>yabkui's god tier designs wasted on this shit
I will never not be mad.
Instead of finishing to love ru, he does this thing.
TLR is finished though
I was excited after the first episode but now I realize he's probably going to be working on this soapshit for over a year.
Why couldn't it just have taken the E7 approach to romance.
002 taught Hiro that he is the only one for her because he alone possesses the iron penis that can withstand her vagina dentata.
Mitsuru's dick got chopped off when he tried to put it in 002's vagina dentata.
Strelizia doesn't like unfaithful dicks.
>A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower / plant, because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise.
>The bird of paradise represents faithfulness, love, and thoughtfulness
>The 9th wedding anniversary for a married couple
>Freedom and the ability to travel, due to the flower’s resemblance to birds in flight
>Magnificence, excellence and success
>Joy through challenges and successes alike
>Faithfulness in romantic relationships
>Optimism towards the future
Strelizia doesn't like unfaithful pricks. The defense mechanism is working as intended. All that's left now is for Hiro to grow into his skin and shove it in.
This has been your friendly threadly reminder.
shit's so passe
cool kids these days say soyboy instead
>could make an episode about Hiro hesitant about piloting but encouraged by 02 to take the risk and put his trust on her and end it with Oni pulling him into the cockpit to mirror ep 1, thus further the theme of trusting the unknown
>instead bend the plot to make him lost his spine during the later half just to establish a fact that we already known since ep 1
>just before the bluray preorder
I swear, it's like Nishigori going full retarded or something