Why does she dress like a white boy from the 90s?
If she knows everything she should also know that she looks like a moron
Why does she dress like a white boy from the 90s?
Export from Western nation to Asian nation has a 10 year lag.
Why do you think K-POP is popular now? We already had ours in the 90s.
Too cool to care
Gaen has amazing style and is hip with all the kids jive
>how do you do fellow kids
It did always piss me off how she dressed down Hanekawa for not knowing everything while she goes on in her failure to be trendy. Maybe she's a joke on that one 50 year old voice actress who always says "I'm 17!"
this character literally made me drop the entire series.
i watched every episode before she was introduced, and zero episodes/movies after she was introduced.
Insecure much?
Shes a terrible character but jeez man you dont have to go that far, you missed some of the best arcs of the series
Gaen is the best character in the series
She looks like she's from the game The World Ends With You or something.
She'd be cute if she took her hat off.
Literally me.
literally everyone who is 16yo
Seems like Nisio ran out of ideas on how to make her as eccentric as the rest of the cast so he just said 'fuck it'
I don't remember dressing this lewd in the 90s
The 90s were 20 years ago you faggot.
Because she look cool
she's a chuuni stuck in the past
>be that powerful that you can wear whatever you want and no one calls you out.
who would win
20 to 30 years ago actually
People born in 2000 can post here now
They should raise the minimum age to post to at least 25.
>a moron
uh no, she's a cute. CUTE
A rapper chunni?
All rappers are chunni.