Why are elves portrayed lewdly in anime?

Why are elves portrayed lewdly in anime?

Because elves are sluts.

Why do you think there are so many half-elves?

Can't rape a disgusting fatbody.

This actually makes sense?

Of course it does, I know my sluts.

The Japs read 'elves are beautiful' in the DnD monster manual and stopped before they got to the second part of the sentence that read '-slender beings.'

or I dunno, don't question it. There ARE elves who aren't portrayed as lewd? Then again, I'm not complaining about the ones that are.

It's better than the western trend of troll-like monster elves that seem to proliferate in modern RPGs. I'm looking at you Divinity.

It's funny, because in the original Divinity series, elves were the beautiful, bow-using, forest-dwelling creatures you'd expect. Original Sin decided for some reason to give them like 0.1% body fat to the point it's creepy and then make then cannibals and I'm just like... "Y tho?"


why are anime elves so good?