Korean scans are out
Alas, it's a Boring-chan chapter
Gal Gohan 21
Other urls found in this thread:
You're boring.
Yeah OP, you are boring.
I didn't think main girl could be ever be touched, but here we are.
I've been waiting a long time for this
when does the next chapter come out?
this manga keeps making me want to impregnate her and the gyaru
is it abe's fault?
In two weeks
How exactly is this series going to end?
They're both excellent choices...
didn't you say that 21 was already out a week ago in the last thread or was I mistaken?
I don't think I said the 21st, but I did say the latest chapter came out on the 12th; So digital raw comes out about a week later than magazine raw it seems.
The only right answer is to put babies in both their wombs.
The magazine the series was published in did come out on the 12th, but the series was on break in that issue
Chapter 21 is from the 01/26 issue, which is coming out today (or tomorrow, depending on your timezone) in Japan
sensei is gonna marry Miku and open a restaurant with her
kaichou can work the dishes and weep whenever they make out in front of her
if the mag was on break as you say so why did stalker have a mag copy from before?
The gal is definitely going to win in the end, so it's a matter of whether the other girl will confess and get shot down or just keep her feelings to herself forever.
My bad, my mistake. I double-checked the raws and the series was on break on the 12/29 issue (which is counted as the 1st 2018 issue due to Japan's retarded magazine numbering system). Can't say if the series was on break on the 01/12 issue as well since raws are not yet available for that issue
It wont end with any conclusion
stalker literally shared a scanned image from his paper copy released on the 12th though? the archived post is dated from the 20th too
Hopefully this series gets axed. Boring af.
You don't have to read it though if you don't want to...
What series do you enjoy?
what's a likely schedule for translations?