Why are old MCs always far more based than the pussy ass new MCs?
Why are old MCs always far more based than the pussy ass new MCs?
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But they're from the same show. The same episode even.
Eren got a new look though
You have to go back, Pedro.
Funny how there is more diverse looking cast in the left than on the right with samefaced short and dark haired high school boy protag. I guess the self-inserting it just too strong.
You mean the cherrypicking is too strong
Cherrypicking is no laughing matter
Eren doesn't belong with the right side at all
>someone correctly points out older protagonists are typically more masculine than the newer variety
>"m-must be a spic"
Soyboy mentality.
Except it isn't cherrypicking you stupid idiot. It's a historical fact that alpha MCs were significantly more prevalent in the 80s and 90s than they are now.
Beta fuckboys are generally more relatable than manly muscular men
must be all harem MC's
You can thank Anno for the faggots on the right.
>actually believing this
Worthless idiots like you are beyond retarded. You worship Anno so much you think he's directly responsible for changing everything.
How many testosteroneless beta fucbois with that bowl haircut can you think of before NGE? Go ahead, loser.
The difference is Shinji's faggotry was justified, acknowledged and condemned in the show itself, while stuff like Mirai Nikki etc glorifies the faggotry and has everything fall into faggotMC's lap.
Idiotic post from an idiotic poster. You don't know anything about anime's history, you're just an utterly worthless moron who mindlessly worships a director because Sup Forums told you to.
Remember his post pattern, this is a obvious trollkid who always says idiot, moron, and retarded in his post.
He will shittalk your favorite things, just ignore this kid.
>Remember his post pattern, this is a obvious trollkid who always says idiot, moron, and retarded in his post.
Yes, because it's factually correct that you're an idiot.
I know you're an idiotic newfag, but if you think I'm the only one who says idiot, moron and retard, then you must get called one a lot. Quite the retard.
Thanks for bumping the thread, kid !!
Look ! a star for you !!
VNs aren't safe either.
Man, Fujoshits really kills the design of male MC, isnt it ?
Hey OP, did you forget that we had a Nazi Loli as a protagonist last year?
A shitty MC that appeals to introvert neckbeards? Yes, I knew.
Tanya is from the german Empire of WWI
>haha Americans
I wish this meme would die, it's annoying seeing them get brought up constantly
Add my man Io "Cripple Killer" Fleming on the right as well.
>Nitpick Too
>capitalizing those words
>completely missing the point of the OP in the process
Idiot ESLs like you will always be idiots.
>What happened
Too much soy
>using exclamation marks
Your new is oozing
What the fuck does this even mean?
A star *
>You are an idiot for not speaking my first language as your first language.
I really don't understand how one can be this fucking retarded.
>The chad hentai mc
>The virgin eroge mc
we aren't comparing similiar genres here - a comparision would be only legit if we would compare same anime genres from different decades
any MC from the Gundam series
>characters from retro manga
>characters based on characters from retro manga
>boku no pico academia
Its the troll kid who shitpost on every thread on Sup Forums. Just ignore it.
>90's action MC
>is strong, handsome, cocky, wins most of his fights, and has girls wet for his dick left and right
>"man MC's used to be such awesome badasses, what happened?"
>modern action MC
>is strong, handsome, cocky, wins most of his fights, and has girls wet for his dick left and right
>"fucking shitty self insert Mary Sue faggot why don't they make good MC's anymore?"
Can someone explain this please?
They look like soy boys now
Idiots like you shouldn't be posting on an english speaking board. Either learn the language or fuck off.
Case in point: ESL idiots like you contribute nothing but stupidity.
Samefag. Or someone with a talent for a cringy both sides.
Is this the new 'cuck'? Fuck off with this shit.
look at this suckbuck trying to deny his true nature
You're missing the point dumbass.
Who cares about genres, it doesn't change the fact that masculine MCs were far more prevalent. Anyone who watched anime back then knows of Kenshiro, Ryo, Lupin, Goku, etc. By contrast, if you looked at all of modern anime's masculine main characters, there are hardly any you'd call household names. The average anime fan likely wouldn't know who Dandy is, and he always seems to pop up on the retarded counter charts.
One modern anime MC that the vast majority of anime fans do know is Kirito; he's by far one of the most well-known modern protagonists, and considered a fairly accurate representation of the modern MC landscape. In the 80s and 90s, there certainly were wimpy MCs, but none of them were nearly as well-known as Kirito, or any of Kyoani's shitty protags.
Osomatsu-kun, Ichimatsu-kun, Choromatsu-kun, Jyushimatsu-kun, Karamatsu-kun and Todomatsu-kun. Checkmate, atheists.
Stay Mad, grumpy kid.
Maybe the "masculine MC escapism" gimmick was overdone and felt dated, then someone discovered the "more relatable beta underdog MC escapism" formula, which people in Japan might still not be tired of.
>then someone discovered the "more relatable beta underdog MC escapism"
and guess what's beginning to feel dated now, or rather, has been for the last 15 years?
Even then, it doesn't change the fact that older MCs in general are infinitely more based and likeable than characters like Rito and Subaru.