Buyfag thread
The Guide: buyfag.moe
Pose and base remind me of this. I like these kinds of figures.
Dont forget to worship your goddess today!
Her left leg looks broken and that shitty support pole sticking out doesn't help. What a shame.
Where can I buy a gf?
I love bloody worms.
what's this
How does one go about buying Nendos that are long, long past ordering date?
he's finally here, damn TOM.
So what I'm reading TOM is decent and the shipping seems alright as well since some things they have that are sold out at the big 3
I saw the guide that they tried to do some scam, what exactly was that all about in the long run
Look for secondhand in
I love this.
Superior Ai scale when?
Should I buy this semen demon?
It's like quesq is not even trying
So they have to be second hand, then? I guess that makes sense, but ew.
Post your pre-orders fags so I can laugh at your shitty taste.
Shop at ISISmart at Pentagon.
I don't think anyone cums on nendos
Dunno but they charge 40-50 dollars more than what you pay if you buy from Amiami, at least for some products. I've never bought anything from them, so no idea.
TOM is alright, only ever ordered from them because AmiAmi preorders for two nendos I wanted were closed
First order gave me some coupon or something and then signing up for their premium thing actually saved me like, 15 bucks or something on the order total. then I immediately blocked them on paypal so it won't renew
>he thinks hot gluing is the worst you can do
Lucky. Mine won't get here till next week.
I'm not really feeling Koto's astolfo.
I am a new user with them, and they seem legit. I didn't notice any big red flags when I was googling the site, and I dig the points system since I tend to buy in large batches.
I like it; the skin tone might be a bit off but the pose/expression more than makes up for it imo.
Open wide
Oh mama
I really like her mouth.
Come at me, bro.
imagine the rank ass smell
I doubt she's a tranny.
>not washing your ass
Next batch because I payed the request for my big January order.
Looks like a pretty clean asshole to me.
Why does it have to cost so much, Sup Forums???
That's better?
God I love skin indentation but that's pushing it, she almost looks fat around the bikini
>Rory stuck in Tokyo
Looks pretty similar desu
looks deformed
Sure, why not?
she's getting a re-release
It's not naked, literally no country would care. You all need to calm down
Only a couple weeks to go.
Don't open
user pls don't I'm scared
>trying to lower the bar further
Why now though? Is Witchblade getting another Japanese adaptation or something?
The face and tail look bad.
Here’s hoping then, if no updates now.
at least those are some good poses
This arrived today.
>it wasn't instantly processed
sorry user, they're on their way
Surprise cast-offs are best cast-offs.
give me idols!
I mean, the last package I got was held up in Customs for a week too, and that was just a single, completely SFW doujin. So I'm sure that for now, it's just sitting in their warehouse, waiting.
And so I'm anxiously dreading the passage of a week when I'll presume that they'll have gotten around to it. And then I'll know whether I am well and truly fucked or not.
>Trigger discipline so good he doesn't even have an actual gun
I'm impressed.
Well, I've already gotten 1 big surprise so far.
When it's updated and the timestamp shows it was processed very shortly after being "In Customs" then you're probably fine. Don't worry user.
Oh fuck, I'm so excited for this
Why faggots pay so much money for this?
Muh nigger
user, you're supposed at least to try to win, not turn it to your hipster 3x3. Try using more recently aired series and fig prototypes.
I didn't know there was a nendo of her.
They literally don't care, ignoring the fact that figure isn't even nude. Countless small packages imported and they havent opened a single one, mostly sent with EMS. So far the only recorded people getting in trouble have been people personally bring things back from japan on a trip, people who were reported by other people and people who were already under investigation. I believe the famous one that gets posted often happened because a visitor saw a loli onahole box on a person's house and reported them.
The most common thread I see in the ones that wind up on the news is that family reported them for one reason or another.
I've honestly never even seen one show up on the news up here, only when mentioned by other anons. When's the last time it even happened?
ya'll ready for next month?
The King (Alter) is so elegant and gorgeous, lads!
Alter does amazing sculpts, my god. I am pre-ordering their Jeanne Alter soon as it goes up
I have three preorders from native scheduled for next month. Suspecting some delays.
most overrated figure of 2017.
yes more
same bunnyshit, when the fuck are they going to re-release medaka?
My Korbo got shipped today.
Waiting is going to be a bitch.
Fuck I loved those. Lays don't taste as good as Sabritas for some reason not to mention all the ultra spicy shit they don't sell here.
Doesn't look too good, besides I already got Tamamo Lancer.
I hope she bins a fair amount considering her price.
I think the last time I recall seeing such a story was like 5, 6 years ago?
should I pay for this or leave my order unpaid?