Season 3 when?
Season 3 when?
hopefully someday
Not after Seiren.
Going to Spain was a mistake.
Still can't believe how hard they fucked that up. Amagami still has some traction around the fandom though, so S3 could happen.
I hate Seiren so much. How did they manage to take something so simple and well-executed and fuck it up so badly?
Only the first arc conclusion was bad.
If they changed the timeskip so they run a restaurant together, all would have been fine.
It's doesn't help that the only interesting girl animated was Tsuneki.
What would a S3 look like? What sort of after story do you think the girls would have?
I enjoyed S2 a lot more than expected. The details are fuzzy for me, but I remember best girl (Kaoru) had a fun adventure. I would love to see more hijinks but it's hard to make Junichi hang around the girls without it devolving into nauseating couple activities. There still needs to be a bit of teasing.
This shit being associated with Amagami is infuriating.
There's really not much story left to tell with some of the girls. Haruka/Sae/Ayatsuji all ended in marriage, Ai and Kaoru ended with steady ongoing relationships, and Rihoko was the only one where things were just getting started.
Maybe S3 could be arcs with girls Junichi didn't get together with before, like Hibiki, Takahashi-sensei, Manaka, and Umehara
Check my soul.
Surface of the Pool~
Ai means love.
It's called Seiren.
Should Ikuo have been the MC?
Ayatsuji-san a best
Exactly this.
Seiren was fucking garbage.
It was like an attempt at the same set up as Amagami, except the opposite with fucking unlikable slutty whores as the girls, an unlikable MC, a shitty best friend or lack of a best friend, in a gay now-a-days fluffy art style. I liked the more simple hair and art style of Amagami.
Ayatsuji-san is a wonderful person who has nothing to hide.
a) Maybe 4 episodes of each continuing on where they left of be it as married couples,parents or post-high school.
b) Junichi dates the other girls like Hibiki, Sensei, that girl who wrote a love letter, tea senpais, basically all the lover's best friends.
c) Umehara dates other girls, hopefully the friends mentioned above.
route animated when
>Umehara dates other girls, hopefully the friends mentioned above
tits too big
Original anime studio that animated Amagami SS shut down.
So Seiren sucked because Studio AIC staff weren't doing it.
It was the same director and same character designer as Amagami.
And AIC is still active, not shut down.
>with fucking unlikable slutty whores as the girls
Umehara is such a bro. He's not some buttmonkey, sex-depraved pervert and irrelevant mc's sidekick like any other romcom anime. He actually felt like a character to Jun1.
The only thing on my s3 wishlist is a full Miya arc.
>tfw seiren killed amagami
worst timeline
Amagami killed itself.
Once you animate all the main routes, there's nothing left to do but reboot with a new casting.
>Creator from Amagami and Seiren now wants to do a Yuri themed like Amagami series
Would you watch it Sup Forums
Yes. I would watch it
No. One of the main reason I like Amagami aside from all the best girls is based Junichi.
Hmm, yeah I probably would.
But user cakes don’t win
Amagami wasn't that good.
And Sensei
I just want more Sensei.
Is this the saltiest Sup Forums has ever been over a show?
If a female Junichi exist as the MC would you still watch it.
I hope we have some Christmas Cakes to come in the next game.
Have you ever met an incredibly awesome person and then meet their worthless younger sibling? Seiren felt like you should scold the parents for not stopping at one kid.
>A yuri Amagami
Sign me up
friendly reminder that haruka is RABURI
Show me your Holy Trinity.
Kaoru, Kaoru and sensei
Have you done the challenge?
Oh man, that was so funny
Don't be silly.
There weren't any seats in the near park.
These 2 plus sensei
Tsukasa, Ai and Sae.
Will it be good that's the big question?
Sensei, Miya and Hibiki
For the main girls: Kaoru, Haruka and Ai.
So good.