>looks at a group of slaves with collars
>is reminded of his relatives
What the fuck did he mean by this?
>looks at a group of slaves with collars
>is reminded of his relatives
What the fuck did he mean by this?
Kill me already.
It's one of those fun ones like Konosuba.
Why are you here then? Jump off a cliff if you hate it so much you could die.
>doesn't mind throwing the priest and the guy under the bus
>even though they could end up dead or seriously injured
i like this guy
you have seen the collars, and thus slaves.
he have seen the person behind the collars(slaves) and looked at the girls, so he saw his relatives!.
You can always ignore it. It's not like there's armies of people claiming it's good or anything. Shit will always be made. If you react like this every time shit is made, you should really kill yourself to save yourself suffering. Not every anime is a masterpiece or even good. That has always been the case and will never change
>It's one of those fun ones like Konosuba.
Like fuck it's not. Konosuba is a comedy that's leading towards romcom. Death March is comfy SoL tourism in another world.
>is reminded of his relatives
That's wrong. Actually he looked at a group of demi-humans and was reminded of his family. Because his family is part human, part shit - like himself.
>This show's budget
Wage slaves
I'm reading the manga for some reason, is this the most annoying isekai MC ever written? The fact that they tease some romance at the start then end up with the MC just fucking a prostitute realy annoyed me as well.
I only read the WN version, but wasn't he supposed to use his costume here and fight the demon? Did they cut that or is it different in the LN?
I would put a collar on my nieces if I could.
Whats that fucking blur, is kyoani also working on this
I believe they tailored it so the dungeon encounter would be more dramatic. Something to with the traits of hero titles, which he didn't have.
The WN and LN are very different. You'll see something like that in an episode or two at the end of the labyrinth.
>when you are a terrible isekai on top of being adapted by silver link
Can't you see he's in enough pain that he's asking us to kill him?
I am hoping it changes eventually, but it will take something significant for it to happen, since the MC manages to find an alternate method far too often when only a single solution should exist.
>end up with the MC just fucking a prostitute
Does it happen in manga too, or only WN?
>ywn have demi-human slaves
>ywn order them to force themselves on you at random intervals during the day
why live?
Manga as well. Although they just show him meeting the prostitute then leaving the brothel the next day.
Horribly disgusting
This would have been better
It's Silver Link. What do you expect?
This show is pretty fun.
It is. And I enjoy it the same way I enjoyed Smartphone.
>Kill me already.
But if you die, you'll wake up in another world.
It actually makes sense as an stylistic choice in this anime. He is opening a menu so it makes sense to make a divide between the game interface and the world, not to mention that he browses it with his eyes so it makes sense he would loose focus of things around him.
I should ask a drawfag to draw Satoo and Touya going for a fistbump one of these days.
The Japanese are always slaves to the system.
in other words: AESTHETICS
>Enjoyed Smartphone
I see, so you willingly eat up generic garbage as long as it panders enough for your tastes.
Perhaps fun things are fun.
I'm torn about this. I enjoy Death March, but fucking hate Smartphone. I've read enough isekai to know it's trash, but I can't stop liking DM.
Yes. Something wrong with that?
If a certain piece of garbage is fun then I don't give a shit if it's generic or garbage.
He likes old women.
That's how it works for everything for everyone.
He has a harem but cucks them all with a prostitute?
I shouldn't be against this but it's just so wrong
She is at least as old as him, just not 100 million years old. Another person could have returned to her world in the past, but stayed centuries to wait for him as well.
My memory is shut but I think he wears the costume after they come out of the dungeon when he's killing the demon.
He thinks of the lolis as children and himself as their guardian.
Two of the lolis think of themselves as his harem, Mia and Arisa. Lulu thinks of herself as ugly. This show is basically "women are wrong: the anime".
He prefers older women, big-breasted females (no oppai loli, but JKs are safe), and sexually skilled prostitutes. He's had virgins, and in his opinion, first times are too messy or a pain. Quitesimply, he's just not a lolicon.
In the WN, he tears up the town, learning new skills while fighting the greater demon. In the LN/manga, it's as you remember.
Get out.
I've only read the WN. Didn't read the LN.
Except the lispling of the lizard girl
GOD FUCK i always hated people with this spelling. now i have to listen to this IN ADDITION to desudesudesudesudesudesudesu
well, thank god i can mute it and have subtitles
Did you just lisp while trying to type "lisping"?
Writer trying to say something about himself pretty desperately...
I thought I was prepared for this scene, but holy fuck tama and pochi are so fucking adorable.
Oh. Well, he wears the mask and wig in the town plaza fight, and the demonlord revival fight.
nanodesu motherfucker
nanodesu, you double pochi.
She wasn't lisping. And desudesudesu is the best thing that happened this episode, are you gay?
Shit spacing and shit taste.
well, i didnt remember the english word for it so i used the german version
lispeln is german
She was lisping just the question is are they playing on the fact that she's a lizard or is it because of psychological scars
>be virgin programmer
>get teleported to different world with godlike broken abilities
>not unleashing meteor hellfire on everything in sight and building a harem of cat slave girls
>just gonna casually stroll around with locals
God what a fucking pussy faggot MC I seriously want to gas myself after watching this far
Pardon me for having actual taste, dumb Yuiposter. Also,
Thanks for proving my point.
Thats fine, you are allowed to have your tastes. I like both personally, they are fun to just shut your brain off and enjoy.
That's when he fought the demon alongside the soldiers and got the title hero. I think that was after the dungeon.
He cucks his harem with a prostitute
That he's a man of specific tastes? Personally, I like loli while it's 2D, so I'd do the same as Satoo.
Except he isn't.
>doggirls mouth
Wow, now that looks like shit
LN has it tailored so that he DOESN'T have a hero title, meaning he can't damage the demonlord properly.
Not when you have to repeat the fact multiple times, almost like you're trying to convince yourself
>I've read enough isekai to know it's trash
I've basically read most of them and DM is one of my all time favorites. The SoL parts and the side stories are comfy as fuck.
Oh. You're one of those self fellating fags who thinks "taste" and "standards" in anime are useful for anything that isn't fellating your own ego and acting smarter and superior to other people on the net based on what shows you enjoy
This whole episode looks like it was put together in an hour or so. The fucking scene where they were stoning the slaves was pöathetic.
He's a virgin slayer in the previous world too. He finds girls having their first time annoying compared to a skilled prostitute that can just pleasure him right away.
>The SoL parts and the side stories are comfy as fuck.
Yes, exactly. Miko head priestess side chapters were fun, but I also like the Boar and Dog-head fights for the banter and misunderstandings.
He's got a thirsty as fuck fujo in a loli's body. Of course it's necessary, she'll rape him at any opportunity.
Your party has gotten stronger
The girls' side storiesare the best like when Pochi got students and the one with Ninja Tama.
She tries to, he only gets more powerful and makes it harder for her after her first attempt.
Normalfags like you are literally incapable of separating reality from fiction, so they need to be reminded that 2D and 3D are different things every so often.
That's one thing missing from the LNs and manga, so I suspect it'll be missing from the anime as well.
The anime will never reach them anyway.
So, are they free now or is he the new owner?
I can't stop enjoying isekai with OP MCs. How do I stop? Suicide?
The new owner, they won't get officially freed during the anime.
>fed up with isekai MCs
>decides to kill himself
>becomes an isekai MC
There is no scape.
That's the law. If the slave's master dies, they belong to whoever's in the will to inherit them, or whoever finds them. Satoo isn't aware of it until he leaves. He's stuck with them too, since if he releases them in a racist territory, they'll end up enslaved or lynched.
I'm saying I enjoy them. That would be a good thing.
Every character in this show seems dead inside. And because they’re throwing so many skills around at random none of them have any weight.
Also, if a show is going to spend so much time on food it should at least make it look good, sound interesting, or go in depth about how it’s made. All the eating here is poorly animated and consists of “Wow, ____, it tastes good.”
>talk to someone
>get 2 new skills
>see lolis getting stoned to death
>get 10 new skills
>shoot a gun
>gain 3 new skills
How would you name your game slaves?
It's because they're cutting so much shit out to make the episode fit. We already missed him bathing with the widow. Also, the food isn't that good, it's just palatable. It's nothing to write home about, he's just musing it's pretty good considering it's not as luxurious as modern world foods.
Negro 1-3
Pochi becomes Slave#3, Tama becomes Meat, and Liza gets a normal name, like Emily or something.
I think it is fun
Hanako, Mimi and Gin.
I suck at naming things in games as well.
His relatives are from Africa.
That seems to be pretty much the point of this universe. Do something and you learn it as a skill, then spend points on it to improve on it instead of having everything unlocked from the get go. Seems reasonable enough for me.
>spend so much time on food
Which they didn't do this episode. MC ate a croquette thing and commented on it, the slaves ate a honeyed bun thing and commented on how good it tastes and that was it.