Some of you girls are alright. Don't go to Antarctica tomorrow.
Some of you girls are alright. Don't go to Antarctica tomorrow
fuck Antarctica it aint no true ice, Artic is the true ice world
I hope they freeze to death.
Why are they jumping off the building together
Do the Japs know about the "Mountains of Moe Madness" memes surrounding this show? I know it won't happen, but I hope someone makes a related fanfic or doujin.
>ywn get to pour that bucket over your head
North pole best pole.
>not just pissing in the snow
Why? Are you afraid some pervert is going to follow you to Antarctica to watch you pee?
Is that so?
When does The Thing appear?
They have term for moe show with dark twist, cozy catastrophe.
I'm gonna barf
I thought it was very cute that they named the OP after a relevant song by the Who.
Take only memories, leave only footprints.
That’s stupid. If they’re that autistic about their impact on the environment they shouldn’t be out there in the first place.
Penguins >>>>>> Polar bears
Jesus christ.
Did the director went to Antarctica for this anime?
Who the fuck comes up with this shit?
Also it's in the Antarctic treaty that you have to minimize the amount of waste you leave, including sewage.
dude the director fucking died in Antarctica
That's why it's taking so long to get there, there still waiting for him to return with his research data.
For crying out loud, what you kids doing all the way out here. Hey, Match stick get your butt over eh will ya,. Let's see if Suzie doesn't have some nice soup or some too why don't ya, Strecho
Getting to Antarctica is only the first step in destroying the Gangster Computer God worldwide secret containment policy
Jeez you could of just say its not anime-related you autist
If the UN has a problem with it they can come out to Antarctica and say it to my face.
I just like The Thing. He's my favorite super hero. Ya don't gotta get all pissy, ya big palooka
Is this good? Is it yuri?
Yes, yes. Yori yuri.
>ywn BE that bucket
>Yori yuri.
I don't get this.
I meant I hope there's doujins or fanfics where these particular girls actually do run into the Thing or a shoggoth.
Sorry bro, no idea what a "yori" is, aside from "shin sekai" the same.
If it's a person in the show, bear in mind that I haven't been watching it. Something about it airing so early and not catching me in the first 2 minutes got it put aside.
Who needs autistic friends when you have video games?
The name of the show is sora yori mo tooi basho. Official nickname is yorimoi, ya goob
Even after four episodes, the show continues to improve. The characters have great synergy and it's entertaining to see how they interact. Despite that, I can't shake the feeling of impending drama that will overstay the welcome it never received as we get closer to the mystery of Shirase's mom. That and possible drama between the girls once they're actually in Antarctica and things start going awry.
aspies who are under-medicated due to they them voting to remove social services, and instead give that money to the military complex, because some Nazi told them online that having no social safety nets is a good thing
>megumi playing video games alone
>megumi sitting alone at school and going home alone
>megumi alone at a cafe surrounded by paintings of nature, while receiving pictures of nature from her friend who is actually out there living life
I feel so terrible for Megumi, stuck living life through other people's eyes out of her own volition
To real?
I want to believe she'll show up halfway through the expedition but with how focused the show has been on the feasibility of an Antarctica expedition in the first place, I think that's a stretch.
As soon as the drama appears the show will go down the shitter
>lumping capitalists and fascists into one big blob
This is the world that leftists live in.
>I want to be alive
Yeah, that would be nice.
>have to wait until 2/21 for FLACs
So we are getting a chapter of megane being jelly, then a chapter or two of the travel, then a chapter of antartica shenanigans and PENGINS, then the drama part with missing/dead mom. Lots of tears, the end, AOTS. Kimari best girl.
you'll never stand guard over lolis shitting in the frozen wasteland
how does it feel?
I really like this image
Hey look its captain slow
>Shirase best girl.
You're right.
Shirase is my daughteru.
This would make a cool fantasy or scifi setting.
not very good man
Not as cool as an Alderson Disk.
Is this a subtle flat Earth thread? Do all Sora yori threads have flat Earth propaganda?
Good taste. Ben is best F4 member
>final shot is megumi alone at expedition memorial
But we cross near north pole every now and then because ships can fairly easily swim there, so we have proof that it connects the continents, whereas south pole is both largely inaccessible and useless so we don't bother. If anything, it should be reversed so antarctic is just the accessible part of the ice ball.
How much Kancolle have you been consuming recently?
I think it's because the sun is always in "top" of you and not under you.
thousands of years from now, explorers will find those frozen loli turds and declare them a treasure
I like the way anime shows the lengths to witch girls will go to have a private shiting area.
Sup Forumsntartic exploration when?
Please no more news articles
No pain no gain.
I'm alright as well
It took me 30 years to realize that Antartica is actual a real continent and not just frozen water like its gay brother the Artica.
user pls.