on yamcha to no end.
why is this pissing me off so much?
>romantic interest for a 14 year old
>in Japan
Wow it's fucking nothing
>How OP
There comes a point where you have to say that enough is enough. It's time for a Yamcha arc.
>wake up
>u6 still erased and never coming back
It's a good feel gohanbros
I guess i just cant believe how low toei and toriyama can go. its shameful.
worry about yourself, pedro
>dragon ball ends
>jobhan is stuck on the bench for eterniy
How was it that Bardock of all people is the guy who gets all the ridiculous fanfiction powerups?
wasn't bebi teh first blanco?
Leave Dragon Ball Super's cancellation and Gohan's new form to me!