did this show make anyone else question the cruelty of our mortality?
death seems to be the one constant that ties every living being together.
dunno, maybe i'm just an autist
did this show make anyone else question the cruelty of our mortality?
death seems to be the one constant that ties every living being together.
dunno, maybe i'm just an autist
No, being alive is the one constant that ties every living being together.
What it did made me think about was morality behind euthanasia. Intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering is very difficult thing to do for some people, last episode reminded me of how a guy told me a story of getting his pet euthanized which was very sad.
It’s shit for fat tumblr fags and pedophiles
>tumblr fags and pedophiles
I'm neither and I liked this series, you'll have to bait harder than that. It's a great adventure story.
im gonna start reading it soon, looks good desu
I think art in anime is better than in manga desu.
For most people when someone gets euthanized they have people to console them. For Nanachi Mitty was her only friend, the only reason she stayed alive. Not many people have to go through shit like that. Losing someone is sad enough, but losing the only reason you have to live and then being forced to live? That sounds like the cruelest shit ever.
I've heard this series is fucked up. My 13 year-old has expressed interest in watching it. Tell me the truth Sup Forums; I don't want him watching something as bad as Pico. All I've heard about this anime before the thread was the shota and loli aspects of it. However, this thread makes it sound interesting.
Tsukushi is an absolute madman and throws his fetishes (loli, shota, urine, pain, bondage, and bellybuttons) in all over the place. It's really good but it is a little head on with Tsukushi's throbbing rod sometimes
hm thats interesting, im mainly a manga guy so maybe ill have to give the anime a shot, did you like the series overall user?
>urine, pain, bondage and bellybuttons
what the fuck am in for, is it overbearing or are they just tiny quips between characters
*rapes your loli's path*
I thought it'd be more grimdark.
Just tiny bits every once in a while. It's really not that bad.
okay thank god, kinda scared the shit out of me with that, im okay if its little jabs but im not interested in reading about someones self insert bellybutton fetish thats fucked
Thats something I love about this series, it appears to be grimdark but instead is an almost 100% positive adventure story with really dark plot points.
>did you like the series overall user?
yes, it has nice OST too
i never skipped opening theme
but feel free to read it instead if you like reading manga more
The only reason people watch this show is for the genderspecial bunny and other lolis/shotas, that's it.
Also, transformation fetish. Mitty is someone's fucking fetish.
i will! i think ill try out both if i like it, thanks for the info user!
i legit thought it was a great adventure story, however it had some pacing problems
I have a friend watching it now and his main qualm is how irresponsible all the adults are.
"You're probably going to your death in a hole you can never return from, but thats cool, go on down." -balrog
"You're probably going to die but I'll send you on your way because it'll be funny." -ozone
Correction: the only reason most people get into it is for those reasons, especially if they already are tumblrinas or lolicon. It just sadly attracts the worst kind of people.
The only reason people watch this show is for Bondrewd and other daddies/papas, that's it.
Also, scientific achievement fetish. science is someone's fucking fetish.
Pop Together
Is this the madoka of our generation?
>Overhyped grimdark shit
>Characters with less depth than a kiddie pool
>completely reliant on plottwists to grab people's attention.
Name two plottwists in MiA
There's a robot character, and everyone likes to joke about the fact that he does in fact have a penis, because why does a robot have a penis?
Later in the series another character is seriously injured and pisses herself out of pain. It doesn't really focus on it, but it happens in two separate instances.
However, all that being said. Season two is where the real fun begins. You get to meet one of the characters ex's.
So on a scale of 1 to I'm gonna eat a gun
How much despair/depressing is this anime
Probably an 8 or so. There's some fucked up shit, but it's all so worth it.
>5 minutes of screentime
>Riko's joke of father
You can't be serious, user.
the penis joking i can deal with, i dont really seen the necessity in having someone piss from the pain, does that even happen in real life
Yes, it does. The way its done in the show is not in a sexual manor at least in my opinion. Perhaps my standards are too fucked up to notice, but there's not really anything to be concerned about in the anime. I've even shown it to a few normie friends, and they loved it.
the manga much more than the show. i laid in bed for a bit after that elevator scene just contemplating how fucked up the world is.
I worked as a CNA and have seen people piss and shit themselves before from pain. It can happen because of sudden evacuation from surprise, passing out, or uncontrollable spasms.
thanks for all the info user, gonna give it a go desu
Pretty good post user
Glad to hear it!
>entry level nihilism and loli ryonabait THE ANIME
Why do people like this shit?
Because it's good, user.
This anime isn't nihlistic and I like loli ryona.
>does that even happen in real life
test successful
>i like loli ryona
i like your honesty, ok , carry on then lads have fun
it's a nice parallel to our own untamed wildernesses. The further down the abyss you go, the more forsaken the creatures and environment become.
it starts off at an innocent 0 and goes beyond 10 at certain points
Disappointing results. See me after class.
Very little and it adds to the story. The people who knew about Reg were curious about him and they didn't really see him as a human. Riko starts seeing him more as a human during the bathing scene when Reg gets aroused.
I need someone to put FPS game interface on this.
I mean, I read the manga because it involved small children being maimed and generally brutalized. My dick doesn't get up to that but I really dig it, brutality is my jam.
Lol doom.
I liked that scene far too much to be a respectable human. But I hear the mangaka likes children in the wrong way, so I guess it was intentional. Perhaps the journey down the abyss is a metaphor for his own journey deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole of pedophilia. If so, what's at the bottom? The FBI? Prison rape?
Someone with more time on their hands can do CS GO.
Do you think Ma-kun has a hard life?
Is there at least a happy ending.
I feel if there was I could watch it.
But I'm currently not in the state of mind that I could handle something that just kicks you in the nuts til the end.
There's only season 1 out, and the manga barely has enough content for a second season. However, from the way things are going thus far I would AT BEST only expect a bitter sweet ending from this show.
Mitty is kinda cute and makes some hot noises
Riezochi, shukaeigitsu goshusosu
More like labored ouchy noises all the time.
Every time I see her I wanna cry a lot.
I am really going to miss him.
Fuck that whistle-ex-machina tho, way too convenient.
It made me question my sexual preferences that's for sure.
Not me. Just confirmed them
No, PMMM was much more charming and likeable. The grimdark was nothing compared to MiA, also magical girl genre will pull in fangirls instantly regardless of plot twists.
Prushka is seriously the cutest. She didn't deserve all this shit.
Forgive me for being an anime only shitter but I've got a question. If after everything the gang ends up at the bottom of the abyss and wants to leave, couldn't they just use one of these elevators Bondrewd used on kids to direct curse on Reg who's supposedly immune?
Are you for real?
Hi Frodo. We don't know if Reg can act as a curse sponge or if he's simply unaffected by the curse like all inanimate objects. He's definitely a special case, so who knows?
Don't worry, user, she is in good hands now.
I see.
I'm sorry.
Yes, truly~!
>I think art in anime is better than in manga
No the hell it's not
Read the manga my dude
>much more charming and likeable
>the only reason the plot in Madoka moved forward at all is because all of the characters were detestable morons with shitty personalities
Madoka had its strong points but charm and likability definitely weren't it.
>My 13 year-old has expressed interest in watching it
I wouldn't let him, it's not really pedo, but it has that 18+ rating for a reason
>I think art in anime is better than in manga desu.
I absolutely would. This attitude of "kids' mind is too precious it can't handle this stuff". Of course it can. An 11 yo can handle MiA stuff. It's nothing. I'm a firm believer than age restrictions are dumb. I watched some hardcore stuff when I was a little kid, and I grew up completely fine.
user you're on Sup Forums for a reason, don't lie to us
Sadly as it is, being on Sup Forums is the new normal. This isn't 2007.
It's heavily implied she would have committed suicide if not for Riko inviting her on their journey. Either way, Nanachi doesn't have many reasons to live any more.
Going deeper is equal to suicide, so, why not.
Nanachi is supposedly resistant to the curse, it only affects Riko in the party.
What is at the bottom Sup Forums?
Supposedly. We know for sure that Mitty got the blessing. Nanachi is still susceptible to the curse. She avoided its effects so far only because she can see the force field(we need a different name for it).
What's at the bottom? Sup Forums.
Judging by the 3rd layer hill and spikey boi escape he is just plain unaffected.
Tropical resort with all-inclusive service and cat loli maids.
Why doesn't Bondlewd's elevator have stops at other layers? That'd make artifacts so much easier to gather. You make a permanent camp on each level similar to Ozen's treehouse, divers go deeper gathering relics on the way, offload them at the next camp and either continue or take the lift back up. If divers get to 6th layer they become bonedad's dudes.
But not everyones live is the same. A rich man does not live the life of a poor man, and the bug doesnt live the same life as a human. But death in the great equalizer.
Who says it doesn't?
Did you just describe Eva?
By blessing do you mean the whole immortality thing?
that wasn't an elevator.