Wow what a slut

wow what a slut

Damn it

Why? Hasn't he suffered enough? Does the author really need to shit on him so much?

Not a slut, she was just naively nice.

Poor bastard though



>has a local male friend for whom she's never stated more than good friendship
>has a crush/boyfriend back home
wow what a slut

At least he's enough of a man to not blame her for his own misunderstanding.

You know it is all his fault?
You cannot just hang with girls and except them to take you seriously as a love interest
That is not how relationships work

He should beat the shit out of her for leading him on, then rape her

d-delete this

>has a local male friend
Men and women cant be friends. The man is always gonna want something more, unless she's just really ugly and then it would be the reverse. If you are a woman with male "friends" you are either a naive idiot or a slut.

explain coworkers

Or they could just process like decent human beings and understand than there is more than "jumping on them the first time you see them" and "be her gay friend for the rest of her life". Some people actually become attracted to others after getting to know them more.
Fucking hell.

They either bang or the man is just so unattractive nothing will happen.

>Implying the user you're replying to goes outside let alone goes to work.

in his defence, he has no self confidence


He's a nice boy

>only character who realizes the romcom stupidity these students are going through
>only one who tries to cut through it for his friend despite being an unattractive otaku
>continuously tries to explain away his own romcom events
>when he finally gives in, it turns out he was right all along
I don't blame Enomoto, but it's still fucked how the one guy who doesn't go along with all this bullshit gets badgered into it and then the rug pulled out from under him. He could at least use some more friends who are complete morons.


>she was just naively nice

Don't worry, he'll get his good ending, yes, I'm sure of it, because everyone deserves to be happy, even we disgusting otakus

I thought the manga ended?

"Work firends" are not friends, and I'm not even talking about opposite sex stuff. Yeah, you can make small talk, have a good time after work or wathever, but if they have to fuck you over to get a promotion, they will, and so will you if in the same position.

No, there's 10 volumes and it's still going

>friends and acquaintances are the same thing
You're partially excused for your misunderstanding due to how the social expectation to "friend" everyone you know on social media has muddied definitions, but you really ought to know better. Coworkers aren't friends, they're just people you're acquainted with.

what japanese dialect is that supposed to be ?



Where did you get that idea?

not that user but my godfather is someone my dad's worked with and been friends with for decades, that's a bit more than acquaintances

You're moving the goalposts. I never said you can't become friends with a coworker, I said that it's not necessary for your coworkers to be your friends.

Side note: the discussion is about friendship with the opposite sex. Your father and godfather's friendship does not address the point, since they're both men.

So men can't fall in love with other men?

you said
>Coworkers aren't friends, they're just people you're acquainted with.
which is flat out stating coworkers and friends are mutually exclusive, don't try to weasel out of your statement. gender is also mentioned nowhere in there, if you want to be taken seriously in the future make a better argument in the first place so you won't look so foolish next time

Of course they can. Dicks are great. Everybody can love dick, if they try.

Hasn't this board suffered enough?

Fine, let me amend that to "Coworkers aren't *necessarily* friends," to satisfy your autistic ass. The context was abundantly clear from the reply chain in which implied that one must be friends with their (opposite sex) coworkers. Without said implication that post completely fails to address any aspect of the post it's replying to.

>don't try to weasel out of your statement
Pot, meet kettle. He says you're a nigger.


I just don't want him to suffer

Most of my friends are woman, this really isn't the case. It's really not too hard to just stay friends with a woman.

get the fuck off this board, you just do not belong here.

You could have prevented this.


All i feel is rage.

There are some depressing chapters here.

Which chapter did he even realize that she actually liked him? The fucking numbering probably made me miss it.

>this entire series

Foreigners in manga are always so damn endearing.

Don't remind me of this pain user. Not again.

Bitch doesn't deserve him. Country bumpkins are meant to be bullied anyway

This series has never managed to make me give a single shit about these two.

kek t.permavirgin with 0 friends

Well, shit. Source me up, is this batman?
Please call me a faggot and not give me source, that would be the ideal outcome.

Yes, it's batman.
If you already guessed that much, I'm surprised you weren't able to tell from the pieces of art you can see in that image.

lel salty
I got some female friends. Sure, some of them wants to get with me and I want to get with some of them, but it's not like the desire overwhelm me or them to the point we cannot entertain normal relations.

Seems like someone is not getting laid.


That hit too close to home. Fuck the author.

Tsurezure in 2018:
>depression arcs
>dead typesetter
>r9k threads

I think I have just witnessed what unintentional celibacy would look like in post form

Since pretty much everyone has a pair already, I think only fatty, sensei, yandere and best wingman are lacking one

>TL user is still providing
That user is a hero

What the fuck? This is just pathetic

Today I will remind them of the pain

The cringe

Are you that fucker from the darling threads

t. women

Come on now kiddo

>Motoyama tries to distance away from Kansai since he's well aware of what will happen
>Kansai forces herself anyway
>Motoyama then slowly becomes attracted to her
>this shit happens
The fact that Kansai didn't mean to hurt Motoyama's feelings makes it even more saddening and frustrating at the same time. Fuck misunderstandings

>That piece of shit who keeps posting this
Just how hard do you want our hearts to be crushed

>t. women

go back

i'm sorry, never again :(

Are you kidding me? Co-workers date and fuck ALL THE TIME.

yes, but most of the time they don't.

Enough of this, I beg you.

That is an interesting psychological analysis of the ways a person writes and how it suggest its gender.

Is motoyama the self-insert character of the author?

The author is married with a young child.

Motoyama's too good for this existence

Then, is it a sadistic blow to his readers?

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?

According to the OP, he's a slut.

roasties exposed

He's too good for this world

>Just how hard do you want our hearts to be crushed
As much as mine

Unless he's going to pull a really good ending for him, it would seem so.

It's a chapter that happens perhaps too often in real life, especially if you're a reserved guy. You go and try to be a nice guy, get goaded into a pairing by your peers, start to have hopes that something might bloom from that, but then get slapped by reality when she says "I like someone else".

I should know.


>find out he has no chance
>the very next moment he wingman's some guy he doesn't even know
We don't deserve him.


Thank you. I'm ready

The fact that she's asking those kind of things to him just for being a otaku makes this situation more painful to read than should to be, holy shit.

stop please

>mfw there is still more pain to come
>please stop this abuse, hes had enough

His friend was even spergier and he found happiness, why cant he?

Shit. Have hope. Maybe we can change one day.

>tfw friend says "hahaha, you two are really cute together!"

t. friendless retard

Where the fuck do you think you are?
Protip: Using a lot of buzzwords don't make you any less new. Fuck off.

fucking pedo

It was expected
Just because someone is nice to you doesn't mean they're into you.

>Just because someone is nice to you doesn't mean they're into you
That is why I do not interact with people beyond outside of my professional needs of.