So ether the Unheard Bell has massive downsides, or Orth is the most powerful place in the world because how do you balance the stopping of time?
Made in Abyss
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We know Lyza retrieved it later, but that doesn't necessarily mean Orth has it. White whistles tend to keep artifacts, maybe she took it with her on her last dive.
It's too fucking huge. Either Ozen brings back the Bell or the Box. Lyza had her carry the Box.
you stop time, but only from your perspective and there is no restarting it.
nobody else feels it, you just disappear.
user it literally said that she wound up going back for it afterwards.
well she did recover it, and I'm assuming it will be a plot point in the future. That's the only reason why I think she has it with her. IF she's alive at all.
Was it ever mentioned how big the bell was? Immovable Virgin and Shota Annihilator had to leave it, while saving Riko, so it can't be that small
Only stops time for those who hear it, meaning it'll affect whoever triggered it the most.
In the totally canon ending animation it's not that big. But it must be bigger if they had to choose between that and the cube.
I'm pretty sure in the anime Lyza was next to it and it was almost as tall as her but I don't know what scene
>implying Orth was sent to retrieve the bell for their own benefit
You forgot the part about the government order to retrieve it. Orth and her Whistles are just an intermediary.
okay just checked, it's big.
Speedreaders. All of you. There was a government order Lyza and other Whistles were obligated to obey.
You're thinking of the Curse Warding Cube.
>You're thinking of the Curse Warding Cube.
why didn't boner dude go after it? lyza had time to drag the all spark back up to the surface with ozen and come back for it, surely one of the other white whistles would have nipped in and got it before lyza had time to come back.
maybe they didn't know about it.
Why would he? He just wanted to become a furry, and he already destroyed the local ecosystem of the 5 layer, the bell is usseles to him.
Bondrewd probably had other priorities, or because his work probably had government collaborators/support given his links to the black market.
You mean maintained. Bondrewd worked to keep encroaching wildlife from the lower layers away from the upper layers.
he must have known if there was a government order to go get it
need mo money for dem programs
I bet the bell will never show up again, it now lives at some king's hose and it's use is actually pretty limited, like the ones who are around it when it chimes are stopped in time or it's sound AOE makes a dragon ball temple room.
Orth is a town belonging to a kingdom, isn't it?
So what is Bondrewd doing isn't he trying to stop the abyss from sinking? If so why is he fucking around and turning kids into boxes just so he does not get dizzy
>so why is he fucking around and turning kids into boxes just so he does not get dizzy
that's his hobby he does to help relax from his 9-5 of trying to stop the abyss fucking orth's shit up.
to not die during the process of experimenting with abyss?
Isn't the forward operating base basically a government installation that Bondrewd is just assigned to? But they turn a blind eye on the things he does there because he's actually producing results? Maybe he didn't even know about the bell mission since he is on a prolonged mission on the 5th layer.
He's trying to usher humanity safely into the next 2000 years, hence the lord of dawn. But he can only do that if he learns the secret of the curse and the abyss. And in order to do that he needs to safely venture into the lower layers so he needed to obtain the blessing somehow. That's where the cartridges come in.
That's what i understood. He's tasked with keeping that shit running, if he wants to play with indigent foreign children he brought from some shithole country, nobody cares.
And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling kids and their robot.
When was the function of the bell discussed?
If I remember correctly his plan is sort of working with him using Nanachi-o-vision, he might just learn enough.
Assuming she won't be staying in the village and staring at not-Mitty for all eternity.
Somewhat working, he is getting some knowledge about the 6ยช layer, but its just vision.
>Implying he hasn't been down there before
Considering all the WWs went there to get the bell.
Also, that's basically the purpose of the cartridges.
The bell mission took place on the 4th layer. Without the blessing going below the 5th layer is considered as the "last dive".
I hope it gets revealed as to why so many people are dying on the surface and that the orphanage isn't all fucked up. I don't think my heart can handle me crying like a bitch again after seeing the anime and getting caught up to the manga.
The theory is that it's nearing the end of the 2000 year cycle and the curse is moving upwards.
Yeah, I've been thinking that too. From what I remember, I think the group is supposed to be experiencing time distortion as well now so it's been giving me a foreboding feeling ever since they entered the Narehate village.
>Considering all the WWs went there to get the bell.
Stop speedreading faggot. It was stated that Lyza and Ozen were ordered to go take it. Never ever it said that all currently employed WWs were dragged out whatever shitholes they were to retrieve the bell.
>it's not that big
What is perspective you retard of goliath proportions.
made in abyss more like sales in abyss amirite guys
All the nameplates and flower petals also could indicate there's something seriously wrong on the surface, during the time Reg ventures alone on the 6th layer.
I was trying to indicate that I wasn't serious in both my choice of words and naming of the file, but it obviously went over your head you overreacting wiseacre
One other thing I was thinking of is the Birthday Death Disease isn't just affecting children now and possibly not just on birthdays either. It could potentially be a new disease as well but whatever is happening the surface is definitely getting messed up.
>Birthday Death Disease
It's just a rumor right?
no read Mio
Side chapters. So there was something I was missing.
Yea there's three of them.
I wonder how volume 8 will do compared to volume 7, what with the no bun and all.
You guys say Nanachi is going to die every chapter.
Is Faputa going to be the first person reg actually kills?
Is ok, Riko could be the one that kills her
Nah that was Lyza
no, I mean she's literally not in any of the chapters recently.
She was in 43 taking a nice nap.
She is fluffy mollusk now. No longer bun.
>actually kills
What about all those Bondrewds?! Do you think Bon lives don't matter, huh?! HUH?!
Bondrewd kills the black hands when he takes them over so technically Reg has 0 kills
Yes, and probably with a larger group, she didn't go after it herself. Otherwise she would've carried the bell the 1st trip while Ozen carried the box.
Yea I tend to forget the size of that thing when making up predictions.
What Relic is Bondrewd using to see using Nanachi's eyes?
I watched anime today and finished the last available chapter literally right now. Holy shit, it's so good.
I heard that this artist is doing streams of him drawing his manga. And I think I found his stream, do I have to check it time to time or just following it will notify me by mail?
>White whistles tend to keep artifacts
They don't. It's specifically mentioned that they're allowed to keep only up to first grade and not special grade artifacts. The only one that did that was Bondrewd, and he's not exactly known for being fan of the laws.
Well Lyza also bought the Box for herself before it was put on auction.
If Lyza's original team was in possession of the bell when the team (including Torka) was being picked off by foreign delvers, why didn't they try to use it?
Think about Zoaholic; the bell may have some horrible drawback.
He streams irregularly I just check it from time to time. I think you get a notification when he streams though.
Also there's a few hours of recordings of him drawing chapter 44 on youtube.
That's right, I am Ozen, and that's my bitc- apprentice Mark
I think that is because if someone else got it they would find out what the box actually does then the city would probably take away Riko and kill her.
Also Ozen buys all the pins that are found in the Abyss. I admit they don't outright "keep" them, but they tend to find a way to obtain certain relics.
>Implementing Srajo and Wakuna tell the goverment about their autism tier relics
So is Riko an actual white whistle would the Guild accept that?
hey, not cool
>chapter 44 on youtube.
Yeah, I saw it. He's pretty meticulous, drawing one frame for an hour.
I don't see why not, there wasn't a mention that you need to go through the hierarchy to become one.
And she has a reverberating stone that only she can use so she IS a white whistle.
>Inbreeding someone could tell Ozen no, if she said the some pins they recovered in expedition were lost.
Maruruk~! Stop babbling your mouth and sit on my lap already...
>would the Guild accept that?
As if those faggots have a choice
Ozen would never accept some boya and some potato as her equals.
She has more important buisness to attend to~
potato has gone deeper than she ever did, also she will end the cycle, or kill everyone on the surface. either way impressive.
She would just need to show the white whistle. Show she can use it. Maybe come back with layer 5 artifacts or plant life for more evidence.
Not much they could really say. They'd likely use her for marketing just like her mother given how young she was when she became a white whistle.
>potato has gone deeper than she ever did
Without reg potato would stop at second layer.
Or maybe even at the 1st, but Reg is her special relic, every white whistle is allowed to have one.
I will marry Riko!!
That's right. I am Ozen.
He draws 1 frame an hour because I keep talking to him in the chat.
Is that a pedophile reference?
Am I the only one who thought of Jojo when I saw this panel?
Is he even eating? Every piece of food from that tiny spoon is falling out of his """mouth""".
No. Bondrewd created Idofront base himself, and its considered an incredible accomplishment.
Bondrewd operates on his own, but provides real benefits to the rest of the delvers. We know his experiments and his true awfulness, but most people just know him as that badass who went down into deepest part of the Abyss that man can come back alive from, made a fortress, starts solving real problems singelhandedly, and the maps of the Abyss he sends back up to the surface are the most complete anyone has ever seen. He's like a superhero to them.
Its only the people who have met him 'personally' who are like "Yeah, he's cool, but there is something really off about that guy."
The box isn't a special grade artifact.
That's a bit of an understatement. Most divers think the dude is a full on monster pretending to be human going by that black whistle. Though I would guess people on the surface has a more rose colored viewpoint due to the propaganda they give for white whistles.
Orth is already the most powerful city in the world.
Think about it. Every White Whistle we know anything about is is affiliated with Orth. Probably because being surrounded by Abyss worshiping weirdos helps in the aspect of finding someone to be your whistle.
Unless the other nations have their own, unheard of equivalents to White Whistles? They can't fully unlock the true nature of many artifacts. So thats already an advantage.
But the WWs are PEOPLE are fucking dangerous too. In a setting that doesn't seem to have invented guns yet, how many people do you think you would need to send to kill Ozen in a fight? Or, god help you, you were one of those poor fucking bastards who tried to claim the bounty on Bondrewd's head?
WWs go beyond humanity and become monsters. I imagine that other nations have tried to take the island before to claim the Abyss for themselves, but its proven to be a VERY bad idea to try.
the bell stops time?
>That's a bit of an understatement. Most divers think the dude is a full on monster pretending to be human going by that black whistle.
I wouldn't say most divers. Habo is an experienced black whistle so he is likely more perceptive than most.
Most lower ranked divers probably wouldn't be able to pick up on Bondrewd's oddness.
>hence the lord of dawn
Bondrewd is called the lord of dawn because he revolutionized and trampled over the generations-old traditions of the delvers. It's not because of the whole 2,000 year plot thing.
Habo says that the white whistles are the trump cards of Orth. I don't think any other nation has anything like them.
Where does Riko get new clothes if she's in the 6th layer?
Wonder what happens if she smashes her glasses?
The rank system is probably only an Orth thing, since they're the ones with enough proximity to the abyss to have an entire training system and hierarchy.
Since the actual white whistles are treasures of the abyss, in a sense, it's entirely possible for foreign delvers to challenge the depths and end up with one.
Reminder that the squad sent to retrieve the bell was almost completely decimated by foreign delvers. Lyza earned her reputation from defeating not just monsters, but them as well.
Foreign delvers seem exclusively focused on retrieving artifacts rather than exploring the abyss for the sake of it like the white whistles.
I think anyone with the chops to become a white whistle would join up with Orth anyways like Bondrewd did.
Riko is for Reg and Reg is for Riko
>exploring the abyss for the sake of it like the white whistles
>exploring Abyss