i'm joining the master race
I'm joining the master race
Absolutely disgusting. Enjoy your eye cancer.
Meanwhile, everyone not pleb has been watching VEG defiltered in mpv since day one.
you are wrong but ok
>not pleb
>watching VEG
That's an oxymoron though
Name a better animated show this season. You can't. It's at least a breath of fresh air from the flat, lifeless flash animation that was Crybaby, even if the narrative isn't appealing.
I tried mpv out once and now instead of being mad at you guys i'm just really sorry that you think it's better, kind of just like "ah, it's retarded, but there's nothing I can do I guess, if it's happy i'll just leave it alone"
dont increase saturation
mpv is super powerful and customizable, more so than any other media player. You can do many things on the command line that you can't do with a GUI. And the keybindings allow you to reach everything from volume to subtitles from your keyboard. The config is ideal: for example, I have TAB bound to cycle through selected directories, so I can switch screenshot directory while in player. Your fault for being too lazy and/or stupid to read the documentation.
wheres the boob slider?
It does look good but I rather watch Hyouka where it looked nice and the story wasn't at least completely boring though you may disagree.
>thinking this fixes anything
>Losing all those details
Fuck off.
configuring mpv is so easy I don't care
There is already detail lost due to the washed out blacks. Look at this, can't even see under the stairs despite it being non-pitch black. Look at how washed out the uniform is in the pic you're replying to
To be fair single frames will looks better but watching it like that would give you a headache really fast.
Why the hell people think that increasing saturation makes things look better?
People who make visual works adjust how the picture looks to convey certain things. By changing image settings you fuck with the vision of the artist.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
>master race
>watching seasonal flavor of the month moeshit
I thought it was just a shitposting meme but you guys are really doing this.
Imagine being so used to shit productions (or the old funimation???) that your eyes can't handle something that looks good for once. Shocking.
do not reply to the tripfag with garbage opinion
get auto-profiles lua, then in mpv conf
profile-desc=cond:string.match(p.filename, "Evergarden")~=nil
Or whatever your preference is.
The bottom one looks like shit.
is right
>all this when you could just change the source levels with madvr using one fucking key combination
This board is one big newfag convention, when funi was a thing this was common knowledge.