Latest rough concept from author of Kobayashi/Komori-san/Chichi Chichi, for his possible next work!

>Oppai Toddlers Harem!
I know that COOL is cool, but isn't this already getting too much out of hand?

Other urls found in this thread:

my penis is ready

>oppai loli
This meme needs to be stopped

The protagonist should be shota, so no pedophilia here.

This is further level.

>Oppai Toddlers Harem
Even degeneracy has a line one should not cross. user may want to be edgy and try to shoot me down as a moralfag, but even they would recoil in disgust if I started posting babyfur, daiper fetish work, and other such things.

You DO know the author has made several diaper fetish doujins, right?

Finally. This will finally convince people that oppai lolis are great lolis.

All he needs to do is say the toddlers are all millions of years old and stuck in a time loop and it'll be fine

>disgust if I started posting babyfur, daiper fetish work, and other such things.
Guess what, nigga? Oppai lolis are better than that garbage.