Death march 03

Don't forget to buy your loli lynch stone Sup Forums

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>hehe look at me throwing rocks at these cute innocent anime girls, i'm such a bad guy
>oh no the nice guy mc saved the cute anime girls and they fell in love with him

>let's construct this very obvious illegal scam to gather funds for a rebellion because it was a demon
What, should I just not question the writing in this anime?

Maybe, maybe

based mc has cute girls now

Cute slave girls

>how to instantly boost the quality of this show
Use the adult voice for MC's inner monologue
How could they fuck up something so simple?

What kind of fucking monster throws rocks at catgirls?

Less use of filters would help as well. I just hope they don't censor anything, the manga cut enough of those scenes already.
One who wants money in a region that treats them as slaves, and then gets to die.

I don't know a "cat girl" sounds pretty monstery to me, cats are not people

The LN is at 16 volumes and ongoing, can't be that bad

>Less use of filters
You'd think KyoAni had a hand in making this show with JJ Abrams as the director...

Good thing that burgers never stone nor burn unsociable spinsters at stakes before in the past few decades, right?

Oh wait...

>inb4 MC-kun gets VAC banned

Except he has the support of someone more powerful than the primary gods.

>ywn be summoned to a fantasy game world by GabeN
Life is sour...

Mc-kun randomly killed a god while testing his nukes?

He killed a god without planning to, but randomly might be questionable. I think it's more likely it was set up to be nearly certain he would do it without knowing what he was doing.

The initial three meteors killed EVERYTHING in the Dragon Valley, except that one Lizardman that was too close to him.
As it turns out, the Dragon Valley was where 80-90% of the Dragon population lives, as well as the Dragon God.

It's later implied that this was all probably part of some other god's plan.

Nigga, Imagine no one has been nice to you all your life, just for being what you are, in this case, demihuman. You're about to be stoned, possibly to death, and along comes someone who shows you the most basic of kindness, treating you like you matter, to defend you even. If you have any sense of gratitude you'd be drawn to him/her. It could logically develop into affection or infatuation, it isn't complicated. Then again this place is full of autists who don't understand basic interactions between people.
tl:dr stop acting like it can't happen and get off your high horse cause I'm sure you're the tyoe of faggot who falls in love with the first girl that says hi to you.

Does it come with a sling? Or do I have to bring my own?

And Pochi and Tama don't fall in love with him like the others do. Liza is the only questionable one, and I think she does love him but she thinks it's impossible for her.

>The initial three meteors killed EVERYTHING in the Dragon Valley, except that one Lizardman that was too close to him.
>As it turns out, the Dragon Valley was where 80-90% of the Dragon population lives, as well as the Dragon God
God damn it, no wonder he got to lvl cap wiping almost the entire dragon population, that is some xellos-tier level of shit

>Imagine no one has been nice to you all your life

Some of the people who watch the anime think he got to lvl 310 just by killing a handful of lvl 50 lizardmen.
They would have known he had killed a lot of other shit had they read the novels, or payed attention to the logs in the anime(if they could read moonrunes). Though in episode 3 it explains he killed dragons and a dragon god so there's no excuse now.

Any isekai with demihumans that look like ugly monsters?
I'd assume they would be in the minority since cute sells.

Death March has some animal people that look more animal than people.

Death March has ones that look less human, but I don't know how ugly and I doubt they will be shown.

>Any isekai with demihumans that look like ugly monsters?

Look for one that pander to furries, aka any current western fantasy with prominent furry artists on board.

and apparently they hate animal people that look more like people than animal



in certain places of the real world, if a bunch of faggots were about to be stoned, nobody would do anything even if it was technically illegal

Are you saying this is an ugly monster?

>he doesn’t want to stone devils

pretty sure the lizardmen want to fuck liza the "human but with some minor scales" lizardgirl

How can I join MC's harem?

Thats just a fucking lizard that talks, not a demi human

It depends, I think.
Between races, the views vary. But I think it was said that Pochi and Tama's race should look more animalistics, but the two of them are mutations that were abandoned by their parents.
There also seem to be two separate types of "lizard people"; the Lizardmen from the first episode, and the "Scale-kin" that Liza belongs to.

She only wants someone stronger than her. And she has been trained by Satou.


I recognize that uvula!

Some of the species names also changed between the beginning of the WN and the LN, I think Liza was originally lizard, and now scale.

Explain THIS then.


Is that an ultramarine, an inquisitor, a techpriest and a rogue trader?

She was casually sparring with the black dragon in the latest WN chapter (actually, the same dragon that was mentioned in the anime, who broke through the outer city wall).

yes but I think the green guy is just an empire guard super high rank general
they tend to be very british

It appears so

Warhammer moe anime when

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the backstory about Pochi and Tama's race was added in the LN, and I'm not sure if there was a distinction made between Lizardmen and Scale-kin in the Web novel.

And that are the good guys?

I have a couple chapters to catch up in the WN, but I remember her fighting the dragon earlier as well when her spear wasn't strong enough to do any damage.

I like how he can break the ring apart with his bear hands but leaves the collars on the girls.
Because, you know

don't kinkshame

One can only hope

If he gos full force on that collars he would get some loli mamis instead of slaves

Chokers and the like are sexy.

Pochi and Tama both intend to become his brides as well. Now whether they understand what that all entails is another thing, but their understanding probably just below Mia's.

That’s because he doesn’t really care for them, they’re more like pets than people in his eyes.

Apparently it is now after Satou modded it using the black dragon's fang and primeval magic or whatever it was called

I think there was something when Satou told Liza about the Dragon Valley stuff, but I don't remember anything.
Time to go search.

I could see events possibly leading to Satou accepting the others in the future along with Aze, but not Pcohi and Tama unless a few years pass first. Mia's understanding is greater than she makes it seem, she is just more subtle than Arisa.

at this point he has no intention of "keeping" them, so why bother? he's just saving them now because it would make him feel bad if he saw them get stoned to death

Some SoL about ork chan cultist chan and sororitas chan doing cute stuff

and this is why crunchy is shit and we need actual translators.

He didn't care about them yet. Zena taking a moment to care is when he gave it a second thought. This is part of why the three of them have such high respect for her when they meet up 10 volumes later.

There's cases where the girls say that they know Satou wouldn't let anything bad happen but mentally he only intervenes because they think he would and they're in front of him.

I should have spent the last 10 years trying to learn and still fail.

First you have to be a loli, that's just how god ruled it has to be.

Somehow the curse isn't working that well though.
>"Fuhn nanoja, I hate Satou. I'll put a curse so you'll always be with flat-chests for all your life."

More like some random kids you picked up on the street crying and can't wait to dump on some police officer and fuck off

Oh he'll keep them, those collars are there for a reason.

I think most recent chapter includes him reinforcing they position that he wants to postpone marriage to any of his immediate party until he can marry them all at once, at least in his own mind.

But he's still including Tama and Pochi as bridal partners. If that helps him postpone marriage to any of them a little longer, all the better for Satou.


Ten divine stones, please.

The pacing for this is so hilariously slow that I actually find it really chill to watch.

If you think the anime is slow you should read the fucking WN. From start to the first city is like, 5 chapters.

Will he eventually run out of skill points to spend if he keeps maxing out everything he gers?

He could still marry them at the same time to keep them happy, but just not touch them for a few years until they are older. But this is Satou, so he would just try to postpone marriage for years, and even then do nothing.

First volumes are really fucking short though

Liza is so cute my favorite so far

Yes, unless he kills more gods or interplanetary/interstellar monsters to get more levels. He still has many more points than skills he cares about though.

Jesus, anime is garbage.

He stops maxing random things out eventually. He still burns through a good chunk of them though, but the author still has plenty to play with and he's already powerfull enough to casualy stomp Ayy's that make demon lords look like farmers.

Please do not post pictures of my future wife after I cuck her mate.

We did it for free.

>get most of the way through your new life.
>final installment still in development hell
>new life becomes a half life
>frozen in place for eternity

why has noone posted that yet?

full-life consequences.

>gravity gun
worth it

I would happily adopt them.

Wow, I hate Anime now.

Adopt Pochi and Tama, marry Liza.

It's funny you mention that, isn't this the same VA?

He's using not marrying the children until they're old enough to avoid marrying and sexing the ones who are old enough right now, like Princess Sistina.

interstellar monsters don't give exp though.

That sounds like Satou. Someone has to work on changing him more, maybe that god that visits him.

Current quest is to visit the gods in person, maybe kill them.

The one who appears to him at times shouldn't be any one of those, since she can talk normally unlike the ones he is trying to meet.

Huh, just watched all available three episodes. Seems different to other isekais, I like how he just wants to chill and go sightseeing.

>that catgirl and doggirl
That's it. Episode three has saved this episode.

They're fucking adorable. It's great that the lizard is flat too.