The reason Maruruk stays with Ozen is because she revived him and she wants to protect him right?
Made in Abyss
I think it's because Ozen is basically mommy.
I think she cares in her own "heh nothin personnel" way.
He certainly seems like a friendly guy for such a hard life.
I wonder if he has other responsibilities than just being lookout.
Not sure if im missing something or not, but why is maruruk dressed like that? Is there a purpose to him being a trap? I dont think 'Ozen likes shota traps' is a real reason either. It just seems like a really random and weird thing to do and then never explain or expound at all.
it is said Ozen makes him dress like that
Well sure but why? And why is it left un-talked about? Its just so random and pointless, I dont get it.
Ozen is a lolicon and unfortunately Ma-chan was a kun.
You can see where this goes.
Is this assumed because she took lyza as young as she did, even though she was annoying? Deep lore? Is there anything else to this?? Like....I just want some concrete reason for why.
No, I think it's because Ozen is currently such a closed mouth character that we have to work off of head cannon.
Tsukushi-san is a lolicon and shotacon, so maybe it's just his kinks shining through.
Either way Maruruk a cute.
Ozen probably does treat him very well behind closed doors.....
Have we heard any more info about season 2? Is it gonna be a full series like the last one??
I get that we dont know a lot about Ozen and why, I like that. I dont get a literal one sentence reference to the fact that a character is dressed and acts and is referred to as a girl, but is not, and then get no explanation or reason. Id be more ok with it an another anime where random shit like that was more present ya know? But it just seems so fucking odd, especially cuz it seems like Reg was told all about it, but we dont get to hear anything? Why mention it then??
Only info ive seen is sometime in 2019, dont think length has been released.
Not mentioning everything creates hype and leaves room for interpretation.
Like whether bunnybutt is a girl or boy.
Aww shit, I gotta wait another year?
I do hope we get some more character building on some of the extended cast.
I dunno, im not sure what kinda hype you could get from not knowing why a character is a trap seemingly against his own will. The interpretations speak for themselves. Who the fuck is bunnybutt?
Considering how the last season went compared to anime its pretty likely...
Who do you mean specifically? As it is, not many of the people on the surface aside from Habo/the doctor girl/Jiruo are actually important or at all connected with the main plot, at least not enough for Tsukushi to spend that much time making their characters more three dimensional.
>Who is bunnybutt.
do you even watch/read this series???
I would like to know more about Ozen, and what happened to Torka.
Maybe they'll add what the orphanage kids read in Riko's package in the anime.
Ever notice the administrator's hair?
> whether bunnybutt is a girl or boy. do you even dispute this? Shes shown to be a female before and after, in both the manga and the anime.
Yeah.....was wondering about that too. Has to be some connection right?
> I would like to know more about Ozen
Might happen at some point, Ozen is a bit more active in the plot than the other characters, but as it is, that shit probably won't happen for a while yet.
> And what happened to Torka
He died to foreign delvers or the abyss, I don't think we're really going to get that much more info on him since he isn't really important at all.
It's never explicitly stated what gender she is, it's pretty obvious but people still argue.
Tsukushi-san was even closed mouth about it to bug people, also in the pre elevator scenes she does dress kinda boyish.
Poor forgotten daddy.
Why does Lyza get all the glory.
I guess I could see that then. I just figured there are way easier things to theory craft over in MiA...
Yeah, like whether moth pussy is really a moth or a spider.
I will marry Riko!!
Both Nanachi and Reg have referred to her as female, and I figure that if Reg can tell Maruruk is a boy only a short time after meeting him he'd be able to tell with Nanachi too.
I'd imagine Tsukushi left it vague because he doesn't want to crush anyone's doujin dreams.
Because Lyza got more shit done.
What if Kevin actually uses our idea with the child choir for the rumble of scientific triumph? He seems to be quite invested and he really liked the idea, so it has to be within the realms of possibility. I am honestly dying with anticipation.
>info is 2019
The VA only said that she's looking forward to 2019, nobody knows when the new season will air.
If it is 2019, they'd have to be working on it right now. Seeing as how the Narehate Village arc isn't wrapped up, then S2 will fully be Bondrewd.
Then how come Reg has to work off frustration by himself?
>"Fell" "down" in an "accident"
I thought it was confirmed? My bad then. And i dunno, I could see them getting through bonerdad and then get partly into the village. Specially with how much the first season added as far as content that wasnt in the manga. anythin could happen.
How can you tell what nana-chan is when you can't even count her nipples??
Director-san wanted to make Maruruk's Life an OVA. But seeing the sales numbers, that isn't possible.
Maybe he'll write some OC Mark stuff for S2? Along with the side chapters and maybe an Orth episode.
what's with those beyond shit subs?
I didn't download the fonts.
> Maybe he'll write some OC Mark stuff for S2? Along with the side chapters and maybe an Orth episode.
Doubt it, didn't they say that this 'season 2' isn't actually going to be a full season? To get through all of Bondrewds stuff ((while fleshing that out, too, since it has some pacing issues)), I don't think they'll have time for Orth shenanigans.
8 episodes of Bondrewd is doable.
>1 episode on Mark
>1 episode on Prushka's youth (to make viewers care more before the inevitable gut punch)
>1 episode on manga side stories
>1 episode on bonus 4th/5th level transition (eating, meeting wildlife, cooking, etc)
>S2 will fully be Bondrewd
First part could be Tsukushi-approved filler.
Ending the season at anything other than them walking into the Altar as Lyza voices over the bit about blessings and curses and fading to white is inconceivable.
It would be wild if this thing goes to three seasons.
Again, not if they want to actually flesh out the more important shit in that arc, they'd need to spend more time on Prushka's childhood, of her and Riko becoming actual friends, definitely extend the time that the group is in Bondrewd's base, more exploration and explaining of the facility, more time put into the main conflict since, it all just kind of rushes by in the manga, and finally they need to set away a fair bit of time at the end to allow the kids to get down to the next layer, maybe eat some food, see the sights, and then maybe end it on them going to sleep/moth watching them/seeing the Narehate village.
Don't forget that they also have to do the flower garden shit as well.
Wait until 2022 for Tsukushi to make more chapters.
It took 3 years for Tsukushi to write enough material for S1, and 2 for S2 (more "filler"). Will need another 2-3 years for more material for S2.
>Riko's interactions with Prushka
That's already included in the 8-episode I'm talking about. Bondrewd's arc isn't that long, many of the chapters were fight sequences, that will not take long when animated.
The 8 episodes is an absolute stretch, which means the children will be hanging around and doing a lot of stuff in/around Idofront.
its not what if
it will happen its a brilliant yet disturbing idea passing it up would be retarded and good music makes a scene way more iconic
>not Bogdanov himself when it was him teaching them valuable life lessons on tenacity and determination as well as the whole scene with the giant ray of energy emanating from the altar being clearly reminiscent of the design of Bloodborne's mask
Come on now.
Does nobody care about the steam any more? Tsukushi is making weird noises again.
Yeah is likely, they could add extra content, the director or producer said many times he wanted to do a complete episode about Mark, so instead of an OVA he could simply use the second season, a little more exploration leaving the fourth layer and in the fifth layer, it all depends in what they want to do
The curse of the third layer.
I love lolis but don't really enjoy furries. Is this series for me?
I feel conflicted because half the time i see cute lolis posted but the other half it's some bunny abomination.
link or something? I cant find it anywhere.
Youll love it, dont read anything now.
Looks like Tsukushi and assistant-san didn't do anything when he turned the stream off last time.
>Fighting won't take long.
It depends user, it could if they wanted it to.
Sodesu, watashi wa Fluffzen.
>dragged out One Piece shit fights that spans 3 episodes even though it only took place through 8 pages in the manga
no please
I want to pet Meinya
Ozen likes shota traps is the actual reason. It doesn't need to be anything else.
It’s likely the earliest we can expect the next chapter will be in February 10, those that were hoping we could get it this weeks were too optimistic
Ozen janai! Fluffzen da.
Also, if anyone wants to ask how exactly Bondrewd can see through Nanachi's eyes, now's the time.
I want more exploration of non-Idofront part of 5th layer as well as more evidence on why they decided to stay with Bon at all choices.
Also, they can add filler episode of Nanachi's past with Bondrewd and some links to season 1 (how her "medical education" helped to save Riko, etc) as better explanation of Bun's final desicion and emotional state during their last conversation.
February 10th seems like a bit of a stretch too, unless Tsukushi draws like a madman.
He still has ~20 pages left.
Lyza is the overall series narrator, though.
Although I can see where it would be very impactful to have Bondrewd narrate that particular epilogue, I would personally prefer no more words from him once he tells Nanachi she's truly cute..
His silent, inscrutable stare was incredible.
I'm kinda curious how much detail they'll go into with the cartridges and loli/shota slaughter.
There also is a quote of him saying he is going to try to do something of the sort.
The fact that he is also a shitposter here fills my heart with a desire to see BestDad's scenes so much more.
Sometimes I wonder if we are actually writing the manga and Tsukishi just lurks.
Yeah, I’m fine either way, but is ok for those to be his last words in the adaptation, his last word to Nanachi are memorable enough already
I think you might be on to something
We need to start a meme and call it DiscoDad,
Anyone wanna draw him in a popped collar leisure suit on a disco floor?
I'm curious how they will capture this expression in anime, especially since anime fucked up chardesigns more or less.
He might be drawing pages offstream.
If it makes you feel better cute little bunny only shows up in the last three episodes
What do you mean? I watched berserk and it looked great!
after houseki no kuni I think its more the studios fault then the CGI itself, for being shit.
>most likely no more Mio
Still hurts.
She was a cutey.
Because the author likes that type of stuff.
Except he's not.
He can draw out of order.
He didn't spoiled Reg and Big Daddy during his last stream.
Ive never gotten a real figure before, and honestly never had any interest but something about this....
Someone talk me out of it please, say its shit or something.
I think that particular scene is going to heavily rely on good color palette choices. I'm hoping for something washed out, indicating the light coming from the Altar.
That was one thing I disagreed with on the anime production. Having full, perfectly saturated color when the mood could have been better served by something else. This scene and those around it, for example.
Sure he can. But he's literally continuing where he is on the same panel. He was halfway inking Riko, stopped for several days, then came back and finished off inking Riko. Most of the time mangakas jump pages due to assistants working on different page's backgrounds.
Maybe Tsukushi is working on 5 chapters offline too? Gonna surprise us next month and tell us he has enough chapters to greenlight S2 production?
the price should be convincing enough
where is it in stock?
It's only a bit more than 5 inches tall.
Speaking of five, it's the first figure I've ordered in five years.
It's the best figure available and it's only $80.
Amiami? I think they delayed shipping so more people can get their preorders in. They ran out of stock like 30 seconds after it went on sale.
Well, he works digitally so it's easier for them to work on bg and forground separately.
He may just have pages set aside to stream too.
who's this new ozen?
Guys what if Lyza is Ozen
Guys what if Riko is Ozen?
what if Srajo and Wakuna are the same
wouldn't that be mysterious
Guys what if Reg is Lyza?
Can you don't?
Guys what if riko x loli lyza incest?
Guys, what if I marry Mark, my son?
>you will never have a best friend like assistant-san
If I ever told my childhood best friend that I'm a pedophile he'd tell me to fuck off and never talk to me again. Yet Tsukushi can openly talk about shota dicks to his osananajimi and he just laughs and is amused.