WEG thread.
WEG thread
I find it annoying that VE is getting so much flak for the filters and not for the fact that it's just uninteresting.
Apart from truly being an eyesore, it's the filters are applied to something that had "beautiful" animation as its main selling point.
Fuck the colors
I gotta say, they had balls for greenlighting an animated high fantasy series based on the life story of Eva Braun.
Fuck off.
Man the ending fucking sucked. At least the teaser for what happens next in the story was good.
Seriously what the fuck man. Why did—
I don't like the show, but how is it an eyesore? It doesn't bother me at all. There are plenty of other shows with "filters." Why is it suddenly a problem now?
Is he banned?
I decided against picking it up after skimming through first episode, does it get better?
>have all episodes downloaded
>still can't be assed to watch it
Everything about it screams super generic, but then I see posts like this and makes me second think.
waiting for someone to post this.
>not expecting suffering
Even if you're some animeonly fag, it was still obvious from the previews.
The first ep is just character intros and does come off as generic, but after that it gets heavily plot focused with the two MCs being on the run and all.
It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea but I give it credit for trying things differently.
Context? I haven't been in VEG threads.
someone keeping tracing back every image in the threads and if the image has been posted with the same filename before on some other board (usually Sup Forums) he makes a big fuss.
What a hero.
Threads got nuked and I haven't seen him since though so I'm pretty sure he's kill.
Nice, its been a while
Eris won the higebowl, imoutofags on suicidewatch.
you can always become a qt trap user.
My personal favorite
Can't speak for everybody, but VEG makes me feel like it takes place in one big smoking lounge. Never had this problem with any other show.
Read the post in OP's image.
Bocchi is boring. You need to accept it.
Mein niger
Oh shit I remember that.
if you remove all the posts about filters you still have an enormous number of people complaining that it's bland and boring though.
fuck off
Good one
Wiolent Ever Garden
I wanted to like this show but it has some of the worst animation I've ever seen in a otherwise decent series
only one that made my laugh
>Trigger teens and Shaft shitters hating on KamiAni
And water is wet.
Because it's shitposting target
>Tumblr and womyn protecting Kyoani
Fire is hot.
Shockingly accurate.
>Watched Fate route visual novel
>Got Unlimited Blade Works adaptation
Very good
Good movie though
I wouldn't know since I don't know what offsiter normalfags like to protect.
Is that Leorio in the left?
To be fair you have to have a very high iq to understand re:zero
It was meant to be
>Read Fate/Stay Night
>Expected action and fights
>Got autistic ramblings
I'm just bad at these
Too bad it ended like absolute shit.
who drama here
Someone post the illya one
Well played, user
Threadly reminder that if you're using more than three images you're doing it wrong.
fuck, he really is
k i n o