So what is the best way to deal with getting NTR'd?

So what is the best way to deal with getting NTR'd?

Unconditional love


Uzuki got a point there, by Killing the one they are cheating with is better, can restore the status quo, kill yourself is stupid and killing your loved one is ridiculous, Killing everyone welp, I don't want to think about it.

There isn't

Source: me


Masturbate to the thought

ask them if I can watch

1 is literally the worst choice.


1 is too good for the cheater better for the cheater to live with the fact someone died due to their actions
and it will set an examples for the other homewreckers

Is this a recolored Madoka picture

Having the capacity to feel happiness is the first step in getting NTR'd.

realize that it isnt real, your waifu was drawn by some amateur and she would never do those grotesque things with another man

This desu

and as a bonus if the cheating was due to rape, manipulation, coercion, or drugs (where the cheating might not be the lovers fault) the proper person gets their proper punishment.

> only recognizing one of those four characters

#3 yourself pls.

4. Honor Killings must be dealt out

what a fucking legend

>other people's stuff
There's something really kinky about referring to your lover as an object.

>Become an idol
>Get millions fans worldwide.
>Ex-boyfriend regretted cheating on you
>He gets depressed as his new waifu wasn't as good as expected
>Both of them break apart
>Ex-boyfriend comes to you to apologize and beg you to mend the old romance relationship
>Tell your ex-boyfriend to lick your shoes and fuck off

This is the plot of a thousand shitty Chinese novels I've read.

and Skip Beat

Include the cheater in the relationship and outskill him/her in everything, thus getting myself two adoring lovers.
and cry a bit

Become so bitter an jaded that I become a scientist focused on building a time machine to prevent myself from being NTR'd but end up being the very person to NTR my past self.

My ass. No one made them cheat. The only one at fault is the woman.

Cry, if your tears are pure enough God will reverse time and prevent it from happening.

Move on.

2 is the cutest.

To move on. Given these choices however, option 2 would be the best one. Kill the person who broke your lover down so that at the very least, they have the option to move on too.

I disagree. The other person isn't the true bad guy in this scenario. Your former lover is the bad guy as they are the one who cheated.

Option 1 is intellectual option.

I'd advise against going the Wilfrid Brambell route after being NTR-ed by his lodger and missus, is all I am saying

The question was about NTR. If it's strictly about cheating, then option 1 would be the best choice like you said.

This is what I came here to say.

I don't see a difference, friend.

#4 seems the most reasonable, but I may settle with #2 while also killing anyone new she comes in contact with.

Easy #4 everyone should know the wrath of an user who has had his waifu stolen from him.

To those answering #4, you people do realize that since they used the Mami meme face there, it means "Kill Everyone (Including Yourself)".


Kill yourself and get reincarnated as their baby.

That's the thing.

You don't.

1 is the best if you go full NICE BOAT and delude yourself into thinking they're still alive.

1-3 are from Idolmaster cinderella girls.

So is #4. They just redrew it to look like Mami since her face in that scene is kind of a meme.

All the girls in that pic are from Cinderella Girls. Number 4 is Nono Morikubo who is drawn to look like Mami.

The only option is to kill everyone and then yourself

Are you guys doing this on purpose?

I stand corrected. When I first saw the pic, I was reminded of that one picture with Nono holding a gun.

Enjoy it

Uzuki is more likely to be the one doing the NTR'ing than being the NTR'd anyway.

Oh shit this is amazing.

>Turn into a shota and fuck your former wife now mom in order to NTR him back
Playing the long game, I see.

2, 1, then 3

futurama did it

>No 4
But mass genocide is fun.

Kill the guy first
Hit the woman with punches and kicks as much as you want. Make she suffer

I wasn't, sorry.


A world where I'm unhappy doesn't deserve to exist.

Get pissed at them for hiding it from me more than anything. I'm poly so it'd be hypocritical for me to say they can't be, but by hiding it, they show they don't trust me and don't respect me.

Probably break up and spend more time with another girl. Wouldn't be the first time.

user no...

The man, the myth, the legend.

'Cause you're not in-demand, right?

Kill everyone and then myself

>Not killing yourself, then everyone
Pfft, casual. It's like you didn't even love her or something.

Can a ghost kill other people though?

You deserve no sympathy fatty. Not after you cucked Chieri in that pianiishimo doujin.