Talk about an extremely pleasant surprise
I started watching this with rather low expectations, I thought this was just another dumb shooty shooty chuuni GARfest seeing how it's based on a video game made by Nightow, but I was completely blown away
what's Sup Forums's opinion on this masterpiece ?
Talk about an extremely pleasant surprise
I really enjoyed it. Would be a masterpiece without the monster stuff but the ending was amazing and made up for the weaker episodes in the second half.
Could have been a classic if post-timeskip didn't suck. They should have axed all the paranormal crap.
I teared up at the end. I never do that shit
While the timeskip stripped the show from the mafioso politics and drama that constituted the meat of the story and appeal, it also really helped further accentuate the relationship and dynamic between Harry and Brandon
By losing his humanity, Brandon became once againt the compassionate and taciturn loner he used to be, and with losing Millenion Harry's ray liotta facade crumbled and he returned to being a cocky shithead that just wants to have fun
though the Superior fights were completely unecessary
The last two episodes make up for it
Really good story, heart breaking ending.
Underrated masterpiece
I loved the dub for the series.
I miss Tom Wyner a lot, his older Harry voice was awesome.
It was okay, but Sup Forums has a habit of overhyping it.
>Ctrl+F first episode
>0 results
Fuck neo-Sup Forums.
Why shouldn't I watch it in the proper order?
Needed more Give me shelter and italian stereotypes; and less pseudo-fantastical bollocks
The the last two episodes were boner-popping though
>Simon from TTGL playing a hardened gangster who rises to the top by betraying he only friend in life - Anavel Gato
would not watch it any other way
the first episode spoils a very important twist
Only played the videogame, it was a fun cyberpunk shooter.
have to watch it.
It's a shitty twist if getting spoiled on it ruins anything.
very good anime.
let down a little by the present day arc but it still had its moments.
That's not really the reason. It's just that the mafia storyline is far better than the super-weapons storyline, and the first episode throws you into the middle of the latter.
the ending made up for the monster part
Friendly reminder to skip the first episode. Trust me, you won't miss anything.
Don't skip the first episode. Knowing what's coming makes the build up towards the betrayal and death a lot more emotional.