Post what you've been watching/reading lately, and what you think.
Pre-2000s Sup Forumsnime Thread
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first two devilman ovas: first one was decent. good world building and narrative, splendid art direction and animation. second one was complete garbage by comparison. worse animation and less diverse overall visuals, absolutely horrendous plot points and execution. instead of further building the world, its a pointless chain fights, fights that arent even animated particularly well. watched the second sakura taisen ova which was ok i guess. looked better than the first at least, and the plotpoints were slightly more organized. but ultimately not really much better than the first.
The cockpit. Pretty good OVA penned by Leichi Matsumoto. One features a kamakazi pilot which is interesting. Currently watching now and then, here and there
Ace Wo Nerae!
You know, despite background characters sometimes lacking mouths and occasionally eyeballs, Dezaki's surrealistic visual motifs and the occasional decent tennis animation makes this not at all a chore to look at. I quite like it on the visual front for the most part due to the design work and excellent visual directing. Dezaki can really do a lot with a little.
The story and characters are excellent. Ryouzaki in particular has been quite subtle and dynamic character development wise, and Hitomi's arc has been excellently paced.
I also watched Plastic Little last night. Which was fun. Urushihara draws some great tits. The general aesthetic and design work is cool, it has good enough action scenes, and despite leaving some questions unanswered the plot was fine.I enjoyed Elyse and Tita's interaction quite a bit too. I can't see myself re watching it any time in the near future, but I liked it.
It's been 5 fucking years since I last watched Slayers, mateys. Perhaps I'll complete the original series.
Why did I wait so long to start Patlabor? Every single minute of the OAV has been brilliance.
Gotoh best girl
anybody got any good manga recs? i was looking at dragonball right now but thats pretty entry
I suggest a rope.
O-Okay, I'm sorry user. I'll just read dragonball by myself.