How does anyone recognise anime voice actors by name?
They all sound the same and the fact they're speaking a foreign language doesn't help
>normal voice girl
>high pitched girl
>higher pitched squeaky girl
>low pitched nasal girl
>normal voice guy
>nasal voice guy
>deep manly voice guy
How does anyone recognise anime voice actors by name?
Watch more anime.
You're probably an actual autist if you have trouble identifying voices.
Low pitched nasal girl is my waifu
You're not alone, I know what you mean.
I think that I hear the voices for Kaho, Akizuki, Maika (blend s), Megumi, Ai-chan (twocar), and Battle Programmer Shirase everywhere, no matter what anime I watch. The only one that had a unique voice in a seasonal was the MC in re:zero. Then again, most of the seasonal anime I watch are done by Bandai, so maybe that's it?
the whole cast of blend s is generic anime voices. not that that's a bad thing, it's just that if i'm watching another anime, I can hear the character if i close my eyes.
girl's last tour: Blonde girl sounds like kaho, small girl sounds like mafuyuu
>by name
>They all sound the same
I think I found your problem. I hope you enjoy being retarded.
>they don't all sound very similar
this has to be a troll
>They all sound the same
I'm so glad I'm not deaf like you.
This bait is so low quality it's not even worth the image.
Spot the retard. I mean american. Oh wait, they're synonyms.
>They all sound the same
Have you tried not being fucking deaf or stupid?
i think you just don't have hearing as good as i do. trained musician, i can differentiate between voices, but every show has the same cast of voice types, like OP said
>this has to be a troll
Oh the irony.
The people who can tell voices apart are the ones with bad hearing? Are you retarded?
You don't have to be a fucking musician to be able to recognize human voices. What the fuck? OP is either an actual autist or seen less than 5 anime series. Just like you'd expect from Love Live casuals.
hey, i have seen over 6 animes (not counting films) and they all have the same general kind of voices
quads of truth
I am not familiar enough with the VAs names to attribute the various characters to them as it doesnt interest me enough. I however do instantly recognize a voice I have heard before, it is just that I attribute the voice to the character, not the actor/tress.
When I heard Albedo from Overlord, I instantly knew that was the same VA as Lillith from Trinity seven.
Traprider from Apocrypha is unmistakable, and Nona from Deathparade
One of my favourites of whom I do know the name is Maaya Sakamoto who voices a plethora of high profile characters.
I have autism btw, so what is your excuse OP?
I don't watch that many shows, but I have no problems with recognizing voice actors I've heard in other shows. I don't know their names tho.
>They all sound the same
I can't help you be less of a brainlet that can't distinguish the voices of different people
Well to be fair, unless you are paying attention to the voices or taking note of the VAs name when you particularly like a performance, it is hard to keep track.
I for instance watch shows in series rather than parallel. i.e. onle 1 show at a time, then the next show, then the next etc. Now unless a VA from a show I watched is also cast in the immediatly following anime I watch, I wont honestly be able to tell if I have heard a VA before or not unless it is a very distinct voice like Satomi Arai or so.
I don`t keep a mental databank of voices of characters that were in something I watched 10-15-20 shows ago so I can compare it to the voices of the show I am CURRENTLY watching. For what possible possible would I do that? I dont have autism nor any tick that needs "satisfying".
Being able to remember and recognise people's voices is the opposite of autism. It does not require conscious effort, you just recognise familiar sounds.
This applies to day to day life in a language you speak. Not so much in anime in which paid professionals might(or might not) change their voice for their various characters speaking a language you do not speak.
Heck, even in your own language it can be hard to tell. The nearly the entire cast of southpark is voiced by Matt and Trey. Anyone who says they realized this the very first episode they watched is being a elementary school bragliar on the tier of "impress the girl with my shiny Charizard card".
I love how there is always that one guy who blames the big bad Americans for everything in every thread. Why are you so obsessed?
I can recognize voices most of the time in anime, as in "oh they also voiced X in Y", but fuck me if I know what's their name or what they even look like
It's literally the same thing. Sure it's harder, but it's hardly impossible as OP claims And very few anime actors put on voices to anything like the extent of South Park.
by watching more anime you deaf retard
I have trouble sometimes identifying female English dub voices. I don't know if it's autism or not since i don't really have trouble with anything else.
Not sazyng it is impossible to distinguish between voices, OP is a retard. I am just arguing that the opposite end of the spectrum is equally retarded. That is, acting like you can remember every single voice of every character from every anime you have ever watched. That would imply that you could with ease tell me which characters were voiced by the same people from all the hundreds of shows you have watched. I doubt very much anyone but someone with savant like abilities could do that.
So you're arguing against something no one here has claimed? Well done, you win.
This type of problems are exclusive to americans.
I know, my victory was assured from the outset, none of you stood a chance.
If you can't at least identify Sugita, Hayami Sho, Risa Taneda, HanaKana, Norio Wakamoto. Matsuoka Yoshitsugu, etc. You are just retarded.
Oh look, someone brough up the argument after mine anyway See, that is the opposite end of the spectrum and is just as retarded as OPs claim.
A handful of the most prolific and distinctive voices in the industry is not "everyone" by a very large margin.
the "etc." imples that all names of similair caliber are to be included, while that would indeed not include everyone it would include a stupid amount of names to remember for absolutely no practical reason other than being able to say "look mommy, I can name the VA to all these hundreds of different characters!" "That´s nice user, but you are 25 now, when are you going to find a job?"
A good VA can do multiple voices, I don't blame you. Also it doesn't help that most anime characters have generic voices in general.
It's not. How many Hollywood movie stars do you think a typical "movie buff" can recognise? Probably hundreds. Probably hundreds. Of course that's easier because you can see their faces, but I presume he's talking about a couple of dozen. It's not a lot of stuff to remember.
I don't actually agree with him. For a start memorising names isn't effortless in the way recognising voices is, so I don't expect people to bother with it much. And I find it very easy to miss even prolific actors because I just don't like the shows they're in.
But it's not a stupid amount of names. It's just something you don't give a shit about.
This, it just starts to happen for some reason.
All of these are hired for THE voice, they use the same voice and perform the usual in almost every show, few years ago y.aoi would be listed there as well but recently she's challenging herself and more often than not it's impossible to tell it's her, these names aren't just random popular voice actors.
If you don't recognize at least KanaHana, Sawashiro and Wakamoto, you're deaf as shit.
From the Aspie chan threads you all should have learned that there's a lot of actual autists in Sup Forums, OP must be one of them
If you can't recognise this VA after watching 5 anime with them in it you are retarded, in the other hand its normal to don't recognise this kind of VA if you don't watch enough anime.
In all seriousness, spoken language shouldn't impact voice recognition. In real life you should be able to identify the difference between two Ugandans speaking their native tongue, the question is whether or not you bother to remember their voice.
If you make the effort to attach a voice to a name in the case of anime, you'll usually be able to recognize it very easily. Popular VAs usually have some distinct tones they fall back on even if their actual range is higher since that's what they're being paid for.
So all people to you sound the same?
Lucky you, I've come to the point I can visualize a bunch of people talking into microphones over the silent anime, if it's boring enough
Easy Mode: watch literally anything with Mamoru Miyano
Miyuki Sawashiro has a very recognisable voice to me. I'm sure she can do high pitched but she normally does average or low pitch.
How about you watch more then 5 subbed anime before posting.