Hero Academia: Aoyama is Pure

Aoyama deserves a NON-BAIT THREAD


Hori is pulling a double bait, don't fall for his lies

His intentions might be pure, but the window thing was still creepy


From what?

Mineta's bad influence. Be glad you don't hear the sounds Deku has to hear nextdoor, no matter how innocent they'll put images in your brain you'd wish to forget.

>When your power is actually great and you're a crack shot with it, able to hit precise targets in the dark over long distances while firing from the hip, but using it too much makes you shit your pants in public.

Suddenly Deku breaking every bone in his body using OfA doesn't seem so bad.

>Aoyoma actually shits his pants if he uses his powers too much
Diaper fetish porn when?

>threads full of Mina pissposting
>chapter has lots of Mina
>and actual pants shitting
sometimes meme magic is used for the wrong things, we could have memed something much better into existence

This makes me suspicious of Deku. I think Aoyama knows more than just “Deku’s quirk doesn’t fit him.”

Aoyama is pure, I hope he doesn't get any porn

Meme magic gains its powers from its channelers reveling in chaos. By definition it cannot simply be used for good

It’s a destructive element, but some things need to be destroyed.

I wonder if that's why he hides from fights. He basically doesn't have enough chances or a long time to fire his laser and actually engage in a fight otherwise he ends up shitting or killing himself.
That's so shitty though he basically has an extremely powerful quirk but his body won't allow him to control it at all so he has a handicap on.

>Suspicious amount of Mina in an Aoyama chapter
Mina has always been there trying to Aoyama's spotlight. This is no coincidence.

Hori better do something between Mina and Aoyama. I don't want a ship but all the bullying must be addressed.

>trying to steal
Forgot a word

sadly, the internet never forgives


Mina is a supportive and kind girl

GOD DAMMIT DEKU, LEARN HOW TO FIGHT. Chisaki literally told him that he won't win if he keeps telegraphing his moves harder than a fucking Dark Souls boss, so why doesn't Hori let a character that's supposedly a great strategist and analyst stop only training how to hit things harder? Fuck.

Mirio has some free time, he could probably teach him.

Mina is the traitor.

What would be her reason?

I'm willing to bet that we'll see a full arc between now and Mirio being relevant again, even though I agree with you 100%. I'm just wondering how long Deku is going to be stuck sucking before he realizes that he doesn't have any technique to his fighting style at all.

Deku's hands have had a long day.