As a NEET, this anime feels too depressing. He may be a NEET, but at least he has friends to drag him out of his own home. Why is life so unfair?
Fuck this
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When was the last time you had friends? Been about 6 years for me now
3 years. God, Id rather die than live another 3 years without friends. It must suck for you, user.
No, I'm actually happier without it because at least I can be myself on my own I felt lonelier when I hung out with my friends because I didn't fit in
read the book
this came out in a time when media didnt have its full grasp. You would have friends if only you were born earlier
Sad truth of the world.
Sometimes I feel the internet has been a net negative for human socialization.
>Why is life so unfair?
Maybe if you actually tried getting a job instead of complaining on Sup Forums you'd get somewhere.
What the fuck do NEETs have to be depressed about?
The human mind was not meant to live in isolation shut out from outside interaction.
People who live like that can't be said to truly be living.
well for one thing, Anime will never be real. Sorry I had to remind everyone. Reality is so boring, and full of pain
posting the spook man in a spook thread
I don't know what I would do without this website, this is the only place autistic enough for me
>wanting friends
user... making friends is so easy. Are you seriously not NEET by choice? The best part is never having to answer back calls or texts
This, I stopped talking to my friends because all they wanted to do was go out partying, smoke drugs, and hook up with girls. I just wanna stay home watch anime and play video games so I didn't call them to hang out and they never called me either
Dumb frogposter.
>acknowledge you need help
>nobody is there to give it to you
>incapable of helping yourself
Fuck, I wish this wasn't true. Life is so fucking boring, there's no excitement, no adventure. I now live in constant jealousy of the fictional characters who get to live the life I never will.
When am I getting saved by a cute rich girl?
Life isn't fair man.
It's just hard to communicate with normies, I don't know what to say I can fake it enough to socialize at work but I just don't feel like hanging out with anyone on my free time I'd rather just come here to socialize
You don't need friends to drag you out of a hole. A hole is a great place to be because it's hard to get worse than a hole within functional perimeters. You are already a looser, it doesn't make much of a difference being outside and having people know you're a looser.
You can be a looser that does things, they don't have to be amazing things, they just have to be furiously done.
>pic related lived in a barrel and argued the moral benefits of jacking off and made a place in the history books
I imagine there is a God in all of us, in you too. He believes in and the only thing that can make him mad is stifling yourself. The little motherfucker doesn't care what you do but he wants you to go out and do it.
I also remember that one line from FLCL about how eating bad raman can be really fun. It's true you motherfucker. It goes for all kinds of things, including social interaction, for work too and life.
When you live sincerely you tend to find friends. They will probably be losers but that's okay because you are too.
You might not get anywhere but most people don't. This world will never be suited for you, it's barely suited for any human consciousness at all, it's empty as hell.
No one in this place matters but that little God inside you. Everything is transient flack but that guy. And no one will ever produce the love or rage he can.
That my evangel for the night.
Someone tell me this isn't true. Someone please convince me life is actually worth living.
I just wanna hold hands with someone
It isn't. Life is what you make it to be.
That "loser" had social skills, he was enslaved, and when on the slave market, told a rich noble to buy him because he seemed lost and he would be his new master, the guy found hilarious and bought him and lived in a luxurios mansion teaching shit to rich kids.
Nope. And I tell you this as someone that had a pretty decent life. No matter what you have, or could have, nothing will ever come close to an Anime. No matter how much money or free time you have, not even virtual reality is actually real. You will never hold your waifu in your arms. You only can pray you have an exciting memorable dream before you wake back to this hell
False. You have to severely delude yourself to get by in this world. It is even said in the NHK for why people get heavily in religion
How do I delude myself? I can't keep living like this.
More or less two years. I stopped having friends the moment I graduated from high school. The rest of college won't be like this, right guys? It'll get better, right?
Im glad you asked. I have become a master of deluding myself over the years.
1. Meditate into escapist fantasy world. Create thought forms
2. Transfer thought forms to Dolls
3. Play with the dolls
I love my dolls and see them as my true friends and waifu. It sounds horribly sad, but Im pretty happy now
Read the novel. The animu is garbage.
In the novel he meets Yamazaki but they have a very shallow friendship, and midway he ends up leaving forever. He meets his senpai only twice. Once on a date that goes nowhere, then years later he gets a glimpse of her inside a car. Misaki ends up being a shit to him, and she's actually the only one he ends up being together with. Every other character is filler and doesn't exists in the novel
I've recently joined a few discord servers. It's not like the real thing, but there, I can communicate with people. Maybe this will help you too.
no, it is
You need to kill yourself. Also read the book and overcome your problems, if not then kill yourself or tell your parents to kick you .
Btw, if you kill yourself, stream it. Not even trying to be edgy but some retards would appreciate it and we have way too many depressed fucks alive as it is.
It literally only depends on you.
I can'r kill myself because I still have a small amount of hope left that life will be interesting. God, I'm retarded.
I still can't get over the fact that he has two left hands
oh god. please tell me this is satire...
Dolls can love you
Can confirm this is true. I do this with my wargaming models.
Literally a whole army of best friends always there to provide firesupport whenever I need.
If it makes him happy then he's better off than most of the posters in this thread.
Its not.
I just write stories.
What if you get brain damaged enough to delude yourself into thinking you're in an anime. Would you be the most satisfied person in the world?
Oh, well dolls can love you still
>he doesn't think life is an anime
not necessarily. if you believed the anime to be your reality then you wouldnt enjoy it like an outsider would. Thats why anime characters dont look like they are having fun, they dont realize what they have
I just want to make profit out of adventuring... I'm willing to put my life on the line.
Travel doing quests and collecting loot. Easy profit.
Ask the locals.
Will this ever be made?
Dude is disgusting. If you can identify with this piece of trash then you're lower than a NEET.
You might have missed part of the meaning of the story. Ultimately, what gets him out of his room is not friends, it's that his parents couldn't afford his allowance. Necessity is the source of all inspiration. His choice was either starve to death in his room, or get a job.
Recall that he also said that living as a NEET is a luxury. It's true. You can only live that way if you have an enabler who is giving you money to fund your lifestyle.
If you actually needed to stop living as a NEET, then you could do it. Either that, or you would just kill yourself. Those are your two options if your NEET lifestyle is no longer subsidized.
we are well aware
Local stuff isn't thrilling or adventurous enough.
Travel to africa or something and ask the locals for quests and collect loot from mobs there. Should be thrilling and adventurous enough.
>looked up this story online
>When my daughter realised it wasn’t a giant Barbie doll, she freaked out and said it was gross — but now she’s old enough to share Mayu’s clothes.”
This is both funny and erotic
If I didn't live with my mom I would buy a doll, I just want to cuddle so bad
> Necessity is the source of all inspiration
The sad irony is that the success of the novel stripped the author of that exact necessity and now he's doomed to forever be a NEET. holy fuck i want to die
Too broke.
he's actually started his own meditation/religious thing and for just $5.00 you can create a mind-misaki of your very own
>Misaki Nakahara is a character of “Welcome to the NHK” that I wrote. Someday I recognized that many person who live in the whole world are still waiting and wanting that the day Misaki coming in the person’s home. So I decided to make this guided meditation to evoke Misaki for every person who love Misaki. I hope that this meditation make some good for your life.
oh user, how sad you made me
>completely incapable of deluding myself
Might as well just die.
The fact that they're basically leeches and the soul crushing feeling that it may stay that way until it's too late. Soon the things you do to pass time make you bored, but you have no choice but to keep doing them because you're either friendless or your friends don't want to butt into your life. You can't just go outside and talk with people because you have limited social skills, you can't just get a job because you have zero experience and/or connections. You look like the way you smell, which is probably shit. People are always glancing at you or just staring at you with an obvious look of disgust, people refuse to speak directly at you, and when walking people try their hardest to avoid you. The NEET life is 100% suffering.
Why do you even want to engage with disgusting outside world? I worked hard for nearly 7 years to build up a good fortune so that i can be a NEET for the rest of my life without leeching off my parents. I love this life style and i beat the hell out of anyone who dare gives me sanctimonious preaching about how bad being a NEET is
What did you do, user?
All of that is balanced out by not working.
Have you ever worked? Wagie life is 200% suffering. You don't magically become Chad with friends and a life when you start flipping burgers, you stay a smelly loser with next to no money instead of no money.
It depends on your job. When I was 18 I got a job at this retirement home. That place ways amazing. I met a some decent people, the elderly were really nice, and even if I had to give up on hanging out with friends I still think it was worth every minute. I once tried working at a Dunkin donuts and it was painful. Hours of standing around, customers who were just dicks, having to put up with a cheery attitude, and early in the mornings I had to deal with dozens of people. I legitimately respect people who can put themselves through that torture. I quit after 2 months.
I can't give the exact details of what i did but to put it simply luck was on my side. I had a comfy job that pays really good after graduating uni. My misanthropic tendencies rose to unbearable levels that made me hard to work with my team. It was scared, disgusted and anxious whenever i step out of my room. my brother made me invest most of my money in his startup and it became massive success. So after that i started multiplying money by careful taking steps, be it real estate business or getting my foot in chip manufacturing industry. My brother had all sorts connections with important people. It's all thanks to him that i am able to live this hikki lifestyle. What i wanted to say is that living a life as a hikki cant
>Sometimes I feel
no need to feel, it seems undeniable at this point.
if you think that normalfags arent a majority in here then you are wrong
doesnt matter. work long enough anywhere and youll learn to hate it
Recently had a breakdown because I realized I neglected and lost what few (internet) friends I had over the past 6 years and wasted all that time watching anime, playing vidya, and posting here without a care in the world. You may be enjoying your lifestyle now but chances are it's going to come back and fuck you up in the future, user.
My case is different tho. I can't stand the sight of humans. they disgust and frighten me to no end. I am a goddamn deranged misanthropic ossan. I don't even make friends online. I can only post in anonymous message boards where i somehow managed to delude myself that i am just talking to some random text. There's no helping me and my condition is worsening year by year. so for that reason it's best to shut myself away from the society and drown myself with the escapist material with totally unrealistic moe characters in comfy kuukikei worlds.
Then why don't you start watching actual animes that make you think about relationship and friendship and how awesome certain people can be in your life and blossom and face your inner desire to become close with people and accepted by them? My starter pack is 1.bakemonogatari, 2. xxxholic, 3.GITS.
If those three doesn't work for you, just watch Jordan Peterson's youtube videos on self-improvements.
NEETs have intrinsic problems. They're living moment-to-moment, chasing after cheap pleasures. They're similar to drug addicts, except their drug is the internet.
They're worthless. Unfulfilled. Unhappy. Only able to live that way because temporary happiness derived from anime or videogames keeps them calm.
Being a NEET isn't the dream life.
Being successful at a high-paying, respect-earning, yet not soul-crushing job, having a loving romantic relationship, a few growing kids and time for them, a nice home in a nice area, and some time, here-and-there, for hobbies like anime, is an example of an ideal life, at least, for much of Sup Forums(Including myself).
And I've dragged myself just out the door of NEETdom, in an attempt to find this dream life, and won't mock those who stay behind, not scorn those who found it ahead of myself.
It takes a lot of initiative to make friends halfway through college.
I went all the way through college without making a single friend. By around the halfway point I was ready to give up. I hated the school and the people there because it eased the pain of rejection, and receiving advice felt worse and worse the more it made me think of how long I hadn't taken any advice.
I graduated a month ago. It felt like such a waste, I'm mad at myself and I regret it terribly. Socially I'm much further back than I was at the end of high school, and I'm not sure if I will ever connect to people again.
Please try. In the long run you will feel worse if you give up.
I'm in university and I've lost the ability to be around people. Like, I dread the next I should show up in class.
It's not about the quality of life, but the quality to effort ratio. The dream life you're describing requires a lifetime of hard work.
When you're approaching (or beyond) 30 and you've been a slacker all your life, things aren't going to suddenly change.
You should hang yourself, no more suffering.
You guys wanna go out for a beer?
that just becomes another fantasy you indulge in to avoid self improvement
thats the problem for anno
people thought if shinji got in the robot they'd be brave and people could like them and they thought if shinji fucked asuka he'd feel good
improvement is internal. no tv program is gonna change that. you need a job. you need to fight for your race.
I wish I knew what to tell you, but I didn't overcome the same situation. As somebody who waited it out I really regret not trying harder though. If you struggle at least a little bit you won't have to blame yourself.
>improvement is internal, you need to fight for your race
nigga what? Improvement is external for most of humans, that's a fact. Who the fuck learn majority of shit from meditating? You won't need school if that's the case.
>Selfpity: The Thread
Yup, humans are social creatures.
No one can live alone, that's why even us NEEt's have to play games with social communities or shitpost here or have to live with our parents or some gay fuckboi, having any form of reaction or response from another individual is healthy.
It's the same reason why we prefer playing online games over single-player games, we need validation from other human beings.
Anyone who really claims to be a "loner" and still lives with their family, or can talk to people online whether it's with strangers, acquaintances, or friends, isn't really a true loner.
Join the army. Go 11a.
Sup Forums is literally my only form of social interaction. I had friends but I hated them so much and felt even more cripplingly lonely around them so I completely cut contact. I hate multiplayer videogames. What’s wrong with me?
If you're anything like me the façade of social interaction is just so tiring that you just don't bother anymore. Instead you just come here where there's little to no consequence for actually speaking what's on you mind.
have you tried finding like-minded people to be friends with so you don't need to put up a facade in the first place, user?
All like-minded people are already here shitposting on Sup Forums.
Not him but I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll never find people I can relax around. Even people I’ve met from here have ended up being normalfags that concern themselves with the most stupid shit.
If you are first worlder you have literally no excuses.
Your money is worth x10 in any third world country.
besides try backpack traveling, a good porcentage of the most experienced travelers were just frustrated salary man.
A friend of mine was in the rural areas of South America and used to work in simple jobs whenever he stopped in any town. People is usually kind to travelers that earns their own food
of course not, shit ain't change unless you go and change it yourself.
you mean basement dwellers, neck beards, incels and manchildren in general?
you should grown up man and find other hobbies