What are your thoughts on the current S4 and their dedication to their responsibilities?
Aikatsu and Pripara
Lincoln Jones
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Ryder Carter
God, Rola is such a fucking loser.
John Harris
Will they let Rola and Mahiru kiss before the end of the series?
Dominic Brown
They will let Rola kiss Yume and Mahiru kiss Asahi.
Michael Watson
>Mahiru kiss Asahi
But that's forbidden love!
Nolan Scott
Now this is what I call an Idol War.
T7S anime fucking never.[\spoiler]
Christian Turner
Nathan Sanchez
Connor Morris
Dumb Yumeme.
William Baker
Watched episode 1 of rainbow live, can immediately tell there's some animation budget behind this(unlike DMF)
Bell seems like the usual "heh nothin personnel kid" character, will be interesting to see how things develop