Should Pan be the main character post-Super?

Should Pan be the main character post-Super?

I'd watch loli ball Z

As long as she isn't lewd.

Alongside goku and trunks?

No. That's what Uub is supposed to be.

Really though as much as I would like to see post-ending material for the sake of not having any limits, Uub is only interesting for what he represents. I don't think he's actually capable of carrying the manga or anime, but a series that took place after the epilogue would almost certainly have to incorporate him in a major way.

Not OP, but I think it would be better without them, or as supporting characters. After Super runs it's course I think DB will be in dire need of a power reset. Pan is a great way to do that, Goku is just ridiculous in power, and Trunks (assuming you mean present trunks) can already go Super Saiyan, so that limits what they can do.Having Pan at around the same level Goku was at the start of DB would be a good new starting point. She can explore the world and they've got plenty of material after that, maybe using some of the potential they wasted with space and the multiverse.

Uub is a fucking boring character too. The fact he's strong JUST because he's a reincarnation of some lame villain doesn't help.

>no dragon ball sequel about Pan and Bra having adventures like original Dragon Ball

I was thinking Uup and Pan could both be main characters, Maybe Pan sees her grandpa training Uub and wants to join in.

I'm not really willing to call Uub a lame character, because we don't know much about him as a character. I will agree he's a lame concept though.

That's what I'm saying. He's a fun character in the epilogue because of how he plays off of Goku, and it makes for a really sweet ending. He's not interesting otherwise, though, especially not when the ending I mentioned stops being the end.

Any Epilogue after EoZ would just have Son Goku be the main character and be the guy who defeats every villain and gets access to powerful forms first. Just look at Gohan after Cell saga, he was supposed to be the new face of the franchise, but Japanese fans didn't like that.

Honestly, I prefer not having anything new after Super. Uub would just be the type of character that would do nothing but fill the role of jobber like Piccolo and the rest.

The problem with this is that Goku and Vegeta as well as some other characters are to great a part of the story that you can't just permanently write them out of the story without heavy fan backlash. Yet there to strong that anything threat that could pose trouble to Pan, Bra and whatnot would just be seen as a non-issue at this point.

I don't understand why Toriyama treats Piccolo the way he does when he's supposedly his favorite. I don't mind Piccolo not being the strongest, but goddamn.

no, fuck you waifushit cancer

did the bread guy get banned kek

It would seem Toriyama forgets certain characters even exist, which is a bad idea to create a new series set after EoZ. Classic DB characters would get short end of the stick.

Oh man, I thought I was the only one. Set it up like those other cute baby series like Poco's Udon World, Amaama to Inazuma, Barakamon, Gakuen Baby Shitters, etc. and I'd be all over that shit in a heartbeat.

No. Dragon Ball's next main character should be non-existent

Yeah, she could be what Gohan wasn't.
Not killing off Goku for good during the Cell Arc was a mistake.


>Girl MC

Can't self insert, becomes painful to watch after she starts to hang out with someone

I'd watch the shit out of that as long as she gets transformations like any other damn sayian

>self insert