Wtf did i just watch?

wtf did i just watch?

the first half is fucking ridiculous
it is like shaft trying to put their cock in my asshole by force

the highest stage of dialectics

A mediocre show which only has the selling point of shock factor.



The moment I began hating Homura

read spinoza

a great film
t. madoka fanboy

what would you recommend?

some fanmade movie

YuYuYu has better characters, if you're looking for something similar.

it might have better characters, but does it have a better plot?

An improved ending to the series.

characters are more important than plot.

also madoka's plot wasnt even good lol it was just convoluted and masturbatory.

A masterpiece.


wow man you showed me.



The moment Shaft killed the goose that lays the golden eggs.



If Madoka's plot is convoluted and masturbatory, what are some of your favorite anime, plot-wise?

There's nothing stopping them from making more Madoka and people would continue to eat it up. Rebellion sold extremely well. They're just too lazy to do more.


Sayaka-chan's armpits.




the mobage is worthy if you can't read moon runes?

>I'm too scared to put forward my personal taste

why do people care so much about 'muh plot'? the most powerful stories ever told are the simplest ones. nobody thinks you're smart for liking madoka.


>why do people care about plot?
probably the dumbest thing ive heard all week

Lurk more.

you're purposely missing the point, my little snowflake.


let me guess




You're the kind of person who thinks Romeo & Juliet or The Illiad aren't good stories because they aren't complex and deep enough lmao.


>says madoka's plot is convoluted and masturbatory
>asks why people care about "muh plot" so much, while simultaneously defending powerful stories(which is what plot is)
nobody in the thread has said madoka is deep or complex besides you

>still missing the point on purpose
If you ever wonder why people in your life don't like talking to you, this is why.

>nobody in the thread has said madoka is deep or complex besides you
His point isn't that it's deep or complex, it's that it tried too hard to be deep and complex and turned it into wanky bullshit in the process.

>it tried too hard to be deep and complex and turned it into wanky bullshit in the process.
How so?

literally what, the story is straight-forward as fuck

After playing Hearthstone and the KH mobage, I'm fucking done with f2p gambling garbage. Just don't.

Madoka didn't even have characters. It was just plot with mannequins to use as plot devices.

Here's a hint, idiots: if you don't give a shit about the characters, you have no reason to give a shit about the plot.

Fuck off

It was nauseatingly convoluted.

Before you throw an autistic fit, understand that convolution isn't the same thing as difficult to follow.

You're the same type of faggot who thinks Inception was a profound piece of art.

>It was nauseatingly convoluted.
How so?

Madoka's plot is extremely simple. How could you think it was complicated?

If Madoka's plot is extremely simple, what's Star Wars? What's Dazed & Confused?

I think you people are so used to watching wanky bullshit that you've lost all perspective of what a simple story is.

he's a retard, he thinks the only reason people like it is because it's so "complex", notice how he's the one dude that is claiming it's convoluted

>convolution isn't the same thing as difficult to follow
That is verbatim the top-most definition - I'm not sure what you're trying to say, then. Also, snarkily bringing up Nolan is so Sup Forums, give me a break.

>wanky bullshit
Please use actual examples to explain why Madoka's plot is at all complicated. Stop dodging the question.

It's about as simple as Star Wars. What makes it so much more convoluted than Star Wars at all?

now that that's over, post lesbians

>a heart
>implying Homura doesn't hate herself

you're right user, someone needs to fix the image and turn the heart into something fitting
nice armpits

>characters are more important than plot

t. Waifufag

it wasn't even shocking, though. the only moment in the entire show that surprised me was when Miki "died" after Madoka threw her gem onto a truck. But then you find out she didn't even die lol.

it's true, though. if you don't care about the characters, you don't have a reason to care about anything that happens to them.

i'm not a waifufag. there is one in this thread, though.

Madoka was a solid 7/10.

Characters are merely a vehicle to deliver plot on. Of course I don't care about a cartoon character on any personal level. They're there to facilitate the story.

dont make fun of sayaka-user! his love is pure

No, plot is meaningless without interesting or relatable characters. This is a fundamental aspect of storytelling.

this might be the most autistically vapid mindset i've ever encountered.

only on Sup Forums.


you're both right, it depends on the show, in some instances the characters serve the plot and in others the plot serves the characters, it's not black and white. you can have an incredible story without interesting characters and incredible characters without an interesting plot

>incredible characters without an interesting plot
>incredible story without interesting characters
no, not really.



>you can have an incredible story without interesting characters
without interesting characters you can build an interesting world, with interesting premises, and interesting concepts.

you can't really have an interesting story without them though. unless, of course, the story isn't about them.

yeah, ok, you're right, what i said was wrong

I was hoping the movies would add more "filler". The plot is told efficiently, but I feel like the characters don't get too many chances to breathe and simply exist. Scenes like the one with Homura and Madoka on the meadow can do wonders. Little things like Madoka braiding her hair.

Someone name a show with top tier characters. Like characters I actually want to care about.

Even that scene was crucial to the plot though, it led to Homura reorienting to her original goal

I feel the opposite. No scenes inside the show was pointless, all of them had a purpose in advancing the plot.

The movie did have filler, the gunfight in stopped time, despite being cool, was entirely unnecessary to the plot. The first 20 or 30 minutes was not entirely crucial to the plot either.

i struggled to understand why Homura cared so much about saving Madoka specifically. they're never really shown to have any meaningful friend-like interactions. you're just sort of supposed to take the show's word for it.

Among all the magical girls, she was the most friendly towards Homura in every timeline. Besides that, she was always ready to selflessly fight to defend the city despite the fact that she would die doing it. That's why Homura likes her.

I'd say it's some combination of survival, adoration, and hubris. Homura made her wish on a whim, but she'll learn that if she gives up she'll die. Inferring from repeated timelines, Madoka sacrifices herself for her barring all circumstances. Sure, she does that for -everyone- but Homura takes that to heart. Then there's her arrogance and selfishness which is the topic of Rebellion.

>she was the most friendly towards Homura in every timeline
I felt like Mami was pretty nice to her too, in the first timeline
>she was always ready to selflessly fight to defend the city despite the fact that she would die doing it.
Mami did this too, though. She also died multiple times in front of Homura and Homura barely cared.

Check out the drama CDs

Yeah, Madoka's relationship with her mom is more developed than her relationship with Homura lol

Mami was nice but she wasn't close, in Rebellion Homura remarked how Mami kept a lot of her feelings to herself. Madoka on the other hand was completely open and sincere in being a friend.

Mami is too set on her own morals. In a way, she's two-faced. Madoka is impartial, all-encompassing love. She deserves better than to die in misery. It's like preserving the last flower on earth.

YuYuYu is a discount Madoka in every sense.

Probably the best anime in the world.


As someone who likes Yuyuyu I sadly have to agree.

It’s funny because it’s true.

it's not

What? You can like a plot without liking any of the characters. Fuck, there's even series where the author heavily implies that you're not supposed to like a certain character. Griffith from Berserk for example.

Umm sir? I hate to break it to you but it actually is.

you're confused. a bad character isn't the same thing as an unlikable character.

It doesn’t matter because the plot and characters are good.