What is the worst anime you ever watched Sup Forums?
What is the worst anime you ever watched Sup Forums?
Ping Pong The Animation
Akame ga Kill
Valvrave the Liberator
tonde burin
sword art online
magic knight rayearth
digimon xros wars
>magic knight rayearth
bitch, i will cut you
OreImo s2
>OreImo s2
Buthurt kuroneko fag
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
The art reminds me of a cheap Canadian cartoon
Netoge a few seasons ago, absolutely fucking retarded, the heroine was supposed to be a MMO addict but she acted like it was her first time playing a videogame ever. Shameless attempt to cater to a certain demographic. Absolute generic trash.
fight me irl
Ef (melodies and memories)
>[User was banned for this post]
That anime was all over the fucking place, but I loved it because of that.
To be fair, first season ending was kind of abrupt, and second season was off.
New Game.
Elfen lied
I think I actually resent Kuroneko the most because her character arc in s2 ate up so much time and had a 100% negative impact on my enjoyment of the show.
I'll be honest, I watched R+V 7 years ago, before I developed a proper appreciation for cute anime girls. I'd probably be more forgiving if I re-watched it now, but nothing about the series is calling me back to it.
persona trinity soul, what a horrible trainwreck of an anime it was, it was fucking shit.
>I am 13
>no liking guro ero stuff+incest
Normies get out reeeeeeee
>no liking shock value for teens with dialogues written by a 12yo
fix'd it for you
What did you not like about Nadesico?
Either Yosuga no Sora or Zetsuen no Tempest.
Though Fruits Basket was pretty horrible too, even if the manga is more tolerable.
the Nadesico TV series wasn't bad
the movie was fucking trash
Any pre-2009 anime. Mobile Shit Zeta Gundumb for example.
Fairy Tail, without a shadow of doubt.
can't think of any anime i watched a good amount of before dropping it, because i tend to drop things that give me vibes of stupidity pretty quickly or just outright ignore them for things that seem better in general, and it wouldn't be fair to say they are the worst whatevers
like i watched nichijou for two episodes before dropping it one time, but then i came back to watch it years later and it was pretty enjoyable
Same here. I dropped Zeta after the first episode. Mechashit is awful.
>Dosen't like Nadesico
Its like you hate fun
ZZ Gundam.
Fuck you, you have no right to complain about Zeta until you've suffered through all 50 episode of it.
Eureka Seven: AO
I love to see more Amuro and Char dinamics but I can't stand Kamile
>hating on the greatest Gundam protagonist of all time
Can't realy blame people who dislike Tehxnolyze, I love it, but its not for everyone
After episode 17 or so Kamile turns into Amuro 2.0 anyways.
Dragon Ball GT
The worst I've ever finished is probably Gunslinger Stratos, but I drop anything that's completely unwatchable.
Me too. I dropped Outlaw Star after episode 10.
We hate the same shows. This made me smile user. I'm also going to throw in Magikano.
Either Sakura trick or Kantai collection.
valvrave is probably not the most terrible but it is the most terrible one I finished
Green green
It’s so bad at times I found myself laughing at it’s cringe
I have a few: gaogaigar, fateshit, dragon ball super and digimon tamers
Hard to pick the WORST one but probably this. Took a friend to go see it too because I am a retard and fell for the Ghibli meme. God it was terrible.
This piece of shit doesn't even end and cuts off when things started to get interesting after a million of episodes of filler.
DBS is a close second.
If that's the worst you've ever watched, I applaud your ability to only watch top tier animu.
Wan Piss (of shit). No surprise, considering the source material. Shit in, shit out.
What wrong with Gekigager user?
Taboo Tattoo
Big Order
White Album 1
Comet Lucifer
The movie must've been made with the assumption the viewers knew the lore after the tv series.
Yeah, part of the bigger picture comes from playing the games that are set between TV and movie.
Every anime that focus on brother sister incest
What was the point of season 2 again? I felt like they stopped giving a fuck when they start throwing Aliens and illuminati into the mix.
Mars of Destruction
The manga's not bad though imo
Kakugo no susume probably; seriously though, how few of the answers in this thread are actually literal garbage.
Same.. Destroyed eureka seven
Legeng of the Galactic Heroes: Golden Wings
Twin Star Exorcist
Cant believe crunchyroll shilled that garbage to me
Kenka Bancho Otome. It's fujoshit but it's also really bad. Looks like shit, bad designs, 1 whole episode to establish that the girl is a guy and that people fight at school. Painful
Taboo Tattoo, Hundred, and Seisen Cerberus which was probably the least worst of all of them, despite it being absolutely terrible.
Fuck I dropped that shit in the fifth episode, against my better judgement to drop it on the first episode. In the manga a clown rapes a mother and daughter on top of their recently deceased father's grave.
I usually drop an anime if I'm not into it but for some reason I watched glasslip through to the end.
A lot of SoL gets shit for "nothing happening" but this shit is one of the few anime where actually, literally, nothing happens.
Common, the animation is too good to be the worst you've seen.
Still Malice@Doll. There hasn't been anything repugnant enough to beat it yet but I'm sure it's merely the tip of the iceberg.
Most people don't actively look for awful anime to watch. This type of response is to be expected when the vast majority of terrible anime either go under the radar completely or have ratings/opinions/etc. surrounding them to let you know they're not even worth watching beforehand.
I'd say this is the worst I've actually finished. Back in high school, my local anime club loved it.
>tonde burin
Would kill to have this series for nostalgic reasons..
This shitty romance comedy called My Little Monster. The first four episodes were some of the most unique I've seen from a romance anime: The female main character was thrusted into this new experience she'd never even considered and it opened up new doors for her and made her wonder about the beauties of life. It was done convincingly without any fantasy bullshit and was actually really well done. Immediately after that, however, the writers realized they still had 9 more episodes to fill, and immediately undid all the character development made thus far, flanderized the male MC, made the female MC the most unlikable bitch in history, then crammed it with something like 30 side characters of which only one is good and somewhat decently developed (pic related). Characters were openly, verbally questioning their own motives, or their lack of. It was one of the most frustrating wastes of potential I've ever seen. It goes from a god tier show to an unbearable shit spiral so quickly that I actually didn't believe it at first and unfortunately subjected myself to watching one of the later episodes.
If you want a good time, binge the first 4 or 5 episodes, pretend they both said they love each other at the end instead of whatever gay shit they pull, and tell yourself you just watched a comfy romance movie. If you want to hate yourself, watch the whole thing. I was so upset at the thought of having to watch this show for multiple days in a row that I watched the entire thing in one night. In hindsight I wish I had just dropped it. It was awful.
A Channel
A few years back, a considerable number of people here said this was the funniest anime of all time.
I've never watched a more generic, formulaic, barren SoL in my life.
Used to thank there was no such thin as bad anime
Was at a friends hose in 1989, he had a VCD of
Bubblegum Crisis 8080
On that day I learned that there is a suck a thing as bad anime
Angel Beats
What the fuck? Are you gay? I'll admit that kendo bitch was the worst girl tho.
Back in our day having a VCD was good, once in a while some one found a SVCD, MPEG2.
Now we have instant access to everything we want, but in the 90s it wasn't so easy
instant access to everything we want
fuck you
The new Godzilla's up there for sure.
What a piece of shit.
Rebellion. Because of the new ending and how unnecessary it was. They didn't try and fail like bad anime normally does, they intentionally ruined the movie.
Punchline, Kiznaiver and Mayoiga are definitely some of the worst and very recent even. Chuu- season 2 was fucking shit too.
Dragon Ball Super
E7: AO
Gundam Seed Destiny