I had never watched HxH, but the way people talked about it i already knew it was a great anime

I had never watched HxH, but the way people talked about it i already knew it was a great anime.

23 episodes in now, and i'm bored to death. Why is this so highly rated? When does it get good?

It begins improving in quality over time, but if you don’t like it now, you might not like it later.

1999 or 2011?
Also first arc or so I found boring as hell. Get to the yorknew city arc.

Don't bother. Most will say it gets better by episode 40.

All that happens is just that more edgy shit happens.

About episode 50, I guess?

But it's not just edgy. Yea people die but that's not why it's so good.

Just watch something else, why do you need other people to make up your mind for you? It's not so highly praised because of the first arc but if you aren't even enjoying it don't waste your time.

The '90s anime is legitimately better for the material it covers.

>but the way people talked about it i already knew it was a great anime.
top kek

hxh is naruto tier shit

This, why do people think gore is edgy?

That's not what he's saying though.

Liked it from the start, so can't help you there.


People say 1999 is better for what it covers but in my opinion 2011 has more standout moments then the 1999 version but people might tell you otherwise.

it was good up until the ant arc. the narrator killed the show for me

I find it gets better after the Hunter Exams, they drag on for way too long. Next two arcs are world building so it's pretty interesting and York New is were stuff really pumps up.


It is generally agreed that the highlights are the York New and the Chimera Ant arcs. For your own sake google neither of them, but they come later (somewhere around episode 40 and 80 respectively).

However, the second half of the Hunter Exams has some of the better content in the series, although it's less dark or thematically interesting than later parts. If you really found it all boring (the fight between Gon and Hanzo, the island trial with Hisoka, Killua ripping that guy's heart out) then you may just dislike the show.

You gave it a good shot and it would be totally reasonable to disengage with it. Don't listen to people shitting on the Hunter Exam, HxH has far, far worse sections. Hunter X Hunter may be great (the 2011 adaptation is my favorite anime), but it is nowhere near consistently good.

Just because it's good doesn't mean you have to like it. If you got that far you probably just don't like it.

But it'll never be finished so why bother

Never ever, i'm sorry user but you got straight up MEMED