Tokyo Ravens

> low budget
> generic magical fightan school
> harem

This show had no right to be as good as it was.

Don't mind me, just posting best raven.

one of the few tsunderes that are actually good

> "Sen~pai~!"

wait, didnt she cuck that other girl right in front of her too?

That wasn't a girl.


this pile of garbage right here

Should have been about a guy and his two best girls.

well said

Kon was amazing.

I mean, just look at that battle animation.

But WTF was up with Aishya Douman though? What was his agenda? He seemed to be playing both sides, but it wasn't clear why he was bothering to do so.

What was Douman's "this side"?

That's obviously a man. I mean just look at the uniform, and the strongly masculine spirit vibrations.

ah, youre right, im sorry my perception was skewed

Felt like that was going to transition into shooting stars.

>this pile of garbage right here
Don't bully.


This anime was filled with 2 cool 4 u jii-says
He's immortal and wants entertainment

This was a decent show. I had a hard time to decide Natsume or as best girl. Also, the 1st ED is so good.


I wish there was a season two. I also wish we got more of these urban-fantasy-exorcist things nowadays. I feel like there were a lot more back in the 00s. At least we have Toji no Miko this season.

Is Captcha fucking up for anyone else?

Don't talk shit about Natsumoe

Douman is a wild card. He sides with people who he finds interesting. Since Ohtomo managed to screw him up (although he had a bunch of help), Douman is currently Ohtomo's familiar.

i know, because if i do shes going to open my door without knocking, see me fooling around with my familiar and blow me up

She already won from the start

>Should have been about a guy and his two best girls.

It was.

nope, whats she going to do? admit it was her after hes been moping about it in front of her for so damn long? nah m8, she had her chance and blew it, the longer she waits the worse it will get


Kon is best sidekick

i want a kon so i can tft


It's painfully mediocre. It's the same caliber as Ao Exorcist and Rental Magica.


Very much agree, the OST and the OP, X-encounter, are also absolutely godlike

is she the only good thing about this series? no one ever talks about it

>only got a small tease of Yakoutora at the end of anime
I still remember the usual thing of LN readers spoiling it but it only made the ride more enjoyable for me. Too bad Season 2 never.

The series was a while ago, and there's never going to be an S2. That's why nobody talks about it much.

It's way better than both of them. I really tried to like Ao but I got bored easily. Rental Magica was extremely generic. At least in TR, the MC is not overpowered even after his powers came back.


The hell are you talking about? This show was complete ass with no memorable characters

All the girls are great except Kyouko since she's always in the back of the cast.

I also think it's way better than both. The source material is pretty crappy, but the anime really did make a lot out of a not very good story.

>no memorable characters


Even Kyouko was above average for her character type, but for me Touji was the stand-out. He's a side-kick yet insightful, and he's got sufficient protagonism to move the plot forward by fixing miscommunication between characters.

So Sup Forums, which Divine General is the cutest?

I see Kon, where's the other one?

Touji is pretty cool, but he should stop jobbing even in the LNs

Right here

>Even Kyouko was above average

I still do. I am still waiting for TLs of Vol 14 and V15 if Lyg stops being dead.

Dairenji is inferior drills.

Play that backwards and it's her character arc.

I've always meant to rewatch Rental Magical in chronological order one day

Fanman's wizard duel was amazingly hype. It was an actual wizard's duel where it's about wisdom and planning as well as raw power, with layers of tricks and deceptions getting peeled away but always with one more magic trick. Every writer who has magic users fight by shooting energy beams at each other should be ashamed.

Natsumoe was pretty great.

She's always both, that's the beauty of it. 100% tsun AND 100% dere.

>This show had no right to be as good as it was.
It wasn't generic magical fightan school, that's what made it so good, there was enough depth to make you curious about how it all worked, plus they had actual fun situations like the love hotel and MC's tiger jacket hijinks where a standard generic harem would just recycle some jokes and throw out some fanservice.

It could have been a lot better but it was really good for what it was, and Harry Potter is Voldemort was an insane payoff for the end of the second cour.

Best Raven is adult Kon.

>adult Kon (Natsume)

The novels for this are surprisingly well written for a light novel series. It's worth reading if you're bored.


I just want to see more Natsume

Can I please have a 2nd season

It's bad but kon a cute

>Make cliffhanger ending
>Doesn't make 2nd season
Fuck this promotional anime.

Life is pain.

That's why it was fucking terrible

I loved this show.

I'm surprised that not only do people here remember this show, but even like it.
I never watched it myself but I felt like the consensus as it was airing was that it was alright but nothing special and terribly generic.
I think I remember hearing that it had nice animation at the start but kinda shit the bed later on and people were disappointed.

It felt less like a normal YA anime and more like a Western urban fantasy, plus it was actually pretty well-written.