Friendly reminder that Ragdoll will win the Dekubowl.
Boku No Hero Academia
>when pissfags and tumblrfag get the thread nuked
It was just paintfag stuff getting dumped in the end.
Can't we just make a new thread when the chapter's up
These generals are vile
who is objectively best girl?
Friendly reminder that I__ will win the Dekubowl.
Does paintfag have an imgur or tumblr or soemthing?
Give me one good reason why this thread should be up right now.
give me one good reason why any thread should be up
Spoilers tonight/ early tomorrow
so just start the thread when the chapter's up
Because we want to talk about BNHA.
>Basically all Class A-1 students have names that refers to their skills
>Only two characters don't do this: Midoriya, previously Quirkless, and Aoyama
>"Midoriya" means "green valley"
>"Aoyama" means "blue mountain"
So, what does this all mean? That Aoyama was quirkless just like Deku? Or that they are the opposite of each other (hero and villain)? This can't be just a coincidence.
where the FUCK do I buy that jacket
It's definitely not a concidence- even 1B shitters like tsuburaba have specifically chosen names. No way to really tell what it means at this moment, though.
You mean Hori had planned it all since the very beginning? And that he was vain about the character on purpose?
sneaky motherfucker. he wanted us to think he wasn't important all along
I always found it weird how Hori never draws any sketches of him despite having a expressive quirky presonality (except for the one where he wants to kill Mina). I guess it was to conceal his real personality all along.
So did Japanese readers see this coming for years or what?
Considering there is no fanart of him I guess not. It's probably because Aoyama is an actual last name unlike the madeup shit for the rest of the cast so maybe it went over the nip reader's heads.
what said
This . The original merch is retarded 80% of the time, unable to have any shred of subtlety
I remember noticing the weird pattern ages ago, but there’s no concrete evidence that he’s weird (not “he’s flashy” weird, but more like “he’s unusual” weird) until we get to Provisionals.
Though, looking back, this could’ve been a hint - I think it is, after the latest revelation
What's confusing me is that Dabi definitely saw him and was walking towards him even but didn't blast him to ashes or even bother to call him out or anything.
It makes me think the Giran theories are true however there has to be an active traitor and I don't think it's him at all. Maybe Giran being Laserdad is what's going to be the actual red-herring.
I always suspected the little fucker since the first attack of the villains (we still don't know where the fuck he was)
Today I will remind them:
>volume 10 is where we first suspect a traitor
>Aoyama is on the binding shot of vol.10
Aoyama will splash his grape juice on Mina after getting triggered by one of her perceived rude comments. Kirishima will floor him for it, and he’ll go full Columbine later.
“Uncontrollable Evil” will play as Aoyama straps up for the normie purging.
Spoilers when?
I think he just hided out of fear and didn't want to tell anyone
How far does the rabbit hole go?
Giran being laserdad is also one way to explain how Aoyama was able to
obtain his belt despite it being high-tech
It wouldn’t make sense for him to get into the number one hero school with an illegal belt strapped onto his body for everyone to see, tho.
forged documents
Hell, right back in Aoyama's first panel he's a shady fucker. Really we should have suspected him since his first appearance.
And we haven’t even touched Doc
>stalking Deku since the beginning
NANIIIIII how the fuck did I miss that?!
Can't believe there's just a few chapters left before the revelation that Endeavor is Midoriya's dad
>actually falling hori's ruse cruise
C'mon Sup Forums. Aizawa has taught you all better than that.
>Sup Forums
>knowing any better
This. Honestly I believe it's more likely Aoyama is gay than the traitor. He's definitely quirkless though.
It’s all made too obvious for Aoyama to actually be the traitor and you’re all fools for doubting /ourboy/.
>tfw this week's chapter won't definitely reveal the traitor either
But it’s not nice to ruse people
how many humans naturally sparkle?
If Aoyama is the traitor, I’ll be disappointed. He’s an annoying faggot that people rarely think about.
Where the emotional weight? He’s not friends with anybody, so it’s not really “betrayal”.
>If Aoyama is the traitor he might get replaced by Shinso
>This would set him up to sit right next to Ojiro, who got brainwashed during the cavalry battle, prompting character development
>Aoyama would be an hero-like Villain while Shinso already is a villain-like Hero
I don’t think it really matters to the school where he got the belt from. In their universe it’s probable that quirk-helping devices are just seen like a medical devices like a pacemaker or an artificial limb: it exists, but it’s expensive
pls no, his quirk is shit
I wonder if Aoyama was looking forward to his quirk as a kid, hoping it would be something like the first quirk ever, something that makes his body produce light and makes him sparkle.
>Aoyama is the descendant of the shining baby family
well, it is
How do you thinks he sleeps at night, having to live with the likes of Shoto and Momo and Deku while having such a "quirk" himself?
I think he’s fine with having a tail bigger and longer than fucking torso
Aoyama just covers himself in glitter like a stripper.
Is Horikoshi's Quirk mindfucking his readers?
Deepest lore
I’d shit myself
The scans are coming out for the other series. Clench your asses and hope ours also comes out in a couple hours soon.
I think he's fine. He's a karate master and his tail allows him to jump several meters in the air and bend hard materials. He 's doing his best unlike some other students.
I want to hold Bakugou's sweaty hand.
Fun fact.
Hori gave the tail hair because it looked too phalic otherwise.
Calm down, kirishima
Well he can’t sleep on his back, so he’s probably a little uncomfortable at night.
He’s one of the best students in the class and hasn’t had to deal with any of the life threatening shit most of his peers have gone through. He probably sleeps easier than anyone else.
Tailman will do fine, his tail is pure muscle, it maybe is stronger than his both legs (he destroys robost with it), and to that add that he can into martial arts, so he probably could beat half of the class. He is quiet bland as a character, but he has potential as a fighter.
I like to think Tooru is
Fuck off Aoyama, no one likes you
Calm down Uraraka.
>Honestly I believe it's more likely Aoyama is gay than the traitor
You keep asking this retarded question over and over again but never listen to facts.
Fact is his quirk is stronger than almost half the class (Tenya, Shonen, Sato, Sero, Aoyama**, Tsuyu-chandes, Jiro and Steve).
How does he make bell bottoms look sexy as hell?
Is he wearing disco pants?
He doesn't
He looks great in poet's shirts too. Muh boi is handsome as fuck. his jacket from the dorm tours was pretty retarded though.
Take that back.
>no spoilers yet
he looks anything but sexy. Ugly as fuck.
I want to let Deku pin me down and nervously but firmly dominate me while I encourage him to do whatever he wants to me.
>DBS got canned
>The KING of shonen is back
All that's left is to put you little puppies down in the dirt
Ironically by giving it hair on the end, it looks like a reverse-penis
I'm cringing
I wanna make him cry
But BC never went away
Fuck you, Deku is for love and protection.
Korean spoilers are out.
Aoyama traitor confirmed. Look at this pic
Ok, i'll bite.
Who's the king?
t. mina
No fucking way.
>they think there is just one traitor.
Hori's ruse keeps on trucking.
Shit academia still hasn't surpassed yu yu hakusho or even Black clover
>Birb is suspiciously missing when everyone was present
>The first student to comment to appear and comment when the scene returns to class was Birb, to show that he was missing not because Hori forgot about him
>squiggle man
lets see if he can keep going three months straight this time.