Aki end confirmed

Aki end confirmed

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>Botan win
>Aki win
How good is this timeline?

fucking bullshit

>she fucking knows that he doesn't loves her


Please, when the main heroine gets shat on this much, it's obvious she will win.

Great, now have the parties involved actually talk about it. It feels like it's dragging on and on.

Now, the girl who suffers the most, will win, or if the author is a faggot, he will make the MC stay with no one.

The girl who wins isn't the one who suffer the most, it's the main, having her suffering is just pathetic attempt to make us sympathize with her

>"even though his feelings are in another place, his past beliefs tie him down"
>"now, he's in great pain"

>"I know..."
>"I saw his notebook before..."

Aki is /our girl/.



full raw?

Final chapter when?

Aki will win. And I'm not an Aki-fag. It's just obviously drama to dragging it out. They'll confront that they are not who they were and reconnect again.

Best girl win confirmed!

There has been no Master 2 page spread kiss scene yet. It has to happen. Preferably with Masamune hanging upside down from a tree Spiderman style.

I dropped this early on, but if Aki wins, I may pick it up again, just tell me, has the manga been fun, or it falls victim of the usual flaws on this type of things

>Aki wins
Aki was the winner from the start. And she did already win, she and Masamune are dating by the end. Problem now is that Masamune doesn't actually like her, and he and Yoshino have a thing going on. It's complicated.

Right around the Paris Arc (ending of the anime) it turns into a drama. Like, these characters suddenly turned or something.

Master end makes the most narrative sense, but this most recent surge of Aki suffering combined with first girl status will probably clinch her win.

If there's one thing the nips are absolutely predictable at is going for muh poor suffering girl who needs MC to rescue her from despair.

Akifags are the Horikitafags of Masamune-kun.

Good. Snake deserves to get cucked.

aki a shit master
love master a best

and both will win

they can share or someting, if piggy keeps himself /fit/ he probably has the stamina for 2
she's going to be the one that breaks up with him doing the nickname thing isn't it..

Since when did protag stop liking aki? Did they ever solve the rash/allergies?

Point is MC never really liked Aki, and he only realized that himself recently. When he reflected on the past he realized that he's changed since he was a kid, and doesn't feel the same way about Aki anymore, and Aki doesn't realize that Masamune's changed, and is in love with the version of him from the past.

The rash stuff led to him realizing that he had the most fun together with Yoshino, and that he's actually in love with her, but he's too guilty to admit that with Aki as his girlfriend.

>if piggy keeps himself /fit/

Not while going out with Aki.

so Aki knew for his diet problem
she pretended to give him too much food to push him to break with her
but it does not work he does not want to break with her

drama too drama
no one really knows Masumune's love feelings
this crazy girl directly pushes Aki for the victory
Aki will break up with him
he will finally realize his true feelings for her
they will come back together

>Akifag in denial

Full scans on baidu

Aki is worst girl, but she’s going to win. She’s the main heroine after all. Plus she’s suffering the most which will make readers sympathize with her and want to root for her.

>inb4 maid was in the middle in promotional art
So is Aki. It literally means nothing.


Goddamn man. How best can a girl be?
Aki is amazing. Akihaters BTFO!!!


>Not sympathizing with best and purest girl
Kill yourself maidshitter

>Problem now is that Masamune doesn't actually like her
Yeah...I guess that's why he's staying with her right?

>he and Yoshino have a thing going on.
Yoshino is just a way for him to escape his real issues and nothing else.
All this time Masamune's been caught in this petty revenge shtick and now that he discovered that all of this has been in vain and that Aki was innocent throughout this entire time he no longer has any goal on his life causing him to relapse.

Ignore this faggot Masamune likes Aki

>Muh Tenri
How to spot a millennial faggot

I want meido to win. But is clear that Aki will win in the end. Most authors are too afraid to pick anyone but the main heroine.

Ah shit, is oreimo all over again

This. I'm not a fan of Aki but with the recent developments my guts are telling me that she will win somehow. Feel free to screen cap this and shove it down my throat if by the end she doesn't.

The thing is, why is there a main heroine anyways?

Aki will win.

Yoshinofags BTFO is unavoidable.

Why does anyone want the maid to win? She's a massive cunt. Didn't she cause all this shit in the first place?

Because she looks cute and such.

They are contrarians.

>dog rape
Just a little reminder.

Because they're all contrarian underdogfags who are obsessed with the fact that main girl wins


>Neko is still a loser
>Aki retreats for Makabe's sake because she cares about happiness more than her own
>Yoshino takes lead and wins for another 2 or 3 chapters
>Makabe feels something is wrong and can't bring himself to love Yoshino. He comes to his senses and realizes the gapping void within his turmoil heart could only be filled by Aki
>Aki is tracked down by Makabe and she resists a bit at first, but the two ends up working out misunderstandings
>Makabe and Aki date for real this time and their future is looking bright
>The End. Best girl won
Search your feelings, you know this to be true.

>telling some fat kid that he's fat
>this is bad
The absolute state of akifags

Dump the chapter at least if you're gonna spout shit like that.

Because every major character has been a cunt, not just the maid.

Non-canon comedy side-chapter
Another reminder

Someone feel free to TL or summarize, my grasp of Moon isn't that great.

Aki has been the least cunty since she's the purest.


Main heroine is just another term for the 1st cover girl and 9 out of 10 they are the winners.


>Broke a doll
>This is bad
The absolute state of Maidags




Kirei-cake translation when?

Why is this garbage still going.


I called it a while back. It was always weird how Aki was acting when we saw that she discovered "that" notebook. We discussed how she could be pretending or maybe she was clueless and a baka like her usual self. Now that we know it's the former, Aki End is 99% happening. This is literally like Nisekoi near the end of the manga all over again.



What are you talking about? Aki has been getting much better recently while other girls have made no progress whatsoever.

I want to punch Aki in the stomach



When you donate to their embezzlement fund (AKA my mother has been ill for a quarter century excuse).



That's pretty sexy, user.


Looks like Aki is going to outscheme the master ruser




>doesn't know that Masamume gave up on his revenge and that he had sincere feelings and thoughts for Aki and is trying to throw everything away to make Aki happy
Oh yes. Yoshinofags are gonna get BTFO so hard.


And this is how Aki will win. By guilt tripping the girl who never thinks about herself.


>other girls have made no progress
I hope you're joking. The maid has regretted what she said as a child and has been repenting from the start of the series.


Tiv is so fucking wasted on this crap.

And that's it! I can't really tell what they're all talking about, but feel free to translate

Atonement will be Yoshino's loss, desu ne?

I already know this.