Evangelion is pretentious garbage
Evangelion is pretentious garbage
Where is the lie?
and oxygen is breathed.
>not being able to appreciate the plight of the cute boy protagonist
I feel sorry for you, OP.
in the end he just wanted to get fucked by kaworu
Ok, I mean that’s your opinion OP. But like... Are you going to be more specific? What is it about Evangelion that makes it pretentious? And no, the symbolism doesn’t count because it was never intended to be symbolism. They add the religious imagery in because it looked cool.
Pretentious? Yes.
Garbage? No.
That doesn't make it bad.
You know what, OP? You are pretentious garbage and your waifu is shit.
the only two scene that was pretentious is the elevator and the train scenes.
>They add the religious imagery in because it looked cool
There, you just answered your own question.
How is that pretentious? Lot of anime do stuff just to seem cool. It's just the japanese version of all the mystic nonsense they add in martial arts movies.
k brainlet
Looking cool and being pretentious are very different things.
completely agree, when I heard that some fans started using the show in college psychology classes my fucking eyes rolled out of my skull.
Regardless of what an unlikable piece of trash the MC may actually be, the characters, and the story itself was totally fine, until the point at which the author decided to let his autism get the best of him, veered offtrack due to his ADHD, allowed himself to go full sperglord in front of his audience, and devolved the ending into a pile of spilled spaghetti instead of staying within context and ending it properly. At the time (1995), the internet was still in it's infancy, so people in general weren't aware of what an aspie is, but now we do, so this type of nonsense is frowned upon, even mocked and ridiculed
And then you went back to marathoning Madoka again.
The movie is literally about an incel that sync's up mentally with the devil. of coure it's pretentious. Just enjoy your provocative imagery for once you marvel loving fuck.
or maybe he was depressed and ran out of money
occam's razor amirite
How hard was it for Anno to just have a proper resolution between Asuka and Shinji's characters?
Which one did it better?
and you got this information from where?
thanks for the hearty chuckle
It is undisputedly but it looks gorgeous with its animation. Oh and singularity is a cool concept for chuuni.
You do not know about pretentious garbage until you see Kara no Kyoukai first 2 movies.
Please everyone reading this feeling that they know about pretentious anime, go check those 2 movies and come back. Even the first one is fine for this purpose. 3rd movie onwards are more normal but the first movies are seriously the most tryhard experience youll go through.
Eva is deep
It's non-h but the second one is H
But the story telling is amazing!
If this gets me banned I will just ascend
But the OVA is the most pretentious part of it.
For all the dumb fucks
Imagery =/= Symbolism
Every fucking time Eva is discussed these two different things are conflated
The problem with Evangelion is that that it tried to hard. But what exactly did it try hard to do? It tried to be way too implicit to the point that no one actually knows what the fuck is going on. There should be a limit on how a piece of work can be "open to interpretation". Even a lot of people who think they understood it didn't actually untestand shit. I met a couple of guys at a comicon who were clearly huge Eva fans yet they thought that the huge white crucified being they were holding was Adam instead of Lilith. Not to mention the main character. As showed, we never really get an explaination to why Shinji hates his father. It genuinely feels like the hatred was forced in order to have an edgier plot. Maybe that wasn't the intention, but this is what it felt like. It was completely unnecessary.
It makes me a bit sad, because it's a show that could have been brilliant, but bit off more than it could chew.
are you going to keep making this thread for the next 15 years too
same images posted every time
I bet this was drawn by a feminist.
This is genius
>we never really get an explaination to why Shinji hates his father
Are you serious?
Naw, it's just a series of bait images drawn by someone trying to get a rise out of people
I'm genuinely surprised you haven't seem them before, they're old as dirt
I hate to say this but you are literally retarded. The things the series is cryptic about aren’t the focus, and even they are clear if you pay attention. Also it’s very clear why Shinji resents Gendo. Nigger left him alone to live with his fucking teacher at such a young age, and the moment he calls him back he has to risk his life under a cold distant order.
When people post shit like that chart you quoted or it reminds me of how emotionally clueless some people are. I expect better from Sup Forums, though I guess this board is full of normalfags now anyway.
I see you never watched Evangelion.
It was drawn by someone who isn't as deep as Evafags
>This damage control
Not even trying to hide it. Who hates fanservice?
Nice rebuttal. If you’re gonna shitpost at least make it entertaining instead of posting the same low effort shit.
>Nigger left him alone to live with his fucking teacher at such a young age
Not him, but... did you ever ask yourself why he did it, or, as with most Eva fans, you pretend that is a valid reason? Do you at least have a clue about what real life parents are capable of, and that despite it, their children don't hate them, because they understand they have a reason?
Only an autistic, selfish character like the MC wouldn't see it. Funny how you talk about "emotional cluelessness" while showing a clear lack of empathy. And Jesus Christ, have a fucking laugh at the images instead of sperging about it.
Evangelion is the essence of normie-tier anime.
I see you didn't read my post. Or worse yet, you are one of the many people who watched it, thinks they understood it, but didn't understand shit.
>character development
It was a fine show, do you guys really need to argue about this daily for the next 15 years instead of moving on like everyone else has?
who are you quoting?
Crossboarders not even trying to hide it anymore.
>implying madoka is shit
>can't into greentext
Sup Forums is dead
we're overrun with crossboarders
long live Sup Forums
Why should I change it if it's true?
because the same images have been posted for years
get new baits
>I can't believe their are people on Sup Forums who hate Eva
>No, No, it must be crossboarders HAHA
The absolute state of Evafags
No, I'm talking about the way you're posting
go back to the social media boards and stop abusing the quote functions, I don't particularly like EVA but people are brazenly posting 3D and such
How insecure
The anime ended like 20 years ago so I can't really get new ones.
But I'm glad that evatards still fall for it
>I don't particularly like EVA
His dad literally abandoned him to raise clone of his fucking mom instead.
So you're inferring the character interaction is what's pretentious garbage?
The TV ending? So you think Annos an autist for making the final episodes have the characters have open-borders, omniscient dialogue?
why must we fight with each other?
if you hate evangelion, you just grew bitter and have forgotten why you enjoyed it in the first place.
It's not pretentious at all.
It's fans are pretentious.
Ahh yes lazerguns explozions
The only intelligent post ITT.
I unironically think Eva is one of the best anime ever, and people who shit on it genuinely do not understand it.
To look cool does not mean to be pretentious.
No, Eva is the best anime ever created due to its ability to cure insomnia.
> me and some other idiots didn't understand things, therefore the show is wrong
It’s more like they refuse to understand because of some preconcieved hate for it. Can’t tell someone something is good when they are dead set on disliking it regardless of reason.
Also shitposters who only “pretend” to be retarded.
>Evafags are crossboarders and frogposters
Who knew
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Eva
>and people who shit on it genuinely do not understand it.
Ah yes, the 2deep4u argument
In reality haters just get caught up in the literal plot and don't abide the mopey cast. If you abide, the characters are what makes Eva, and there's nothing pretentious about it
and you actually proved his argument
Nah its more
>to be fair, you have to be a reasonable individual to like Eva
Ofc because you need to have a very high IQ
What's the shining star animu user?
>In reality haters just get caught up in the literal plot and don't abide the mopey cast
Truly the Rick and Morty fags of Sup Forums
>projecting this hard
There’s nothing complicated about a series focusing on characters instead of the setting and background plot.
Tell that to the majority of Evafags
I think I should be telling it to shitposters who accuse the series of being pretentious/overly complicated first. Its straightforward as fuck.
>Its straightforward as fuck
You should really tell that to the rest of Evafags
As most anime is, Eva is also targeting children and features your favorite big robos. They gave you action, they gave you tits. Then they gave you subversion and unexpected character development to complicate Jimmy's little precum fantasy. Evangelion isn't softcore user, anime is. Eva just wanted to remind you
Why can't Evafags accept that someone can understand a show and still not like it?
Because they project themselves as brainlets, repeating that one-liner as good as Seinfeld
Can anyone lip read Japanese in profile?
Well, that explains how Rei died.
I really don't buy this. There are just too many parallels to the Bible that are fundamental to the story for it to be a coincidence. And I'm not even talking about the explicit stuff like the angels and fuckton of crosses.
This needs to be longer.