>Be MC in a classic series packed full of girls who are generally great for various reasons and tend to have at least a few waifu-tier qualities depending on personal taste.
>Be obviously destined from issue/episode 1 to end up with the girl almost universally recognized as the shitty one thanks to her having a perfect storm of flaws to guarantee that someone will find a deal-breaker regardless of personal taste.
Has there ever been any other MC who gets this badly fucked by the very writer who created one of the most god-tier harems in history?
I mean shit; Ranma *himself* is a better girl than Akane if one can accept going without shower/bath/hotspring sex unless they're willing to fuck a dude.
Well, part of it is the anime staff downplaying the flaws of the other girls, but actually overplaying Akane's. In the manga, all other girls are comically crazy (even Ukyo attempts to kill Nabiki once or slice through Akane to steal an umbrella) so, Akane still comes out the best even if you prefer the basic character type of one of the other girls.
Rumiko Takahashi knew what she was doing too, since she didn't want another Lum/Urusei Yatsura situation where she's forced to change the manga's main girl to the point of having to write a chapter just to explain away a story that pretty much had guaranteed that the other girl would win.
Jacob Wilson
> girls who are generally great They're pretty much all awful though. Most of them try to kill him more than once.
Liam Thompson
Yeah. Unless I remember wrong, Akane was pretty much a turbobitch for no reason against Ranma for like 70% of the time, and had now standard tsundere traits like misunderstanding situations or simply expecting the worst from him just due a single first impression. Even the few times she was being a decent person something usually happened for her to get pissed off and get violent again, explanations be damned.
And then there's the grand finale, where they did end up getting a marriage ceremony that even if it was interrupted, did happen despite by all means, there was zero chemistry between them and even that borderline murderous Shampoo was a better match for him.
As for best girl, I would say that Ranma herself was best girl. If weren't because half of time she's a guy, I would say that a hottie who's always trying to be the best in anything she gets involved with would be a good catch.
Nathan Phillips
Akane has some good qualities.
Parker Long
>In the manga, all other girls are comically crazy
Fair point, I probably should have phrased a bit better.
What I meant is that pretty much every girl in the series have more attractive qualities if you're able to overlook the negative ones or put up with crazy. Like Ukyou/Shampoo are both extremely hard working, Ukyou will cook delicious food for you, Shampoo will deliver delicious food to you from a grandmother who will outlive you so you'll never go hungry anyway.. if you can get past their "crazy" which is a lot more normal by the standards of that universe than ours..
and of course then you have ones like Kasumi who is basically designed to be the perfect wife, Nabiki who would be a god-tier wife for an executive type.
Even the crazier ones like Kodachi would at least be a lovingly crazy wife, but being married to Akane seems like it would mean your life consists of 90% enduring abusive tsundere bullshit in hopes of having 10% feel like an actual relationship
I dunno, maybe I'd see it a lot differently if Takahashi had written some parts that genuinely made me wonder if Ranma would drop Akane for a seemingly better option (by his own choice rather than consequences from losing a competition or whatever).
Hunter Scott
You wouldn't think so for long. Nice tits probably stop being nice rather quickly if you get punched in the face by a master martial artist they're attached to every time you grab them.
All it would do is eventually give you a debilitating fear of nice tits due to the painful association.
Carter Collins
That reminds me of Girl Saurus. Poor MC had his ass kicked so hard by an angry woman that began to see all females as monsters and further trauma killed a few moments when he regained his boner for women. So yeah, I agree, a nice body is definetively not worth it getting the shit beaten out of you anytime you tried to get the benefits of having a lover.
Parker Morgan
Actually, most of the time Akane is the level headed one, as is normal for most Takahashi main females, especially relative to the remaining cast. Sure, she does the tsundere misunderstanding stuff, but something y'all seem to be glossing over is that Ranma himself provokes a lot of the responses by being a total jackass.
David Bailey
While I do agree that Akane was by far the worst girl there, you also forget that Ranma was also a petty jerk. Half of the times Akane hits him he was either taunting her, lying to her or being outright antagonistic. Both seem to like that kind of relationship. A normal person would have walked out on Akane ages ago. But Ranma is not normal by any means.
Josiah Perry
You know how this fucking crap should have work, IF the entire fucking worls at least its self aware that the Tsundeciopath is teh one who is an asshole.
What we need is a series that takes the Worst girl with no self awareness and give it the Bojack Horsemen treatment.
Then again, Akane is a self insert of the author herself and she was projecting a LOT of her own shit baggage into her characters.
Jacob Young
Shampoo was made into an asshole too...she only hates Moouse cause he is half blind and only wants Ranma more like a trophie than as a person, then again Rumiko did this so that people would not like shampoo more.
Daniel Bailey
The other girls (other than Nabiki or Kasumi, who have no interest in doing so) are also constantly manipulating him via his martialarts-o-sexual tendencies or with special ancient Chinese magical artifacts. I'm trying to remember a time Akane ever did that.
Jace King
Dude, I don't think you remember much about the manga or you're severely downplaying all the awful shit the girls pulled off. Kodachi was legit crazy and Shampoo wasn't far better. Both were the kind of chicks who, yeah, pretty and good cooks, but otherwise terrible human beings. For all their proclamations of love, they weren't above using drugs, extortion and other kind underhanded methods multiple times on Ranma and those around him. They weren't above putting other people in mortal danger so they could get their way either. I don't know how any good qualities, which most of them were very superficial, could outclass this kind of stuff. Meanwhile Kasumi was almost a non-character and Nabiki with Ranma is warranting his doom. The only girl you can make a case for is Ukyo and even she had quite a few what the fuck moments as the other user said. I can't fathom why you're going up in arms over abuse when it comes to Akane but when the other girls are as ready to abuse Ranma's rights and can be worse than her somehow is not as bad because?
Akane had a temper, at times physically responsive and could be on the hypocritical side of things, but Ranma wasn't any better with his own hypocrisy and he was incredibly obnoxious with his ego to the point he verbally put down those around him. None of them were ideal partners nor were they suppose to be. Yet, these two stuck with each other through thick and thin and legitimately worried about each other at the end of the day by their own choice. That's all there's to it.
Logan Hall
It's not like ranma could get with her own self so he could not be with best girl by default
Liam Gonzalez
Ukyo is the best one.
Jacob Lee
Look i get it, Takahashi's early works had good cheesecake but she only put that shit to get boys to read her trash.
Michael Bennett
Or people who actually read the fucking manga and don't have their headcanon up their headass.
Caleb Butler
or people who have read the original japanese version of the manga with non-shit translation or rewrites done by Viz media.
Cameron Bennett
How fast would Ranma and Akane have gotten together if Ranma wasn't an asshole?
Justin Lopez
Agreed. She was the least psychotic/batshit insane of all the candidates and was a legit good match for anyone considering she's her own boss and can take her business anywhere and isn't as clingy as the others, who are quick to react badly to any form of attraction another girl could feel for Ranma or Ranma getting involved into lewd situations with others by accident.
Brandon Gomez
>How fast would Ranma and Akane have gotten together if Akane wasn't an asshole?
Asher Nguyen
At the end as usual. It was as much a problem caused by Ranma as it was a problem caused by Akane. In fact, a decent person Ranma would've rejected Akane considering that she would be a lot less justified to attack him if he was a good person who simply got involved in the schemes of those horny sluts.
Adrian Moore
but the mirror ranma existed
David Watson
>good-hearted chad likes to tease the girl he's secretly into, for harmless fun >girl responds to light teasing with violent outbursts >chad never hits her back and is always there when she needs him >chad is an asshole I think you need to cut down on the soy, user.
Julian Peterson
Damn, that's some extreme violence, she could've seriously injured Ranma with that table.
Hudson Rivera
And no it wasnt a thing of "who was the jerk'' or ''who started it'', it was, WHO WAS THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE!
But people dont want to admit that Rumiko screwed up and eded up making one of the most odious female characters just cause she wanna make her own shitty Sayaka clone, a character that was made already unlikable by Go Nagai because he jump in into the "Teenegers are all shit, the adults did do no wrong'' bandwaggon from the 70s that sadly stuck up with consevrative japanese writers.
Ethan Foster
There's an awful lot of bullshit being spewed in this thread. How many of you fags actually believe Ranma is blameless for any of this?
Luke Martin
No one thinks that Ranma isn't an asshole. But Ranma being an asshole too doesn't mean Akane suddenly isn't one either or mean they make a good match.
Zachary Sanchez
>Rumiko Takahashi knew what she was doing too, since she didn't want another Lum/Urusei Yatsura situation
As someone who's actually read Urusei Yatsura this is honestly a load of bull.
Shinobu was never meant to be a "love interest" she was Ataru's Girlfriend but the joke was that she was kind of unreasonable and broke up with him at the drop of a hat. UY wasn't meant to have any semblance of continuity or character growth that it ultimately got.
>Yeah. Unless I remember wrong
You do.
Christian Evans
Nobody is saying she's not an asshole, too, but there are some fags minimizing his role in this, which is just /r9k/ "WOMENZ' bullshit.
Levi Roberts
>. She was the least psychotic/batshit insane
Lol what? No she isn't. Ukyo's the craziest one.
Kodachi's a troll and Shampoo's an jerk, but Ukyo is legit nuts.
>Get teased by some other girls after a jerk scams your dad >decide to cross dress for around a decade and train obsessively for revenge >the guy you were trying to beat the crap out of calls you cute once. >immediately do a 180 and fall in love with him.
Grayson Cook
No she couldn't have because the Ranma 1/2 universe runs off slapstick rules.
Nicholas Evans
Shampoo best girl.
Adam Jenkins
Which one has the biggest tits? This is the most important issue.
Juan Roberts
>but being married to Akane seems like it would mean your life consists of 90% enduring abusive tsundere bullshit in hopes of having 10% feel like an actual relationship
No it wouldn't.
Akane's temper comes out when provoked. Ranma DELIBERATELY provokes Akane. He likes getting Akane riled up.
Ryan Diaz
>the girl almost universally recognized as the shitty one it's been like 30 years, god damn it Akane is an adorable tomboy of the highest caliber.
Jaxon Brown
Ranma 1/2 isn't a harem.
None of the other girls after Ranma are ever once even looked at by him as a romantic interest.
Tyler Brown
He likes her. I'm not entirely sure he likes getting her riled up. Most of the time it's by accident or him saying something dumb just because he's stupid. He's also extremely jealous.
Nathan Murphy
You do realize that late in the manga Ranma thinks Akane dragged him into a closet to "make up" for a fight they had earlier, and he immediately jumped to the idea that they were going to start making out/flat out having sex, and Akane's only response once he started coming on to her like that was "now's not the time" (Because she was really trying to hide him from Nodoka)
Gavin James
>mommy, look, i am recycle shitposting Get your own argument faggot
Andrew Bennett
>I'm not entirely sure he likes getting her riled up.
This is Ranma Saotome, Lovable Jackass Troll we're talking about here. He loves riling EVERYBODY up. The more he likes you the more he'll try and piss you off.
> Most of the time it's by accident or him saying something dumb just because he's stupid.
This is not true. He's deliberately mocking the vast majority of the time.
Angel Diaz
I don't know how many times you can call a girl uncute before it stops being an accident user.
Dominic Clark
This is pretty classic. the main protagonist acts like a shit , and then everyone hates the girl who doesn't put up with his shit.
Camden Smith
IIRC most of his snipy "UNCUTE" comments are him reacting to her (feigned) disinterest or negative comments.
I haven't watched Mazinger, what's wrong with Sayaka exactly?
Nolan Sanders
>Kodachi >ever
Elijah Bell
One thing a lot of people miss about Ranma and Akane's relationship is that they're both pretty snarky when they want to be and often this meant little quips at each other.
Lucas Johnson
She's absolutely full of herself and never loses confidence despite failing countless times. She's violent and quick to judge.
She's pretty great, those aren't flaws.
Christian Sullivan
I like wacky girls that always lose, like Musashi from pokemon
Cooper Johnson
They act like children. Akane is the more mature one but she's not at all above Ranma's level.
Ethan Johnson
But every now and then Sayaka is also...
Jack Perry
God bless Go Nagai.
Chase Brooks
Well, they are children.
They're 16, I don't know if you're interacted with 16 year olds but they're petty immature little twits.
Akane does some maturing near the end of the manga and Ranma's started to, but neither are ready to be adults yet.
Tyler Jenkins
>wacky >Kodachi
Joshua Wood
They act like LITTLE children. Ranma being a big baby is a constant source of conflict in the series.
But yeah, by the last third they calm down a bit and mostly just argue to stall for time as neither of them is truly ready to go into an actual relationship.
Matthew Torres
There's literally nothing wrong with liking any of the Ranma girls.
Ryan James
>Bro in the streets >Hot piece of tail in the sheets. This is literally the perfect arrangement.
Nathan Barnes
Is this right? Wasn't there another robot built just to help Mazinger in battle?
Jace Anderson
Well I'd question your sanity about liking Konatsu's stepsisters.
Camden Anderson
>tfw Ranma was the first link in the huge chain of fetishes I have today.
Leo Rivera
Yeah. Diana A. Made when Sayaka trashed the shitty Aphrodite A one time too many. It also sucked. At the very beginning Sayaka is the expert mech pilot even though her own robot has no weapons other than "mining" missiles. In a couple of episodes Koji is already slapping her around and telling her to go to the kitchen.
Then there's Boss Borot, the robot constructed out of junk for rival/bully Boss and his cronies Nuke and Mucha. It's even worse than Sayaka's robots.
And then there's the Jet Scrander, which isn't a robot. But it WAS built to help Mazinger in battles since Dr Hell wised up and kept sending flying Mechanical Beasts.
Julian Turner
Konatsu should have appeared more.
And gotten with Ukyo.
Brayden Perez
I'm surprised someone was willing to rate my waifu so high. >she's psycho and would kill you Go complain to Junko fanboys instead if you're that worried about someone else's health.
Landon Brown
Well all know who Ranma should've really ended up with.
Akane could be their faghag.
Elijah Phillips
The only correct answer.
Nathan Wright
Except that played out w/ that stupid love potion, and he would have none of it.
Isaac Jenkins
Whoa, as interesting a homosexual, incest and bestiality route would be, I dunno if Genma is who he should have ended up with.