What do anons think of this week's episode?
Darling in the FranXX 3
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I'm glad there's finally an anime for intellectuals who are into cuckoldry, such as myself.
Notice how separated fatty and ditz are
I thought they went too far in a few places
I'm glad anime is getting insecurefags to expose themselves by overreacting over nothing.
Fuck off back to your marginal websites memelord.
This is a thinking man's anime.
I li
You mean like this one?
Hit enter by mistake, anyway, here's a new 4koma.
Anyone have the latest one?
Shit just like the previous episodes. The threads are the only good thing to come out of this. Delicious self insert tears.
Yes, they did.
Oh don't get me wrong, VEG is utter trash. It's unbelievable that it's made by the same studio as Haruhi and LS.
It was really nice, we can see hero still cares about all his friends even when most of them shit on him and zero two being cute to his hardling
The threads have been more entertaining than the show.
with every passed episode I feel less and less sympathy for the characters. I don't feel like watching this show for 24 episodes anymore
Hiro and Ichigo should get their act together, it's becoming unbearable to watch
watching hirofags try and justify the blatant NTRbaiting has been fun I've never seen such mental gymnastics.
>Hiro and Ichigo should get their act together
That's my main complaint. They're supposed to be the most competent, and the leader of the group, and they are both Teens like Goro pointed out. I want to see them shine, even if just a bit, so far they've done literally nothing except cuck themselves.
I mean It technically wasn't NTR since Hiro had to make that decision otherwise his friends would have died. But the the writers themselves knew exactly how this would look when they wrote this entire scenario. So the writers of this show are the true cucks.
>This is a thinking man's anime.
An anime that doesn't take its audience for patented idiots. It's rather refreshing.
>I mean It technically wasn't NTR since Hiro had to make that decision otherwise his friends would have died.
there are literally NTR doujinshi with the exact same plot it was ntr user
well, considering the fact that only episode three of 24 has just aired I think their characters are still developing but I don't see any improvement being made until now. I just hope the pacing picks up a little bit as I'm currently not getting any enjoyment out of watching this show
>You don't deserve the """(you)"""
Go back to
how do they get away with constantly portraying her that innocent? find out in the next episode
I don't think the next episode will have cucking in it but there'll probably be more along the way.
Three episodes in and Hiro is already looking to be one of the most cucked and spineless mecha MC's I've ever seen. I'd prefer fucking Renton over him.
Most likely. I guarantee this isn't the last time something like this will happen. The remaining 21 episodes are going to be a hell of a ride.
if anyone other than hiro gets in that cockpit there will be a shit storm of a levelnot seen since Kannagi and this show will forever be tainted on Sup Forums mark my words
Now that me and Zero-Two are a couple I can finally do what I've always wanted to do: Eat and savor every bit of Zero-Two's sweet, delicious shit logs. They squeeze out of her butt so perfectly-like a squishy, juicy sausage with lumps in it, and a ever-increasing stench of beef, broccoli and sulphur. As soon as it plops into my mouth, I begin feasting, sucking on it and mashing it into my teeth, chomping and chewing, foaming my saliva into a brown slush as I do my best to savor. Once my darling Zero-Two is done, I lick her butthole clean and then dry it with my face and nose.
>Darling in the Franxx
>More like Daring in my pants
truly the thinking man's anime
Not sure what the hype is all about. I just picked the show up this week and although I am finding it enjoyable It is not deserving of all the hype I see. Was this some popular manga or LN before?
She only talks like that around or when referring to Hiro. The rest of the time she's just cold.
Pacing really has to improve. Episode two was a snooze fest.
I bet Hiro won't pilot her again until the other two guys pilot her too. Shame one of the best girls this season is wasted on an absolute cuck MC.
Good anime
False, NTR fags havent been intelligent here for 2 years, resorting to spam posting.
This episode made me realize there's no point following the weekly discussions on it.
Barring some narrative catastrophe, Franxx is going to wind up a mid-to-high tier show that will show up on a lot of rec lists down the road.
All you gotta do to understand this inevitably is look at the shitposting numbers.
It was obvious that 02 could only be piloted by my-Hiro's dick!
People have already forgotten she has wrecked every guy who has piloted with her, including the adult in episode 1. Insecure fags just falling to weak bait.
NTR fags should just hang themselves at this point. I am no longer able ephysically to give a shit about it.
>"Lamarck Club"
>Lamarckism (or Lamarckian inheritance) is the hypothesis that an organism can pass on characteristics that it has acquired during its lifetime to its offspring.
All of the pilots are just "engineered babies", based on a original. Numbers indicate the order in which the originals were introduced into the system, therefore lower numbers would be considered better, since they have had more versions than the higher numbers. Everytime pilot dies, they either recover the body, or take samples before the mission, and use the genetic material to grow another version. If the pilot exhibited some sort of useful anomaly during his life, it is passed onto his clones. This way they are trying to make the best possible pilots.
Perhaps the previous Hiro somehow developed resistivity to effects of Klaxosaurus blood and because of that he can pilot with 02 without getting fucked up. The "Lamarck Club" seemingly already knew that Hiro had this ability, but are unsure about how it would affect him or 02. Dr. Franxx decided to act on his own, which is why he went to Plantation 13 and brought 02 with him.
It would also explain why those unable to synch with a partner are sent back into orphanages and dissappearing: they are just removing faulty versions that are of no use and simply make another one. And reason they are completely isolated from the rest of Plantation is to make sure they don't found out they are just new versions and are therefore, to some degree, expendable. Of course, it takes time to grow a new version, but they are not going to fret when pilot drops dead, because they can just replace him (there could be some sort of accelerated aging used to speed up the process. And 02 is somehow sending this into overdrive and aging her pilots at a rapid rate)
Oh fucking excuse me, I didn't know it's wrong to be insecure about ANOTHER DUDE FUCKING YOUR SO
Darling in the FranXX once again proves itself to be a magnificent show for the more sophisticated viewers and them only; this time by creatively weaving netorare into the storyline. No wonder it frequently manages to go right over the head of the more casual "fans" while remaining an utmost satisfying experience for the cognoscenti. Nishigori Atsushi has simply stopped caring about pandering to the former at the expense of pleasing the latter.
No longer willing to deny himself the rightful place he has among his country's most significant contemporary artists he has abandoned the conventional anime rules that previously dragged down his work and prevented it from ever be regarded as anything but cheap pop-culture entertainment to craft his first fully realized masterpiece with Darling in the FranXX episode 3.
>Franxx is going to wind up a mid-to-high tier show
No it's not. NTR shitposting aside, the show hasn't done anything special, and the writing for each ep seems to get progressively lazier.
fuck forgot pic
>y-you're just insecure
Why do cucks always resort to saying this? It's like their default defense. Just accept what you are.
Is Hiro a cuck?
So sick of the opening monologues, they add nothing that can't be told visually.
I believe so.
>there are literally NTR doujinshi with the exact same plot it was ntr user
Find me a single NTR doujin that starts with the protag telling his mech partner to ride the mecha with somebody else.
That's not goro. Fix it idiot
Hiro's NTR hentai protagonist behavior left a bad taste in my mouth
Lets hope it was worth it
It was as great as the last one. Seriously if they can keep this level of comedy Darling in the FranXX could very well become the comedy of the decade. It's just too good
Hey Parasites,
My name is Mitsuru, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, stamens who spend every second of their day looking at synthetic pseudo-asses. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever defeat a Klaxosaur? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take it to a whole new level. This is even worse than failing to synchronize with your pistil.
Don't be an adult. Just hit me with your best magma-energy shot. I'm pretty much a darling. I'm a stamen with 70% and up synch rate, and a starter at the Plantation 13th Franxx platoon. What robots do you pilot, other than "training units with fake synthetic asses"? I also get straight A synchronizations and have a banging hot 0ni (She just devoured me, Shit was SO cash). You are all parasites who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic related: it's me and my pistil
Unironically the best one yet.
Is trigger doing the next episode?
Why he's so smug?
How would you have reacted to this, Sup Forums?
This post all but proves cuckspammers haven't watched the show
Not the literal same situations but the same conditions:
>the so called emotional attached group is in danger
>the aparently only way to save them is to let the woman of the c*ck get fuck by other man
>the c*ck condone it
>he saved the wrong version and didn't stick around the few extra minutes to notices it got corrected
Absolute state of NTR posters!
>my wife won't return back to me after she's been with another guy! aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is that not insecurity?
Its a fever dream as he bleeds out after getting annihlated
Try it fagboy. And then procede to watch him get his soul sucked out.
I don’t get why people think Hiro is a self insert character. He clearly has his own thoughts and motivations that would differ from the audience, a lot of the self insert retards complain why did he back down to authority.
Except every new episode was better than the previous one.
>I let other man fuck my woman to prove that I'm not insecure
Fucking priceless.
Don't knock it until you've tried it.
Having your wife consistently return to you after being with dozens of other men is a massive self-esteem boost.
Swap their heads and it'll be more accurate
who is even falling for this at this point.
yay, his slut of a not partner he met two days ago, got in the cock pit with someone else again. everyone who isn't goro and fatty so far is shit. and hiro has been beta since the guards dragged him back to his cage.
If not for the forced NTR it wouldve been nice
>Having your wife consistently return to you after being with dozens of other men is a massive self-esteem boost
Do europeans and americans believe that?
I don't know if this is funposting or serious anymore...
>inb4 hirofags argues that hiro is actually an alpha cuz he follow the orders of his superiors
what the FUCK
All South East Asians can confirm that their wives fucking rich Euros benefits their marriage. They bring home money, and the SEA shits can now afford some rice for an entire year.
That's just the Philippines.
>If not for the forced NTR it wouldve been nice
>21 more episodes
>it's either going to be re:zero level trash
>or re:creators level garbage
but the threads will always be shit
The threads were magnificent. I got to witness posts of so many anons who were cucks in real life. God bless this anime.
I came from /r9k/ and I absolutely assure you that Jews did this.
Sucks to be poor & powerless.
ahos are the best couple
Why GORO so perfect?
>that noticeable bulge
What did they meant by this?
I really hope they don't get involved with this whole NTR thing.
Sorry sweetie, edition.cnn.com
Cuckolding IS healthy for your sex life and your mental state. Laughing at noncucks tbqh
It's nice that Miku got her death flag out of the way early, I just hope 666 doesn't forget the lesson next episode already.
But everyone benefits. The poor get to eat, the rich get to have sex, and the Asians get to be laughed at for believing in marriage.
He is thinking man.
>sensational planks
>not a single citation of a scientific study
It pains me that there people out there who actually believe in such sources.
Only the powerful gets to exercise volition.
It's not even that. The article says the fantasy is healthy, not the actual act.
Does this has any connection cast wise to kill la kill? The transformation animation is incredibly similar?
9/10 pasta
So in short, no one bothered even reading the source, and everyone was just sperging out. Again.