Will they give Part 6 a chance?
JoJo thread
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If there's no animated Jolyne with her EoH voice, I'm rioting.
jotaro didnĀ“t age?
Reminder that part 6 is the shittest part
I think this manga is too brainy for me I keep getting lost and then when this showed up I had to stop because I'm not going to get a PhD in Poriferaology just read a comic book
If the two become one then why do both get destroyed?
he has benjamen button disease
When does part 7 get good?
when Gyro dies
The introduction was straight up shit and not how the stand works. I don't get why people get pissed over KCs introduction and not this
Unironically this.
Miyuki Sawashiro is the perfect Jolyne, any other voice would be a huge mistake. And she's also one of my favourite seiyu, but that's not relevant.
Is that a Spongebob reference?
Hopefully never. I don't want to live in a world with CGI horses all over the place in my Part 7 adaptation.
Around the time the stands get reintroduced. Twenty-something chapters.
Wrong part 7 is good from the start
This depends on every person, but I personally started liking Part 7 on the "Catch the Rainbow" arc. Before that it was mostly boring, but then it started to be interesting.
My nigga. I started enjoying it at Scary Monsters but Catch the Rainbow is what hooked me completely.
fuck me that's some great fanart. has the artist done anything else jojo related?
To be honest, I don't even know who the arttist is. Someone posted it long ago on a Jojo Thread and I took it without asking because Jolyne best girl.
I remember reading that arc and, for the first time on SBR I actually felt the need to read the next chapters as soon as possible because I needed to know what was going to happen.
My greatest regret was reading Steel Ball Run (and Stone Ocean I think?) in color, it really ruined the art and now I don't even have a reference point for what it was supposed to look like, I guess I'll have to reread them at some point
When Gyro showed up it was love at first sight for me.
name one stand power introduction that accurately introduces their power
>star platinum steals things from far away despite being a short range power type
>the hol horse spider web and polnareff stairs make no sense regarding time stop
Never liked Gyro desu. I can't stand characters so blatantly crafted to be cool.
>The introduction was straight up shit
So, the best fight in all of JJBA was shit...
>not how the stand works
Do you have reading comprehension problems? The ability to overlap universes wasn't the entire ability, it was only part of it, just because it was never used again doesn't mean "that's not how it works".
Stone Ocean was fine in color, it might not be some's cup of tea, but it wasn't SBR's level of bad.
I always assumed it was DIO itself moving Polnareff down the stairs while time was stopped.
He's not cool, he portrays himself as cool, but once he opens up to Johnny you see he is a failure and a disgrace to his family, and his jokes often fall flat, but Johnny humors him.
Gappy makes me happy
>Star Platinum with its superhuman speed, strength, and precision quickly rips off a piece of Joseph's metal hand when he is right in front of Jotaro's face.
>DIO stops time and effortlessly lifts/carries Polnareff down a few steps when time is stopped. He can do all that in about 10 seconds because he's a vampire.
I think he was just sorta boring
His personality, motives, and flashbacks to his backstory didn't interest me at all
Joshuu makes ME happy
>>the hol horse spider web
What was this again?
Read the manga.
What's so confusing about DIO stopping time and moving behind Hol Horse without disturbing spider webs?
Man, you have some serious shit taste.
It took me less than a minute to find the source with SauceNAO. This is the only other JoJo fanart that artist has drawn, and I was right that he only draws garbage:
>So, the best fight in all of JJBA was shit...
No? The introduction is shit, the rest is great
>Do you have reading comprehension problems? The ability to overlap universes wasn't the entire ability, it was only part of it, just because it was never used again doesn't mean "that's not how it works".
Considering how much people bitch about "muh damage reflection" and "muh acid" I really think that it should piss more people off. And if it's not a new ability then it's shit too because it's another case of Araki forgetting, which should also anger people
Not him, but what the fuck are you talking about.
That other drawing the artist has made is cute as hell. Don't you like cute things, user?
Bowie is up there with the top 3 sexiest men of all time.
kill yourself
Bowie is fucking ugly and Kira is uglier
It doesn't look like Jolyne at all. Also look at her, holy shit, the fucker doesn't give a fuck. It looks more like a polished turd to me, sprinkled with nice colors and a shiny skin to make it look "cute", it's clear he was thinking with his dick and I hate that kind of art. If you think I'm being autistic then whatever, I'll keep being autistic, at least I helped that user out.
>The introduction is shit, the rest is great
My mistake, I thought you were including the whole fight as its "introduction".
>Considering how much people bitch about "muh damage reflection" and "muh acid" I really think that it should piss more people off.
>it's another case of Araki forgetting
I don't understand why anyone bitches about most of these things they bitch about Araki forgetting, they were only useful in specific scenarios, I don't think it was a case of Araki forgetting it at all, maybe him not being able to think of a situation where it could be used effectively again, but that's it.
>muh damage reflection
I will give you that one, though, since several people damage the things that Giorno creates and don't get hurt.
>muh acid
That actually was used several times:
>creating the illusion that Whitesnake was Weather Report
>creating the illusion that Versace was Pucci
I wonder what your life looks like
Is D4C the most overrated arc?
Doppio gets me Uppio
>I don't understand why anyone bitches about most of these things they bitch about Araki forgetting, they were only useful in specific scenarios
People don't like inconsistent writing. I'm personally not bothered by it but I can see it potentially ruining someone's immersion
>I don't think it was a case of Araki forgetting it at all, maybe him not being able to think of a situation where it could be used effectively again, but that's it.
That probably what happened with damage reflection too. People use "Araki forgot" as a synonym to "Araki retconned something"
>several people damage the things that Giorno creates and don't get hurt.
Only Mista from what I can remember
>That actually was used several times
Tell that to people who were bitching about it. Still, Whitesnake was poorly written in general
What was Araki thinking when he put a young boy in that sweater?
It looks flat, soulless, terrible, and generally generic. She looks twelve, with her sole distinctive feature (Her hair) not even being on the mark. Overall though it's obvious the artist just doesn't give a crap about the series, he didn't even draw her tattoos or bellybutton piercing (though she only got the latter later on). Here's some cute fanart of her that actually looks like her, it's not hard to find.
I don't know dude
Unpopular opinion: I think the anime has an excellent English dub which is superior to the original (because the characters are non-Japanese anyway)
How old is the Dop supposed to be? I'm thinking 13-14.
Fan-service (;
It's actually the Mandom arc.
People here talk about it like it's the best thing ever, and I found it boring as hell.
Unpopular opinion: the second half of Part 4 is actually better in the anime version.
>Only Mista from what I can remember
I could be wrong but I remember it a lot, too lazy to look to much though other than pic related
>Whitesnake was poorly written in general
I really love Whitesnake, but holy shit was it way too strong, and that was before it got 2 upgrades.
>Whitesnake was poorly written in general
how so?
I agree
>look at her
*her hair
And the other fanart I linked to has better art overall, but the concept (the Crusaders as schoolgirls, wow, so original) is disgusting and the execution isn't good enough to make it acceptable. As the other user pointed out, the artist doesn't give a crap about JoJo.
Unpopular opinion: Part 4's character writing is a mess
Kobayashi Yuu would be a great Jolyne too
Mold is hard to count as direct damage. I mean all the stuff that Giorno creates would eventually mold anyway
>infinite range
>literally ending fights with one blow
>lol I manipulated water to disguise myself
>the whole handcuff fight (cool but stupid)
>lol I remove my eyesight somehow
>lol I can control minds
I fear the part 6 anime because then crossposters who know nothing of Jojo will say it's some SJW bullshit.
Many of the dub voices are fantastic (Wamuu, Joseph, Lisa Lisa) but a few of them are dreadful. IMO 3's dub is the only irredeemable one though since they made everyone a boring-ass American, think how much more fun it'd be if Polnareff sounded like this.
I agree with the first part, not with the second one. Seriously, the dub is pretty good aside from some stuff like the weak ORAs and Joseph not being as perfect as in Japanese. Of course, dubs are literally the devil on Sup Forums, all the more reason for the rest of the board to hate on us. It's a shame, but I don't care.
>any dub
>better than the original
>especially JJBA
I seriously don't know how you do it, that dub was particularly atrocious, and betrays the entire theme of the series.
That's not a very unpopular opinion, maybe here, but a lot of people agree that the pacing changes and rearranging of the arcs was great.
I think it complements the surreal nature of Morioh.
Unpopular Opinion: Stone Ocean is one of the highlights of the series, and JoJolion is looking to be one of if not the best part.
no, never.
because they won't stop dragging their fucking feet with part 5.
I want SJW so screech about Jolyne being oversexualized just for them to eat their words later
Aside from obvious shitposters I don't think anyone gives a crap about female MCs anymore. JoJo's always been known as a series which changes protagonists with the generations anyway, you can't claim that she 'stole the spotlight' or anything any more than any of the others.
>>any dub
>>better than the original
There are various instances of it, like it or not, including the Stardust Crusaders OVAs
Unpopular opinion: Araki is kinda bad at writing, but he knows how to put his heart and artistic mind into the story and that's the only reason jojo works
>I seriously don't know how you do it, that dub was particularly atrocious, and betrays the entire theme of the series.
What did he mean by this?
No offense but have you even seen SJWs stances on Jolyne and Stone Ocean in general? They don't give a crap about the sexualization in series like JoJo since the male characters are sexualized just as much or even more.
The average tumblrite just reblogs a couple of Jolyne fanarts where they gush about how they want her to kill them in the tags, and then go back to drawing and circlejerking over fujo shit with the 2 - 5 characters. Overwhelmingly your SJW is a girl who's as straight as a post and wishes she was anything but, so stuff like Stone Ocean is only a temporary blip on the radar.
I wonder if they decided not to give them accents to avoid angering SJWs. Polnareff's getting better though so I don't really mind his lack of an accent anymore.
Why do people not like the colored SBR? Are there any good examples of why it's so bad? Genuinely curious because it's my favorite part, and I've only ever read it once in color. When I do reread it I plan on B&W
Dont worry, this has nothing to do with science or intelligence. Araki is like a drunk teenager on acid who is trying to explain the world from his feelings at the moment.
>A character has an American accent
That's retarded. What the shit does it have to do with SJWs?
Gay priest is here. Confess your sins.
I want to fuck Pucci in the ass.
Didn't know about her, but looks like she voiced the trap from Steins;Gate. Thats was a very cute voice, doesn't look like it would fit Jolyne.
My image got swapped.
My man.
There's a blog called ihatekujojotaro.tumblr.com It's atrocious.
A couple of times I've made shitposts shitting on Stone Ocean or other parts because I like the quality discussion that it provokes, where people write in-depth posts about the parts they love.
I have a lot of sins, but they're not related to Jojo. Can I confess them anyway?
I saw one blog which looked potentially funny called 'Ihatekishiberohan' or something, and I went to it and 90% of the first page was virtue-signalling with the blog-owner reblogging callout-posts for artists who'd drawn porn of underage characters like Josuke and Kakyoin.
Sounds like that person doesn't really understand Jotaro, even though he's not even that complex. That's what you get for not paying attention.
Sure, my child. I don't discriminate.
Dub Jonathan and Joseph is great
>Tumblr is full of shitters
In other news your mom is wet
Haha you deserve it faggot
"No accents" as in "no stereotypical accents", meaning French for Polnareff, Japanese for Kakyoin, etc. Yes, he has a murrican one but the entire cast does.
Or the PC Police, I don't know. Since stereotypical accents are, well, based on stereotypes, it makes me think of the possibility that maybe someone complained about Stroheim/Caesar's bad accent in the first season and that it influenced their decision to not go with it this time. That's a possibility, I'm not saying it's really what happened, and I think they've given some other reason as to why they didn't do it, so please don't reply like a retard again.
Why do you people even care for part 5 and above? The only good parts were 1 and 4
She can't get wet anymore
Because they read the manga unlike you
Why does your mom even care about you? God took the wrong son.
Because they are better.