>tfw one of the best ongoing isekai manga has the absolute worst translations, like machine-translated webnovel bad
For fuck's sake I don't understand. Most of LH's translations are mediocre but readable.
Isekai Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>meme translations
No memes. Just garbage sentence construction.
>Shit ton of effort wasted to scanlate every shitty isekai that comes out
>Except the one actually good one
I want to be hit by truck-kun and get transported to a world with less shitty taste.
There's at least a few good ones.
I can't tell if this one wants to be edgy dark or not? Also the lady knight is ok, right?
>NEET protag
>Asshole gods
>Stat screen and skills
>quirky weapon or power that is actually instantly OP thus defeating the point
>Instant harem
Yeah ok buddy.
page 10 bump
What do you guys think of this one? I think it's gonna get real fluffy
Is he really getting Isekai'd again
>LH fags
The one with the cursed dark elf is fine, the one with the engineer dude with no powers is fine too
>translators drop Nidoume no Jinsei due to licensing
>pick up The Spearmaster and the black cat
Good trade off despite the circumstances
Is Sup Forums the only place where faggots post pictures without the source and then complain about people not following said series ?
danke finally uploaded ch3-6 of the final fantasy isekai manga
> then complain about people not following said series
No one's even doing that here, fuck off.
Sup Forums is full of people posting "people have no taste because they dont follow the series this non descript picture is from " tho
>people did this thing, so I'll complain about it in a random thread
Again, fuck off.
I liked his hentai but this is realky, really well drawn
That's not Tsuki Ga or Loli Slime.
>like machine-translated webnovel bad
That was natural english being spoken in that pic you posted? You were expecting weeb translations full of untranslated names and phrases with links to wikipedia??? Fucking ESLs.
Love it so far. I want to protect harpy.
Someone sell me on Meikyuu Black Company
I tried reading it, but I didn't expect the plot to be anything more than MC doing any and everything to keep being lazy and not working.
That's because everyone is Sup Forums and wants you to watch DBZ, anons.
KAJIYAMA Hiroshi? His H looks like Tenchi Muyo.
dragon loli
and dropped
>look this up to see what it's about
>find out that it's written by the C3 author
Dragon girl is Ed
Lizard boy is Double D
MC is Eddy
Do you really want LH Translations to do Faraway Paladin?
The manga isn't as good as the novel sadly unlike most isekai manga.
dragon loli pussy
It’s fine faggot, maybe niggerstream is more to your level.
DO not forget her adult form, also MC got the knight on his side thanks to black mail as well now.
>It's fine
If you have blood clots in your brain, maybe. Niggerstream looks top quality compared to this shit.
at least read good isecrap
How does anyone look at that and think it's good enough?
It’s shit
Meikyuu Black company.
Be prepared for atrocious english translations.
Black companies isn't that bad, the one about the slime who turns into a loli/shota turns into complete fucking garbage like partway through though
If you consider using lolis as projectile weapons fluffy, then sure.
The one about the guy that gets sent into fantasy Spain is really good too
Well that was... Certainly a thing!
Allow me to counter with what I first thought was nothing but hot garbage, but turned out to actually be pretty good. The MC actually feels like he's a character!
Is that Maybe?
It doens't look like Ring Cuck and the Quest to not Fuck any of Your Wives for No Goddamn Reason.
Best thread of the day
My searching says it was from that one. And Maybe should learn to write a better MC.
Well that really just goes to show the quality of most LNs and how much better than them paladin is.
Nah, it's the ring wives thing. Trust me, I dropped it for like a year, but I picked it up again today on a whim and fuck me if the MC doesn't actually develop a backbone and start expressing some kind of personality and drive!
Hime is still the worst girl by a vast fucking margin though. She's literally trash who's good only for sex appeal and being a bitch. She's recently been upgraded to plot-critical as the only one who can heal the MC from what's basically a wound from a Morgul-blade. Her sister's pretty good though.
Bitch they have been TRYING! When the MC or her aren't cock-blocking themselves, then deus ex blueballia is doing it for them!
Did pancake tits brown granny ever come back?
>When the MC or her aren't cock-blocking themselves
I'm still fucking mad over the "We could fuck in this cozy inn in literal fantasy land with elves and rainbows and unicorns and shit but the mood isn't right, let's instead wait until we return to our dreary cubicle apartment in modern japan."
Do any of you faggots want to see a good isekai manga get the translation it deserves?
Just point me to one you think is good.
If i like it, I'll start translating for the group currently working on it.
Nah but the other elf princess who was turned into a Nazgul is back and being all yandere towards gramps.
I like her. I like how this is going. And they're headed back to elf country next, so she'll probably show up.
Also, even bigfatcattats is getting some character development, along with them all basically having to become battle brides. Colour me impressed; even the art style is getting better! It's honestly shaping up to be about as good as isekai trash can be!
Yeah, it was honestly getting to the point where that was seriously starting to spoil things for me.
At least they've started to go a LITTLE further. The cocktease was getting completely goddamn insane. They're not even interrupted this time!
The time they aren't interrupted, I expect this author to just skip to the next morning after all this. It will probably be right before the final battle and needed for additional power or something.
Nope, they're basically doing this to get a 'feel' for her magic so she can pull her mom's magical girl staff from its resting place. I'm fairly certain hands went places, but nothing beyond that. Still counts as far as I'm concerned and it's about as far as they can go in an actual manga rather than something explicitly hentai.
Like I said, it's got a lot better after a pretty terrible start. Still one of the best moments to date was the MC after the first battle with the Abyssal King
>"I barely even scratched him!"
Bitch you BLEW OFF HIS ARM AND HALF HIS TORSO! Seriously dude, I get that you're disappointed you couldn't ice the guy after having this fight hyped up for half a season, but do yourself some credit here; you are not a pushover!
This one looks incredibly good and as far as I know it's not getting translations:
I expected punctuation, for starters.
MTL Arifureta is more understandable than whatever the fuck they did to Meikyuu Black Company.
It's about eating isekai cuisine
Don't forget worst isekai girl!
That'd be incredibly refreshing from the usual >there's nothing better than japanese cuisine with soy sauce, tempura, miso, and curry that blows the mind of everyone who eats in in the fucking isekai realm
Did they turn a fuckin tree into pancakes?
>Loli Slime
Which one is this?
picked up.
And SPEAKING OF SELF-INSERT GARBAGE that I can't stop fucking reading oh god send help...
Why. Why am I still reading this trash? Why do I still want MORE?! Is it the boobies? I thought I was better than that, but apparently I'm really not!
Wow, I sure would love to read this. It's a shame I don't know what it is, even after google and iqdb.
Because it's not trash, it's one of the best ongoing isekai right now. I don't even care for the lactation fetish.
>"hey Sup Forums look at this generic powerfantasy isekai with a harem of slave girls, it's the best thing ever"
every time
Try reading the filename again. Carefully.
Final Fantasy: Lost Stranger
This isn't slave harem though.
>Try to multiple the profit
And that's just the translation. The mc starts and concludes a worker's revolution in like a few pages.
How are you anons keeping track of what you're reading? Bookmarks, RSS, or special site?
I don't understand how anyone actually watches cooking shows or anything like that. I get liking food, but you're not even eating, you're just watching.
>Why does anyone watch televised sports
>I get liking sports, but you're not even playing
I really wish Guild Cheat Receptionist manga would get translated past the first chapter already.
It's really not and the lactation thing IS my fetish! I mean look at this shit-!
Arc welding is only around because the MC created it; caplock muzzle-loading rifles are the main armament and now we've got a modfied Mk1 tank rolling up on the dwarfs?! Fucking how?! Everything was at least fairly internally consistent until this point, with technology hovering around the level of the 1850s but this just blows all sense of consistency out of the water! Where did this even come from?!
...It has just occurred to me that I may be mildly autistic.
Wait, which one are you talking about now? I've lost track...
I've been enjoying this one but I'm starting to lose track of all these damn power ups. How much longer until the power creep really gets out of hand?
Not anytime soon based on what the light novel changes.
its already out of hand user
This is unironically my opinion on that too, though. Sports are fun to play, but boring to watch.
It's not really the same thing though, you can't taste the food by watching it, but you can still get some excitement from a clutch sports moment or something.
Thanks. I've been using bookmarks
It already is. I skimmed through the last couple of chapters because I really don't give a shit about her wall of skills. Status and appraisal ruins everything
Fucking Faraway Paladin.
The author did a really garbage job of giving her an amount of skills that can be plausibly processed by the reader, though I suppose that's the appeal for some.
gotta second this one
RPG stats were a mistake. Actually, let's go beyond that: Sword Art Online was a fucking mistake; that's what started this whole trend! Isekai used to at least be SLIGHTLY imaginative, but these days either you have a forced harem, or you have JRPG stats, usually with a JRPG world to go with it so the author doesn't have to bother putting any actual fucking thought into his creation!
Thank god we've reached peak saturation with garbage like Isekai Smartphone and are finally starting to see the inevitable deconstruction and then reconstruction of the genre. I just hope we don't go to far into dark and edgy territory...
I'll say one thing for that manga though: At the very least it's not Re:Monster, the isekai so bad it crossed into full drugging and gang-rape and still tried to play up the MC as a good guy. That mangaka has fucking issues...
Anyone else reading Atelier Tanaka? It may be a power trip, but the MC's thought process kinda adds a bit to make it unique.
You do remember SAO isn't isekai right? i do understand your concerns about stat though.
It started reasonable for isekai, but too early lost even that.
>all those secondary complaining about the skills
Every time